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Posts posted by Prowler53

  1. Prowler07-gold.jpg


    It's been a few months since I did a new coin. I'm having geocoin withdraw symptoms...lol

    I needed a quick fix so I'm presenting my Prowling Panther V2 2007 Geocoin!

    I'm now accepting Pre-Sale orders.

    The coin has Glow in the Dark Features on both sides and is Trackable.


    Silver - $8.50

    Nickel - $8.50

    Bronze - $8.50


    Gold LE - $9.95 (ONLY 75 MINTED)

    Copper XLE - $10.95 (ONLY 25 MINTED and Only available to buyers of a complete set of 5 coins)


    S&H $2.00/ .50 for each additional coin ordered.


    International S&H $6.00 Global Flat Rate.


    For orders send me an E-Mail prowlercoins@comcast.net with the following Info. Invoices will be sent out within 7 days.


    1. Full Name

    2. UserID

    3. E-Mail Address

    4. Paypal Info ( for invoicing)

    5. Requested Metals and Quantity

  2. I was e-mailed by a very nice gentleman by the name of Joe Courneya who was requesting

    info regarding geocoins. He is the 4-H State specialist in North dakota and also the Co-Coordinator for a 200 mile canoe trip that his held every year on Red Lake River in Minnesota.

    This year is the 40th anniversery of the 200 mile canoe trip and he wanted to introduce geocaching

    as part of the canoe trip. The trip will take place from May 28th, 2007 to June 10th, 2007. His plan is to set up geocaches along the route near camping areas. I'm told he will have loaner GPS units for people to use at the event.

    I thought this was a great Idea and told him I would donate a few coins to place in the caches.

    I also told him I would post a message here in the forums to see if anyone else would like to donate any coins. Here is his info:


    Joe Courneya

    4-H State Specialist

    North Dakota State University

    219 FLC PO Box 5016

    Fargo, ND 58105


    E-mail: Jcourney@ndsuext.nodak.edu

  3. After making my comment and looking back at the proposed coin . . . is a tender in the works - either separate or part of the steam engine?


    actually a tender would make sense if it is a larger coin ie 2" as opposed to 1.75"


    I would think a 2" coin for the engine... 1.75" for the passenger car...

    dont know if a tender is something we really need.. but just an opinion

  4. Since there is no National Grand Lodge..

    it becomes difficult to see who you really need permission from..


    I guess it would be the jurisdiction in the state the coin designer resides in


    I know the square & compass used by the Grand Lodge of Pa is copyrighted ..unsure about other juristictions

  5. Given the relative length of a passenger car (or the private car shown) relative to an engine(or an engine tender combo), I might suggest that the engine be a 1.75" coin with the car being a 2" coin.

    I like that idea!


    Thats kind of along the lines of what I was thinking also...

    makes everything to scale

  6. WOW!!!!!!! I got my 2 sets today and they are really really really great!!!!!! Iam not the biggest fan of copper coins,but I love the copper one alot. Great coins!!!! Iam lucky to have them,thanks alot. And yes wy mail is the slowest. Thanks again great coin!!! :unsure:


    Thanks to everyone for the great Complements. A few of these coins have been placed in caches

    and the finders of the coins have been also giving lot's of good complements on the coins.

    2 days left for orders so if you need more coins let me know. Everyone should have been invoiced up to this point.


    Happy Caching!

  7. Thanks for your reservations. I plan on ordering the coins Friday 1/19/07. Invoices will be sent out on Tuesday 1/16/07.

    Please get your reservations in before the 19th. No reservations will be excepted after the order is placed.





    I was wondering what the status is of the set I accidently ordered and paid for last time after you were sold out. It sounds like you didn't have any extras to send me, so will I be refunded, or will you send me one of the sets you are ordering on Friday?





    Jennifer....I sent you a PM.

  8. For those who missed the arrowhead geocoins:

    I would gladly have a second batch ordered if I can get 25 or more sets reserved.

    If you would like to order the arrowhead geocoin set, Please E-Mail me with the Quantity of

    coin sets you would like, along with the metal desired. Copper, Black Nickel, Silver, Nickel are available.

    No engravings are available for these metals, However the coins will have a blank etching area on the coins to have them engraved yourself.

    E-mail me at: Prowler53@comcast.net with your reservation request and

    Please include your Paypal E-mail address to make invoicing quick and easy :)


    I'm getting alot of great feedback from those who received the coins.....Thanks to everyone!

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