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Everything posted by FollowMeChaps

  1. Being a geo' person I'm one of those that love using Google Earth, indeed for fun I sometimes try and find caches using GE and no GPS. I also have a keen interest in astronomy so I was quick to download the new 4.2 version which seems really great - though I've yet to find any caches on the planets or elsewhere in the universe! However, since downloading this brilliant version of GE my geocaching overlay, which shows the location of all caches worldwide, now only shows those pesky yellow push pins rather than the geocaching cache type identifiers. Can one of my fellow tecci cachers point me in the right direction to correct this please?
  2. Voulez-vous cacher or cahee avec moi, ce soir?
  3. Use Firefox as your browsing software and download the great Greasemonkey scripts that LordElph and Edgemaster create - see here You'll never go back to Microsoft!
  4. You jest, but the current option may be to use the building materials transport from Clogwyn to the summit so Paradiddle may have to start pumping iron to get boogie fit!
  5. It transpires that the railway is only operating up to Clogwyn Station (2,556 ft - 799 mts) this year due to renovation work at the summit station. That's half a mile from and 1,000 feet below the summit. Rather than just give up I'm trying some military options but it's looking like Mrs FMC may well have to miss out. If all fails I'll consider the Event idea, maybe for next year. Many thanks for the emails sent in support, I'm humbled - the geocaching community’s really great!
  6. .....or better still put out bigger boxes!
  7. A bit of a cheek I know, but if you don’t ask……. This September marks my 25th wedding anniversary. When we married all that time ago Mrs FMC & I went to Snowdonia for our honeymoon and walked the Snowdon Horseshoe as the main event - well geocahing hadn't been invented then . I'd very much like to surprise her for this anniversary with perhaps champagne and strawberries on the summit. However, she now suffers from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and consequently is confined to an electric wheelchair. I can get her up Snowdon using the Snowdon Mountain Railway who I have contacted. However, the final few feet from the station to the summit platform are not accessible (see picture). I am therefore looking to see if I can interest a 'team' of fit folk to help carry her, and ideally her rather heavy chair, the last 20 to 30 feet. I have consequently contacted the Aberglaslyn Mountain Rescue Team to see if they know of any 'group' who may be able to assist or indeed can do so themselves. Cachers There are several caches on Snowdon (I plan for us to do a couple whilst we are up there link link – wouldn’t it be great to get them marked as wheelchair accessible?) so I thought that I would ask whether any local or holidaying cachers in the area would be willing to help make up the manpower? This would need to take place between say 8 to 12 September, I need to be flexible a few days either way should that prove necessary to accommodate any assisting group. If you are likely to be there in this period and would be willing to take part please contact me through my profile. If all goes ahead I am proposing to issue a press release and maybe get sponsorship to raise publicity/awareness for the assisting group, the mountain railway and possibly geocaching. PS: Obviously, I am trying to keep this from my wife at the moment so can any local cachers please keep Mum?
  8. but Confusius say "Every 3 meters has it's boundary where one 3 meters meets the next". Now if he was walking along the edge of this boundary.........
  9. Who are you calling perpendicular?!!!
  10. Wot, no Bath or Stonehenge? You're missing the jewel in the crown - the South West! Must do Abbey Road when you're in London.
  11. Spot on jaxstraww - there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, or being 3rd, 4th .....230th, etc. Isn't Geocaching great?!!!!
  12. I share your frustration, Westie Walker, though we have to accept that everyone's free to play the game their own way even if it's against our own wishes. I remember the fun in doing my first few FTFs and know from logs and conversations that others do, especially those newer to the game. I personally find it a shame that some very experienced cachers make it their mission to grab as many FTFs as they can thus lessening the chances for newer cachers. After all here is no skill in being first, it's only having the opportunity. Like you I have in the past tried to employ publication tricks to level the playing field like asking for caches to be published on Friday evenings. After all, It's not about the numbers! All that said I fully support peoples right to play this game as they see fit.
  13. Crop circle training area
  14. Well done Edgee. You de man when it come to the tecci side, now you de man for caching! Many thanks for your wonderful scripts but its great to see that it doesn't come at the cost of the real thing.
  15. Boy, The Forester's caches must be hard to find and require specialist equipment!
  16. It happens! Whilst I can understand your frustration, maybe even anger for a brief moment whilst on site, I'm surprised it hadn't subsided by the time you got back to you pc. A similar thing happened to me last w/e when I went out caching using my pda with a GSAK download. It turned out that the cache I couldn't find had been pulled in April! Whilst there I was a little annoyed at not finding it especially as the location was litter riddled - the dog even cut his foot on broken glass. On the walk back to the car however I realised that it had got me out hunting on a peasant day (exactly what caching's about for me) so all was well with the world really. It's only a game and sometimes we loose!
  17. Google Earth is pretty much spot on and can be used for many caches. I discovered this when my GPS went in for repair and have found it fun since seeing how many I can find on GE - I take along the GPS as backup. Mind you, don't use the geocache icon which is deliberately offset, rather cut and paste the coordinates into the GE search box, it's remarkably accurate. I've also used GE to check my own readings when cache setting. Again seems pretty accurate most times.
  18. Taken to it's logical conclusion don't you approve of couple or family caching teams? Must they all find and log the cache independantly? It's only a game, enjoy the fun! Is someone volunteering - I'd be happy to get duplicates of my stamp made. And there was me thinking it's not about the numbers!
  19. I agree with Trucker Lee, works for me but I don't need the Alka-Seltzer's at my age! I've often found a perculiar look will put Muggles off asking questions - it's great to see how fast they can run
  20. I'm sitting here eating a plateful of humble pie. I dived for years in and around the Salcombe estuary and all points around there and never knew a surfing area was so near. It looks great. As I've now hung up my filppers I must take the kids there to boogie board. Thanks for putting me right.
  21. Link 1 and Link 2 to said pictures for those interested
  22. At the risk of being very contentious doesn't this bring us back to the argument for making paid membership not an option? (Is that a double negative? )
  23. You need to change your signature to "I used to be indecisive but now I'm not too sure!". Sorry The Morgan Mob that I've ignored your request to stay on topic, I just couldn't resist it. I'll expect a good smacking at the event.
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