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Everything posted by enjoys

  1. Holy banana! Are you serious? hbrx. I like bananas! Its a good meal in between searching for geocaches. What hbrx wrote earlier about splitting up the forum seems to be the right thing to do. Like now, i suppose it would be to the benefit for the Finns and the others to make a separate space for them. But does anyone in Groundspeak.com read this tread?
  2. There used to be 5 eartcaches in Norway, until geoware archived 3 of them. Its rather sad, since they had some really good features to show visitors. I'm absolutely sure about that other EC's that are remarkable also are archived. It seems like it is the rules and guidelines that are overwhelming to go trough. Could it be an idea to send the owners of EC's that are archived a note about what is missing for meeting the new standards? I think that sort of effort would make it possible to get most of the archived EC's back in business...
  3. I am living in Norway, Europe, and this is something we in Europe are familiar with. Many languages are spoken here. One of my TB's are in Germany, but most of the logs are done in English. For me German isn't a big problem, but it is certainly several languages i dont understand much of. It seems that most TB's will be logged in English by those who feel they can enough English to do so, at least when they understands it is a TB form another country. Many good suggestions for understanding foreign logs are made, but another suggestion is to find a discussion forum for the country with the language you would have some help to understand. Most geocachers will be more then willing to help you out with a translation. Enjoy your TB's vacation in Europe
  4. I recieved some info from the GSA today. During the next moth will all EarthCaches that meet the guidlines for an EartCache in GC.com be transferred from WM.com to GC.com.
  5. Yes. For EarthCaches all over the world. As i recall, the leader for the approving commity is living in Australia, and members of the commity lives in Europe and the USA. I Do also have some ideas i actually are working on, for EarthCaches in Norway. But i dont want them to be waymarks. My question is: When is it open for sending in EarthCaches for approving under GC.com?
  6. As long as it ids a guideline is it ok with me. If you have a good reason for a cache, you will probably be allowed to post it. It went fine for me when i did that.
  7. I visited a cache where it was supposed to be a TB. Since i had checked it out before i went for the cache, i also knew how the TB looked like. The TB where in the cache, but without its TB-tag. I have posted a note on the TB's details page, and posted an email to the owner without getting any results. I retrieved the TB, but don't know what to do about this. Can anyone help me out here? This is the TB's details page: http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.as...1c-59aab1665b4a
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