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Posts posted by Firefly03

  1. DarrylW4 & I have releases over 400 activated coins. It's hard to keep up with all the logs, so we began to drop unactivated coins for others to take. We mostly drop our personal coins, but I have released some of the cheaper commercial coins. I always get a kick out of seeing a coin in a cache, so I like to put as many as I can to help populate the area.

  2. I personally don't activate my collection. I have a database that I keep updated with my coins, as well as use one of the websites that will keep track of them. (Not sure if I can say specifically who)


    As far as I know once they are activated there is no way to not have then in your inventory unless you use a different account.

  3. Thankyou FireFly for the supprise adpption, i was happy to receiev one but thought you were ging to offer it to someone else!!


    adoption has been accepted and coin page has been changed into my own format (same for all my coins) but have left all the important information about the coins origin.


    I have changed the mission to come to me so i can see it, hold it and make a replica for my collection before re-releasing it maybe to venture back to you, so you can see and hold your coin again.


    thankyou to all have kept this thread alive and my request is that it be pinned and has a permanant location at the top of the coin section so we can continue into the future and keep the spirit of giving and sharing alive.


    No problem. The first five did go out to others, so I looked again and found another coin for you. :)

  4. During xmas I've to work with my balloons in a restaurant.

    Today I prepared a xmas sledge with Rudolph.

    Tonight I finished it of with the reins and gave Rudloph a bell ( a received from Uktim in this mission) But the picture was taken this afternoon.


    So I'm wishing all forum visitors a happy xmas!




    This is awesome!! :rolleyes:

  5. I forgot to tell you a story.

    At november 22th a mysterious voice in my head told me to turn on the computer, so i turned it on.


    I visited some websites, but after 10 minutes the voice inside my head told me to check my mails.....and what did i find?

    A message, that The Cache Reaper has visited a cache just 14 km from my homecoords.

    I was shocked,,,,what if the coin isn't there anymore? What if another cacher was faster than me?


    But the mysterious voice told me to calm down and go to the cache.




    As i arrived in the little, dark forest, where the cache was, a stormy wind started to blow.

    I was a little bit frightend, but the voice in my head told me again to walk to the cache, so i did.


    I opened the little cache container and looked at the logbook....and he was really there....The Cache Reaper.


    But....huh....where is the coin? :rolleyes:


    And the last time this day the voice in my head told me to kneel down and look under the construction, which holds the container.

    And now guess, what i found there....A Cache Reaper Coin.


    The voice in my head whispered "congratulation", the wind did a heavy blow and then calmed down.


    I never heared the voice before this day and i think i will never hear it again.


    And all this happened atGC1ZTPW


    Thank you Cache Reaper :ph34r:



    And congrats Bell Witch on your own coin...it's beautiful :o

    I hope you two and of course every other cacher on the world has a great christmas


    Congrats! That's a great story with a very happy ending.

  6. I never adopted anything but my dog :D


    I can adopt a TB/GC for Christmas :mad:


    Adoption request sent.


    Still got:


    1) TBW46R Launched: Mt. Dodgemore (GCHBGY)

    2) TBVVN4 Relatively Seeking:Michigan

    3) TB13R5H Europe Explorer

    4) TB1E53K Launched Photo 1: Crossroads Travel Bug Hotel (GCJV21)

    5) TB13N6Z Mini - Launched: 40's Something *GCY5P4*


    Does this mean there is one for mee too?

    If there is and i can choose i like nr 3.....


    merry chritmas to all



  7. I've got plenty out there. I'll find some to adopt out.


    1) TBW46R Launched: Mt. Dodgemore (GCHBGY)

    2) TBVVN4 Relatively Seeking:Michigan

    3) TB13R5H Europe Explorer

    4) TB1E53K Launched Photo 1: Crossroads Travel Bug Hotel (GCJV21)

    5) TB13N6Z Mini - Launched: 40's Something *GCY5P4*


    If your willing can i have one from you?? i like to see the history of a well travelled coin, and often look thru all the caches TB/coin history to see the coins and pages that come with them.


    please offer it to others first as i have had 3 coins from P.I.F


    Sure... we'll give it some time then I will send you the adoption.

  8. I never adopted anything but my dog :D


    I can adopt a TB/GC for Christmas :mad:


    Adoption request sent.


    Still got:


    1) TBW46R Launched: Mt. Dodgemore (GCHBGY)

    2) TBVVN4 Relatively Seeking:Michigan

    3) TB13R5H Europe Explorer

    4) TB1E53K Launched Photo 1: Crossroads Travel Bug Hotel (GCJV21)

    5) TB13N6Z Mini - Launched: 40's Something *GCY5P4*

  9. I still have my Pepper Memorial coin ready to go. TB1E5PR Who wants it?


    If I am not mistaken, Your adoption for the Pepper Memorial should should be going to murphyrulez, as they posted after your intial post #71, in which you were going to accept cainrcc.


    You are correct... adoption request sent.

  10. I've got plenty out there. I'll find some to adopt out.


    1) TBW46R Launched: Mt. Dodgemore (GCHBGY)

    2) TBVVN4 Relatively Seeking:Michigan

    3) TB13R5H Europe Explorer

    4) TB1E53K Launched Photo 1: Crossroads Travel Bug Hotel (GCJV21)

    5) TB13N6Z Mini - Launched: 40's Something *GCY5P4*


    I think I am doing this wrong. All my travelers have been out for a while. I am still willing to adopt them out to people who want them. If you want a "fresh" TB I think I can find 'em.


    hiya there firefly, no you are not doing it all wrong, it doesnt have to be a brand spanking new tb to adopt out, it can be a new traveller or an already established tb, just as long as it is active and not missing in action.


    can i adopt one of the tbs you are offering out please? thankyou :mad:

    Cool. Yes you can, do you have a specific one in mind?


    hiya, i cant decide so surprise me hehe thanks

    Adoption sent. :D

  11. I've got plenty out there. I'll find some to adopt out.


    1) TBW46R Launched: Mt. Dodgemore (GCHBGY)

    2) TBVVN4 Relatively Seeking:Michigan

    3) TB13R5H Europe Explorer

    4) TB1E53K Launched Photo 1: Crossroads Travel Bug Hotel (GCJV21)

    5) TB13N6Z Mini - Launched: 40's Something *GCY5P4*


    I think I am doing this wrong. All my travelers have been out for a while. I am still willing to adopt them out to people who want them. If you want a "fresh" TB I think I can find 'em.


    hiya there firefly, no you are not doing it all wrong, it doesnt have to be a brand spanking new tb to adopt out, it can be a new traveller or an already established tb, just as long as it is active and not missing in action.


    can i adopt one of the tbs you are offering out please? thankyou :D

    Cool. Yes you can, do you have a specific one in mind?

  12. I've got plenty out there. I'll find some to adopt out.


    1) TBW46R Launched: Mt. Dodgemore (GCHBGY)

    2) TBVVN4 Relatively Seeking:Michigan

    3) TB13R5H Europe Explorer

    4) TB1E53K Launched Photo 1: Crossroads Travel Bug Hotel (GCJV21)

    5) TB13N6Z Mini - Launched: 40's Something *GCY5P4*


    I think I am doing this wrong. All my travelers have been out for a while. I am still willing to adopt them out to people who want them. If you want a "fresh" TB I think I can find 'em.

  13. Oh my God!!!! One of the coins you posted firefly, is pepper!!!! This is one of pretiest coins I have seen in a cache! I actually saw one recently!!! What a lovely cat! It is a memorial coin!


    WOW The series was 4 coins!


    I also saw... did you make the coin???? Pepper was your cat?? WOW! Pepper was lucky and found love and caring in his life, and 2 great parents! :D

    He will not be forgotten and the proof is these coins that were made to honor him and to tell him once again that you love him and you will never forget him! Amazing!!!! If by any chance this is a coin for adoption.... and since me and my girlfriend love all animals but mostly cats... I would be honered by adopting it!!! Who knows... maybe pepper someday will meet me (GATOULIS), which actually means.... male kitten! :mad: I do not have cats now, but I had for many years!!! Lovely and independent animals!!! :mad:


    Thank you. Yes, Pepper was a very special boy and we only had him 7 years (he was 13 when we had to put him down). I am glad you like the coin... I'll send you the adoption.

  14. I've got plenty out there. I'll find some to adopt out.


    1) TBW46R Launched: Mt. Dodgemore (GCHBGY)

    2) TBVVN4 Relatively Seeking:Michigan

    3) TB13R5H Europe Explorer

    4) TB1E53K Launched Photo 1: Crossroads Travel Bug Hotel (GCJV21)

    5) TB13N6Z Mini - Launched: 40's Something *GCY5P4*


    :mad: That's great my friend! :D


    I like your name... fire fly! :mad: In greece their name is "pigolambida" (light source!), but it is also known in some places... as "kolofotia" .... I do not know if I can translate this here... the "fotia" is fire.... the other...is.... well... see from where the light comes out in the bug! :D:mad:


    Is your avantar a coin? :)


    Yes, that is my Mini Firefly. His back end glows. :D

  15. I have another one up for addoption a Dude, Donde Esta Mi Chevy? Geocoin TB1RV1D from a very fun event that I attened.

    Merry Christmas everyone :( Hope everyone has a great holliday ! !


    I'll adopt it. The I will activate one of my Pepper Memorial coins. Hehe, this is fun! :D

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