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Everything posted by BOBINES84

  1. Gracias geocachers portugués, la idea es clasificado : veintiséis
  2. Todavía se puede votar para que esta información se encuentra en la primera página de las ideas que ofrecer. Gracias a todos
  3. KingFisherTeam, thanks for your informations. It's about the same in the most part of France. Only the southern part is concerned by these régulations : Provence & Côte d'Azur (One of the most touristic part of our country). From middle of june on to september 15th, ZONE ROUGE (Fire risk area) are upon local regulations and you are or not able to trek in it. After some times on the feedback Forum, it' s became interesting to have an Attribute, not so specific, but useful for the community - so indicating (like the winter one) that others seasonals periods could be under limitations. Grazie molte
  4. A crossed "Gun" Attribute ! Merci for your votes - Still in 26 th place
  5. C'est toujours d'actualité ... On peut voter ! Merci
  6. Thanks for your feedback about Greece restrictions, and caches informations. Thanks for your votes. Hoping that a new kind of attribute will help us for visitors informations.
  7. Merci à ceux qui nous ont aidé par leur vote - Vous pouvez encore le faire (voir lien ci-dessus).
  8. Gracias por sus votos - se puede seguir apoyando esta idea (ver link arriba). Seping: ! Buena suerte este fin de semana !
  9. Are there some restrictions or régulations for forests access in Greece ?
  10. It 's still possible to vote, and helping us in Provence and others parts of southern Europe ... See link above ...
  11. È inutile aree ristrette foreste in Italia?
  12. Does anybody know where there are Forests or Parks access restrictions in UK and where it could be find the picture of the sign of it ? And if you are visiting or like southern europe, you can help us by voting. see link above; Thanks for your help.
  13. PPCAMPILLO No creo que se puede votar diez veces por el mismo tema. (Tres veces parece como máximo). Creo que es para limitar los sujetos. Descubro, al implementar este nuevo lugar! De todos modos gracias geocachers españoles que se han presentado.
  14. I ' ve seen somewhere that there are forests restrictions in UK and that there is a special sign for it. Have you any informations about it ? Thanks for that
  15. Dans le sud de la France, en été, l'accès aux zones forestières peut être interdite ou restreinte. C' est également le cas, je pense, pour l'Italie, la Grèce, l'Espagne, le Portugal et certains endroits au Royaume-Uni - ailleurs, je ne sais pas. J'ai proposé à Groundspeak, pour informer les géocacheurs peu familiers avec ces restrictions de la création d'un nouvel «attribut» «Year» ou «365» barré, ce qui suggèrerait, un peu comme le "Winter" attribute, d' éventuelles difficultés d'accès. Cela pourrait être utile pour nous lors de la publication de nouvelles caches dans les zones forestières, en donnant des informations pour les visiteurs étrangers au sujet des lois (et des sanctions éventuelles). Comme beaucoup d'amis Belges nous font le plaisir de leur visite, je me permets ce post. Merci si vous êtes intéressé de voter "POUR" sur le site Geocaching.com - Attention, ce nouveau site vous donne dix voix seulement pour toutes les propositions. Si vous n'êtes pas intéressés, tant pis, vous êtes de toute manière les bienvenus pour geocacher en Provence! LIEN POUR LE FORUM
  16. You are right ! It was to give a first step information. After in the listing, you can give more details. Since several years, i'm using this kind of DOY (do It Yourself) Attribute : To be seen near by the pictures on my cache listing. See link below. (Nice to get contact with Gc from Portugal - Give me desire to visit Portugal (and its caches !) One of my cache, for example
  17. In southern France, in summer, access to forest areas may be prohibited or restricted. It is also the case, I think, for Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal and some places in the UK - elsewhere, I do not know. I have proposed to Groundspeak, to inform unfamiliar geocachers with these restrictions by creating a new "attribute" "Year" or "365" crossed out, suggesting a bit like the "Winter " Attribute, a possible difficulties for access . It could be helpful for us in publishing new caches in forest areas, giving informations for foreign visitors about the laws (and possible penalties). Thank you if you are interested to vote "FOR" on the Geocaching.com website - Attention this new site gives you only ten votes for all the proposals. If not interested, never mind, you' re welcome for geocaching in Provence ! Thank you Link to the Forum
  18. En el sur de Francia, en verano, el acceso a las zonas forestales puede estar prohibido o restringido. También es el caso, creo que, para Italia, Grecia, España, Portugal y algunos lugares en el Reino Unido - en otros lugares, no sé. Me propongo Groundspeak, para informar a los geocachers no están familiarizados con estas restricciones mediante la creación de un nuevo "atributo" "año" o "365" tachado, lo que sugiere un poco como el "INVIERNO atributo" una dificultad acceso posible. Gracias si usted está interesado a votar "A FAVOR" en la página web Geocaching.com - atención a este nuevo sitio tiene la posibilidad de diez "derechos" de los votos. Gracias (y me disculpo por la traducción automática!) Link to Forum
  19. Thanks for your posts (and sorry for my very bad automatic translation ) I' ve read somewhere that there were some forests access regulations or restrictions in Portugal (as in southern France). And i wonder if a new kind of Attribute, indicating (as the Winter one) the difficulties of access to some caches, during summer would be useful. I think so. If you are interested or thinking that it could be useful, you can share that idea by voting. If not, no matter ! It was interesting for me to exchange with Gc from Portugal. (You can see exchanges about it on the forum - se link above). Geofriendly
  20. No sul da França, foi o acesso a áreas de floresta pode ser proibido ou restrito. É também o caso, acho que para a Itália, Grécia, Espanha, Portugal e alguns lugares da Grã-Bretanha - em outro lugar, eu não sei. Proponho Groundspeak, informando geocachers que não sabem destas restrições, a criação de um novo atributo "(Supervisor) ou" 365 "riscadas, indicando um pouco como o" inverno "atribuir um potencial dificuldade acesso. Obrigado se você estiver interessado em votar "PARA" Feedback sobre o site de Geocaching.com - atenção para este novo site terá dez oportunidades para votar uma nova proposta. Obrigado (e as minhas desculpas pela tradução automática!) Create a new attribute
  21. Στη νότια Γαλλία, ήταν η πρόσβαση σε δασικές περιοχές μπορεί να απαγορεύεται ή περιορίζεται. Είναι επίσης αλήθεια, νομίζω ότι για την Ιταλία, την Ελλάδα, την Ισπανία, την Πορτογαλία και σε λίγα μέρη στη Βρετανία - και αλλού, δεν ξέρω. Προτείνω να Groundspeak, ενημερώνοντας geocachers οι οποίοι δεν γνωρίζουν τους περιορισμούς αυτούς, η δημιουργία μιας νέας "χαρακτηριστικό" (Επιβλέπων), ή "365" διαγράφεται, αναφέροντας κάπως σαν το "χαρακτηριστικό" χειμώνας πιθανή δυσκολίαπρόσβαση. Σας ευχαριστώ αν ενδιαφέρεστε να ψηφίσετε "ΓΙΑ" Παροχή πληροφοριών για το χώρο της Geocaching.com - προσοχή σε αυτό το νέο site θα έχει δέκα ευκαιρίες να ψηφίσουν για μια νέα πρόταση. Σας ευχαριστώ (και ζητώ συγνώμη για την αυτόματη μετάφραση!) New seasonial Attribute
  22. Nel sud della Francia, è stato l'accesso alle aree forestali può essere vietato o limitato. È anche il caso, penso che per Italia, Grecia, Spagna, Portogallo e alcune località in Gran Bretagna - altrove, io non lo so. Propongo di Groundspeak, informando geocacher che non conoscono queste restrizioni, la creazione di un nuovo "attributo" (Relatore) o "365" barrato, che indica un po 'come il "inverno Attribute una difficoltà potenziale Access. Grazie a voi se siete interessati a votare "PER" Feedback sul sito del Geocaching.com - attenzione a questo nuovo sito avranno l'opportunità dieci a votare per una nuova proposta. Grazie a voi (e mi scuso per la traduzione automatica!) http://feedback.geocaching.com/forums/7577...stric?ref=title
  23. http://www.cacheboutique.fr/ http://www.cachezone.fr/ de rien ... !
  24. J' ai mis ce sticker dans mes caches ... VOIR ICI C'est un sticker déjà existant, adapté aux caches francophones ...
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