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Everything posted by Firefly03

  1. DarrylW4 and I are known to leave unactivated coins in caches. I think all in all we have left behind over 100 coins. I think it is a wonderful idea and a nice surprise for the next cacher. We are planning on individually wrapping some coins and dropping them into caches for the holidays. Look for them soon!
  2. I have: Coin: Geo Leprechaun's Mystery Obtained: Found at Coinfest 2008 in Pitt. Coin: Geocaching Jedi Obtained: Mail Coin: The Coin dropping Fairy Obtained: That auction site
  3. That is what I was looking for! Thanks a bunch!!
  4. Ok - I know there must be a place where you can find the icons to all the coins, but I cann't seem to find it. Anyone know? Does it exist, or did I hear wrong?
  5. DarrylW4 and I will be there and we are bringing our coins to be trading. I know TeamLegend4 is also coming and bringing their new coins to trade too.
  6. LOVE the google eyes. I too would be interested in a trade.
  7. Hmm. I would like to take a look at the coins, but the link you have on the original post is not working. Does anyone have a picture?
  8. Lovely coin! Up for a trade or two? Let me know what tickles your fancy.
  9. Email sent.
  10. Oops! -Fluttershy, you can disregard my email I just sent. I din't read far enough to see that you are done with trades. (I know how hard it can be to turn down someone for a trade, so I will do it for you ) Congrats to all the winners of this wonderfully cute coin!! Edit: Spelling
  11. It seems that Santa has skipped over Michigan this year... either that or I have been a VERY BAD girl. Oh well.... off to hunt that beautiful coin!
  12. Whee!! Santa stopped by while I was out of the state for a bit. Came home to find two presents wrapped up so nice. (Wish I would have thought of that. ) Opened the smaller one first to find a neat little lock and lock filled with COINS!!! (Black Nickel Congrats FTF coin, Camo Not another Micro, and my fave; Black nickel Night Cahcer coin.) The second gift was to my surprise, two coins and two TB to be moved on. COOL!! I love moving trackables. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU RALLYWRXWAGON!!! And of course, THANK YOU to Fluttershy for putting this all together. I'd be willing to join in the next one, no matter what the season. I love reading all the post of what people are getting. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all!
  13. Sent out my coins today!
  14. Just added my order... I hope I am in time. java script:emoticon('', 'smid_20')
  15. I hope it's not too late to sign up... email sent!java script:emoticon('', 'smid_8')
  16. This is a very nice looking coin. I'd might be willing to purchase (depending on price), and would definitely be up for a trade.java script:emoticon('', 'smid_4')
  17. I'm looking for the Wildlife Mugglers (except Finder Fox) and The Breath Mint Tin (Hides and finds #1) Email me though my profile if you would like to part with one. my seeking list
  18. I'd be up for a trade, when the time comes. Cute coin!
  19. Know where I could get one of these? I have the Red LizardToad, and the Blue Toad version available for trade. My trader list
  20. Don't forget the LizardToad set. They have a spinning wheel in the middle.
  21. I would be willing to trade if you still have some left. I would prefer the poished gold, but they all are beautiful. Take a look at my trading list and let me know if there is(are) something you would like to trade for. http://www.geocoincollection.com/cointrade...2&owner=229
  22. Fabulous design!! I'd love to get my hands a one (or more) of them too.
  23. I just wanted to bring to your attention that sometimes if you type in the wrong tracking number it will come up saying that the traveler is not activated. Some of those Signal coins are difficult to read the numbers too. I would suggest also double checking that you got the numbers right.
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