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Everything posted by ihmiskoira

  1. The language or nationality is not the main problem here. As Åland is an autonomous region, we can say Country, it has different local laws and regulations than in Finland (!) (or Sweden) for natural reserves, recreation areas, camping, hunting etc. So there is no real question if Åland needs very own reviewer as the reviewers need to understand the issues in legislation, environmental protection and so on. Åland should have own reviewer as the foreign ones just cannot have clear knowledge about the specialities of the Islands. But as we have noticed so many times before the nature preservation is not the first or even second on line in geocaching "community" business.
  2. Voi olla että nollapiste-lista löytyy muualtakin, mutta ainakin täältä. Sattuneesta syystä tuli mokomaa zoomailtua, eli Loviisaan pukkaa uutta nollapurkkia lähiaikoina..
  3. Had that same problem with Firefox and Ubuntu Linux. It was totally weird and took some time to figure out where the actual problem was. Everything's ok now, since disabled *Adblock Plus* -addon, which thought all the pics were marketing, and blocked 'em all, except few small non-animated *.gifs. Could be another blocker, or different addon too, ofcourse.
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