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The Flying Ks

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Everything posted by The Flying Ks

  1. 2nd try: (this is the truth - and it's lameness is that it's mushy). My friend introduced me to geocaching a month or so ago. She has been geocaching since 2007, and doesn't own ONE trackable. I bought one of these coins for myself, but would LOVE to win this one to give to her to thank her for introducing me to geocaching. See? Mushy!
  2. aaaaand after midnight counting as "next day" - don't want to forget!!! A. 1) Monarch Butterfly 2) Coho Salmon 3) Gray Whale 4) Canada Goose 5) Green sea turtle 6) Arctic Tern 7) North American Caribou B. Manatee (like the Silly Song - google it hehe)... Saw one of these in Florida... it was a life moment. Also, one at the Wild Animal Park in the Bay Area was obsessed with this toddler - it was weird. Manatees need warm water to survive. In spite of their size, they have relatively little body fat, and their metabolic rate is low compared to other marine mammals. Manatees cannot tolerate temperatures below 20 ° C (68 ° F) for long periods of time. Researchers believe that individuals affected by the cold cannot produce enough metabolic heat to make up for heat loss in the environment. During winters in Florida that have been unusually cold, an increase in manatee mortality has been documented. Seasonal Change Because of their susceptibility to the cold, the space or range that manatees require is influenced by seasonal change. Florida manatees are considered to be somewhat migratory animals. Generally speaking, they are found in shallow, slow-moving rivers, bays, estuaries and coastal water ecosystems of the southeastern United States. They can live in fresh, brackish or salt water. In the summer months, manatees travel freely around Florida’s rivers and coastal waters. A few manatees may range as far west as Texas and as far north as Virginia (one manatee was even documented in Cape Cod, Massachusetts!), but these sightings are rare. Sporadic summer sightings in Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina are relatively common.
  3. A. 1) Monarch Butterfly 2) Coho Salmon 3) Gray Whale 4) Canada Goose 5) Green sea turtle 6) Arctic Tern 7) North American Caribou B. The basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) is the second largest living fish, after the whale shark. It is a cosmopolitan migratory species, found in all the world's temperate oceans. It is a slow moving and generally harmless filter feeder and has anatomical adaptations to filter feeding, such as a greatly enlarged mouth and highly developed gill rakers. The shape of its snout is conical and the gill slits extend around the top and bottom of its head. The gill rakers are dark and bristle-like and are used to catch plankton as water filters through the mouth and over the gills. The basking shark is usually grayish-brown in colour and often seems to have a mottled appearance. The caudal (tail) fin has a strong lateral keel and a crescent shape. The teeth in the basking shark are very small and numerous and often number one hundred per row. The teeth themselves have a single conical cusp, are curved backwards and are the same on both the upper and lower jaws. Basking sharks are a migrating species and are believed to overwinter in deep waters. They may occur in either small schools or alone. Small schools in the Bay of Fundy have been seen swimming nose to tail in circles in what may be a form of mating behavior. Basking sharks are not aggressive and generally harmless to people. It has long been a commercially important fish, as a source of food, shark fin, animal feed, and shark liver oil. Over-exploitation has reduced its populations to the point that some have apparently disappeared and others need protection. This is a file from the Wikimedia Commons. Information from its description page there is shown below. Commons is a freely licensed media file repository.
  4. I would like #20, please
  5. A. 1) Monarch Butterfly 2) Coho Salmon 3) Gray Whale 4) Canada Goose 5) Green sea turtle 6) Arctic Tern 7) North American Caribou B. Nightingale - the famous nightime warbler... "It has long been known that British Nightingales spend the winter in Africa, but what hasn't been known until now is where exactly in Africa this is. The British Nightingale breeding population has undergone a dramatic decline, so it is vital to look at the pressures these birds face on migration and during the winter months. For the first time, a Nightingale has been tracked by BTO scientists on migration from its breeding site near Methwold Hythe, Norfolk, to its wintering area. The bird, caught in April 2009, was fitted with a geolocator — that records the times of sunrise and sunset — that it would carry down to Africa and back to Britain again in the spring. Analysis of these daylight times allows scientists to calculate both latitude (from day length) and longitude (from local time of sunrise and sunset)." ~http://www.birdguides.com/webzine/article.asp?a=2198
  6. I have a way of removing ticks that is quick and painless - no tools required. You put slight pressure on the tick and rub in a circular motion for about a minute. The tick will back out completely and then you can dispose of it. You're welcome (yes it does work on any person or animal).
  7. Hilltop Homeschooler Guess 2: 65 1.5 Hilltop Homeschooler Guess 3: 71 1.5 Hilltop Homeschooler Guess 4: 38 1.5 Hilltop Homeschooler Guess 5: 92 1.5 Hilltop Homeschooler Guess 6: 42 1.5 Hilltop Homeschooler Guess 7: 84 1.5 Hilltop Homeschooler Guess 8: 55 1.5
  8. A. 1) Monarch Butterfly 2) Coho Salmon 3) Gray Whale (it is actually spelled with an 'a') 4) Canada Goose 5) Green sea turtle 6) Arctic Tern 7) North American Caribou Part B... EARTHWORMS. Yes... earthworms migrate. The migration is vertical! 'In his book North With the Spring, naturalist Edwin Way Teale describes the "vertical migration" earthworms undergo each fall and spring.' "Earthworms, in the fall, migrate deeper into the earth, below the frostline. Sometimes they ball up to reduce moisture loss—as many as a hundred worms being bunched together—and thus spend the winter in inactivity. "When spring comes and frost leaves the soil, the earthworms become migrants again, tunneling upward. They appear at the surface, leaving the first castings of the new seasons, as soon as the average temperatures of the ground reaches about 36 degrees. "At the same time, the robins return from the South. This is part of the endlessly meshing gears of nature's machine—the appearance of both earthworm and robins when the thermometer rises to a given point. All over the North, the return of the humble earthworm, the completion of its vertical migration, is a symbol of the arriving spring."
  9. Luke ftw... I love watching the movies in a row!
  10. There are some TALENTED people here... WOW!
  11. Hi - here is my entry: http://coord.info/GC1YAEN Called "Thanks for Aspen" Took us an hour and we almost gave up! HH
  12. Hi! My guess is 25 caches, level 3 Thanks!
  13. Attempt 3... 1)Gray Whale (Was going to guess Humpback, but the Gray is the longest migrating whale) 2)Green Sea Turtle (but the leatherback migrates the farthest) 3)Coho Salmon (Sockeye Travels the furthest) 4)Canadian (Honker - that's what we call them) Goose 5)Caribou/Reindeer (Caribou migrates the farthest of all deer/elk types) 6)Monarch Butterfly (though the Painted Lady also migrates, it is the Monarch that migrates farthest) 7)Arctic Tern (the farthest traveling vertabrate!) and... Christmas Island Red Crabs... This is really a strange migration. "Christmas Island is a small Australian-owned territory located in the Indian Ocean, approximately 300 miles south of Jakarta, Indonesia. A small population of 1600 residents live on the area of 50 square miles, along with 150 million Red Crabs! Every year one of the most spectacular migrations in nature occurs on Christmas Island, when over 150 million red crabs move from inland shelters to the shore for their annual breeding season. The main migration commences on the plateau and can last up to 18 days. Masses of crabs gather into broad columns as they move toward the coast, climbing down high inland cliff faces, and over or around all obstacles in their way, following routes used year after year for both downward and return migrations. Once at the coast males retreat to the lower terraces and dig burrows. The females then also move to the terraces and mating occurs. The females produce eggs within 3 days of mating and remain in the moist burrows on the terraces for 12-13 days while they develop. The eggs are held in a brood pouch between their extended abdomen and thorax. A single female can brood up to 100,000 eggs!After about a month in the ocean, and after growing through several larval stages, the surviving larvae have developed into prawn-like animals called megalopae. The megalopae gather in pools close to the shore for 1-2 days before changing into young crabs and leaving the water. Although only 5mm across, the baby crabs begin their march inland, taking about 9 days to reach the plateau. Here they seem to disappear and are rarely seen, living in rocky outcrops and under fallen tree branches and debris on the forest floor for the first three years of their life." The pictures of this are amazing... you should google it! They close down roads and are on a MISSION!
  14. I just realized someone posted their B. as a green sea turtle. Sigh. Fail. Oh well - got to share some awesome pix with you guys!
  15. Here is my day 2 try - with pictures that are LEGIT haha: 1)Gray Whale (Was going to guess Humpback, but the Gray is the longest migrating whale) 2)Green Sea Turtle (but the leatherback migrates the farthest) 3)Coho Salmon (Sockeye Travels the furthest) 4)Canadian (Honker - that's what we call them) Goose 5)Caribou/Reindeer (Caribou migrates the farthest of all deer/elk types) 6)Monarch Butterfly (though the Painted Lady also migrates, it is the Monarch that migrates farthest) 7)Arctic Tern (the farthest traveling vertabrate!) Green Sea Turtle... Pictures are MINE (permission not given to others - as requested by the hubby - to use them, thanks) and we swam with it in Maui in 2008 for our 10 year anniversary. It was amazing! Sea turtle migrations are incredible - sometimes they travel thousands of miles to feed in cooler waters and warmer ground for nesting. A leatherback turtle was recorded in January 2008 to have travelled the longest known migration of a vertabrate - over 12,000 miles! (this record was beaten by the Arctic tern, who made a record 50,000-mile migration!) The turtle was tracked by satellite for 674 days from its nesting area in Jamursba-Medi beach in Papua, Indonesia to feeding grounds off Oregon. As more and more sea turtles are tagged and tracked by satellite, we learn more about their migrations and how better to protect them. HH
  16. When the CO placed the cache, it probably wasn't a poo infested homeless dump... if you read the logs, people with families came to visit it in the beginning with no complaints. The difficulty level represented accurately the state of the area when first posted I am sure. It degraded considerably (as you can see in the logs). I actually attempted this cache at the beginning of July and tried to contact the CO with my concerns - with no response. I briefly (two weeks later and for 1 day - I'm sure the CO never saw it) put up a "needs archiving" log because of the hazardous state of the zone and because of the lack of response on the CO part. I quickly rethought and came here to find out what was the appropriate thing to do because thus far - this community has appeared kind and helpful, and because I thought it better to seek advice because of the severity of a "needs archiving" log. This was on the same day I came across ANOTHER cache near my hubby's home town where the cache and the bushes where it was hidden was covered in human poo... The owner agreed with me and archived it within hours. Needless to say, even though I received no communication from the CO, I decided to change the log to a DNF immediately. It is duly noted that a "NEEDS ARCHIVING" should not be "abused" and given casually. One person's trash is another's treasure I suppose. In my opinion it is "case closed" and nothing else needs to be said.
  17. So where can we buy this amazing coin? It is beautiful!
  18. COIN: Canadian Geese Butterfly Humpback Whale Sea Turtle Blue Whale Caribou Buck (or it is Reindeer or whitetail - they all migrate... that was a tough one!) salmon And... The African Elephant. What is amazing to me is that they pass down migration paths to their young... how awesome is that?! African elephants migrate by the use of the head female called the matriarch. The matriarch will lead a group of elephants (which are mainly females in a family blood line) by using her memory of routes that will lead herself and the group to food and water during a drought. Here is an image to color for the kids: And here is a nice picture: Your coin is lovely!
  19. Ordered you? You suggested to you. And he didnt accuse you of anything than what you admitted to doing. You felt you were wrong enough to change the log, so I dont see how its rude to suggest you apologize. None of the reasons you just mentioned are cache maintenance issues. Personally I would never look for a cache with a site like that, but thats just me. And I would never post a NA or a NM on a cache that I have never seen. And if I did I would apologize to the CO after I found out when and when not to post a NA or a NM. You are entitled to your opinion... happy caching!
  20. My kiddos love it! Even stuff we don't take, they love checking it out. Not a fan of trash in there (wet bandaids, etc). My girls usually think about the next kids to come along and we "stoke the stash." It is better to give than receive, honestly.
  21. tardyviking might like some help getting going from a local while he decides. Not sure if he has any gear to do so, but seems to have the urge and interest. Duly noted - changed it I was tired haha. That wasn't a complaint actually. The part I've left in here was a suggestion for any locals to act upon if possible. He seems to have family as well. It wasn't directed at anyone in particular down there, it's just what I would do if it was around here. gplamy may have first contact opportunity. They sound like they have a good time as well. Doug 7rxc Haha - I was referring to the fact that I wrote his name as "Tadpole" instead of Tardyviking... I thought you were correcting that Too funny!
  22. Already changed... but your post here was way more rude than my original post to be honest. I won't be apologizing. The CO should be maintaining his cache... and never once represented this cache as being in a gnarly poop coated hallway. The level is a 1.5 and should be higher if it continues on. He was not being rude at all. Pointing when to post a NA is good information for new cachers to learn and he should not be ignored because you didn't like his response. Question, how do you know the CO is not maintaining his cache, when you never had it in your hand to know if it needed maintenance? Because the area has degraded over time since he originally left the cache. There was also a log from before mine that suggested this site needed archiving. If a cache were left in the woods and the logs got progressively worse like, "There seems to be some poison oak near the cache" and "There is a ton of poison oak near the coordinates!" and then to "There is poison oak everywhere, and I just saw a mountain lion and her cubs near where the hint is pointing! Maybe this needs archiving?!" etc... wouldn't you think that perhaps either the CO had not checked on the cache location in a while, the CO knew the cache location would degrade to this and found it funny, or the CO should change difficulty/terrain level to keep the cache. This is logical. And yes, by him ordering me to apologize to the cache owner? That was somewhat rude. I had already changed the log to a DNF instead of NA by the time he posted his accusation - that was somewhat rude. Everyone is different... everyone has an opinion. You may not have found it rude and I did. I'm allowed my opinion. Moving on...
  23. I carry a camera with me. If there are muggles in an area I pull my camera out and take pictures. Then I can look for the cache still HH
  24. There is a cache in our area that is a fake faucet. Part of the cache is somewhat buried (the bottom 1/3 of the pvc)... is that not acceptable, too? HH
  25. I actually walked down the hallway, saw the mattress and trash, saw the walls, saw the graffiti that read, "Poop over there" and bailed. I wrote a message to CO telling them about the cache.
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