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Posts posted by FollowMeChaps

  1. ...Ironically my cache will use the same name!!

    Find your own cache name! :mad:


    If there are any potential dangers I would suggest making it a Premium Members Only cache - let me explain. As geocachers we are used to finding our caches from the GC website in the usual way. Don't forget however that web searches can easily turn them up when non-cachers are doing other totally unrelated searches. They could be found this way by young children under the age of consent who then see them as fun and have a go. If they get into difficulties then, IMHO, you could end up being liable. By making it a Premium cache, only paid up geocachers can read the listing.


    Just an opinion.

  2. I did find that for driving they're too cluttered, and as they route down footpaths/bridleways I ended up removing them as I sometimes use the GPS navigation to get me to the start in the car.

    Marty, you don't need to remove them as you can have different maps on different profiles so all you need to do is switch profiles and use one for one set of maps for car navigation and the other for walking where it can be useful that they route down footpaths. This is a trick I only recently learned from Martin.


    .......However, this means that I will ONLY offer the OS 1:50K Look and Feel mapset as an NON-routable option.

    That's a shame as for those of us who love this new map for all the extra info' they give we won't be able to navigate between caches.


    I also plan to adjust the size of the POI icons in the OS 1:50K Look and Feel mapset to make them smaller and to try and reduce the apparent clutter.

    Would it be possible to make the clutter (bus stops, barriers, etc) dissappear as one zooms out? If not are they all that much of a pain? How often does one need to zoom right out when caching?


    If anyone wants to test out a British-Isles mapset compiled with the latest splitter/compiler that uses the improved routing features, then please let me know. This will be a mapset using the standard OSM look and feel (with contours).

    Happy to test it for you Martin as well.


    Have a great trip.

  4. Martin - this is a massive improvement on what was a great product already. I've not had a chance to try it in the field yet but an 'at home tour' of places I know and have mapped show great improvements that will assist those of us who use these maps for off-road geocaching/walking.


    I can now see:

    • barriers (stiles, gates, etc.),
    • cliffs,
    • identify public footpaths/bridleways -v- non designated paths,
    • hedge boundaries (though sadly not fences),
    • forest -v- woodland,
    • better representation of different areas (parks, cemetaries, residential, etc.),
    • upland fell,
    • much clearer buildings,
    • etc.

    Whilst I often upload the OS 1:25K maps for an area I am visiting using Mobile Atlas Creator I rarely have these turned on as I find these maps too cluttered on a GPS screen (I use an Oregon). I tend to rely on your OSM downloads. These new ones are so much better that I'll probably not bother downloading the OS maps in future unless the area I'm visiting has not been locally OSMd.


    To others who have not tried these maps I can only suggest that you have a go, after all they are free - though I would personally encourage a small PayPal gift to TalkyToaster to thank & encourage him for all his hard work.


    Great work Martin - please keep it up!



  5. TIMJRAEL makes a good point about a donation. When I last read through Martin's page he only mentioned a 'charge' if one ordered a disk from him; no request for 'donations'. That said his maps are just the ticket for me so I think it's a good suggestion to make a gift. If all of us who use his maps bunged him just a few quid each year I'm sure that would be a more tangible token of thanks.


    Now where's my PayPal account?........ :blink:

  6. Just upgraded to a Montana, so am selling my Oregon 550 if anyone wants one, before I bung it on an auction site (PM me for details)?


    I can recommend both the Oregon and the Montana, excellent bits of kit, as long as you treat Garmins firmware upgrades with caution.



    Probably not the right place to ask but as an Oregon 550 owner (I think it's really great) I'd love to know what else the Montana does?

  7. I fully agree - I 100% endorse TalkyToaster's maps and you can also have some fun on the side updating the OSM yourself (the base map he uses) and seeing your updates appear on his maps.


    I also use Mobile Atlas Creator (also free) where I need local 25K OS maps on my Oregon - these can be used side by side with TalkyToaster's.


    By the way TalkyToaster - hint, hint, it's been over 3 weeks now since an update; are you slacking or something?!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

  8. Personally I found that I didn't need to tweak anything from the default settings to geocache. You'll have plenty of fun tweakng once you get used to what it can do.


    Have you discovered the Oregon Wiki, plenty of info here, also the dedicated forum?




    PS: I'd also thoroughly recommend TalkyToasters great maps, they are free, plus the free OS maps via Mobile Atlas Creator (use the Multimap UK OS Map as your map source).

  9. Good to see some positive posts at last rather than the usual 'why change anything' culprits. I too am prepared to give it a chance.


    One point I don't think that has been made is that, in my view, the old glory days of having a goody box with trades have gone - like it or not. There used to be a point in having a container with goodies as it made it fun getting the occasional swap and it kept cacher's kids happy. Now with the increased popularity it's impossible to find trades of any worth, they are all taken with either no trade left or just a pebble or used bus ticket left in exchange. The log book has probably also had its day as its often wet, full or falling to pieces. I personally put hardly anything there and rely on the cache page log.


    A good challenge is just as likely to get me out as a good cache - it's a quality trip out I'm after not a box or a number count.

  10. Can anyone explain if there really is a valid reason for turning them off for take-off, or is this just another airline myth - on a par with the no mobile phones in hospitals one. I've had them on for full flights in the past before they all got so jittery - they are just receivers, not transmitters, after all.


    If you do turn them on then don't forget to download your tracks to Google Earth afterwards and see the tracks in 3D - use GPS Visualiser to convert and don't forget to change the 'clamped to ground' option.


    Edited to add: Found this example -

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