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Everything posted by emurock

  1. What I did for a cache is bushwhack 1/2 mile.
  2. The hardest cache I have found is So You Think Your Good 5 star diffictly.
  3. That is a good story and a laugh.
  4. I agree with Munin.
  5. Now THAT was funny!!! Yep agreed that was funny. That is funny!
  6. I agree with gof1 because I am freshman cacher with only 53 found/2 hidden. I found 26 caches before hiding my first cache so I think some experience will help a newbe cacher.
  7. I have gotten a FTF prize yet. Then again I have not gotten a FTF in the first's pace.
  8. Well, man wee is a good source of nitrogen, minerals and water which trees like - innocent they may be - but they are ultimately grateful! That right.
  9. I agree with Criminal.
  10. That is one rockin cache container.
  11. To big for words.
  12. Batteries and some sunglass's.
  13. No pain,No game.
  14. That.is.funny.
  15. That is funny!!!!
  16. That is one big cache. That will be a great find.
  17. That is funny!!!!
  18. no and no.
  19. Cemetery caches rock!!! Thairs a rumer that my house is built on a cemetery.Have not dug up ining bones thoe.
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