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Everything posted by Airmapper

  1. Hi Andy, How much do you think you will have to pay for it? At any rate I'd shop around and make sure you can't get a newer unit for the same. Will it come with maps? While they will be obsolete it was one of the first units to offer mapping. As an old unit it will be more difficult to cache with, but may do just fine. If you get a good deal on it, it will get you started, and make a good backup for if you get a newer one. Here is a review: Link
  2. Palm m125 It has a USB cradle, SD card slot, backlight, and uses standard AAA batteries. I use GSAK to export a HTML Database for Sunrise XP, which loads the files for my PDA, and are viewed in Plucker. With the exception of GSAK all the programs are free.
  3. When it is on the "Home" page where the ions are, you go to the menu up top, and select "Copy." Select the card as the destination (should be selected already) and copy everything in the Palms internal memory to the card. (Some things may not go, but thats okay, you probably won't need it to run, and it will be restored next Hotsync.) I believe most files can be sent directly to the card during Hotsync, just change the destination in the Installer program before Sync.
  4. The Palm M125 should work fine. Most "Paperless Programs" require the OS to be 3.0 or later. Give Cachemate a try....best $8.00 you'll ever spend IMHO. Good Luck, Cache on! I just wanted to repeat the suggestion of Cachemate. I have a Palm M500 and have been using Cachemate on it for 2 1/2 years now. With the small data card I have, I can hold information for several thousand caches (in different databases for easier Searching). I recommend getting a PDA that connects with USB as the Palm M500 does. A friend purchased one of those on eBay for only $30.00, including the shipping. The Palm m125 is USB compatible. Mine uses a USB cradle, but I believe if you had a serial cradle that would work as well. I have Hotsynced using only the Infrared port as well, which is pretty cool, point and sync. To answer the OP, I have pretty much the exact same setup, a m125 with a 512SD card. Cachemate will work fine on it, I have it installed on mine. For loading caches I use a method using GSAK and Sunrise XP to create files for Plucker. I have several thousand caches loaded on the SD card, and given the Palm only has 8MB internal, that SD card is like a bottomless pit, I have all my programs loaded on it and can run solely from the SD card in the event I need to swap batteries and loose the internal data/ settings. If you have Windows Vista, you will need the latest version of Palm Desktop from their website. Even then, at least from my experience with it, all it does is syncs the Palm, and you can't manage the data through it. You may encounter other problems, Vista and Palm don't seem to like each other.
  5. You can estimate your acreage, or get a good idea of the way your land looks on a map using GPS. However it is by no means accurate enough to be considered a real survey. What you can do is find the corners and other boundaries of your property, and mark their position as accurately as possible by averaging the coordinates you collect while at them. Then you can load all those points into a mapping or GIS program, and "connect the dots" to get an area measurement and overlay it onto a map. I have used my GPS for this a couple times and compared it with the surveyors plat, and found it to be accurate enough for general reference purposes.
  6. I use plain Raid (or any brand) ant & roach killer. Spray it on your shoes and pants and that will slow them down. If you get a wad of the tiny ones spray over them and they will die instantly. That is very important when there are several thousand of them spreading over you. I don't recommend it for skin contact, but I have used it on my skin in an emergency to kill a wad of seed ticks so I could wash them off.
  7. We are not at liberty to say.
  8. I'll echo Brian on a Lowrance being just as capable as a Garmin for caching. When it comes to Tun-by-Turn navigation, Garmin units offer that where Lowrance does not. Have a look at the Lowrance Users Geocaching Guide. However I'm not sure it will help much as all the info there is aimed at Windows users, I have no idea if the needed programs will work with a Mac. If I'm not mistaken (and that is likely as I know nothing of Mac's) you will find compatibility issues with just about any GPS make and Mac OS. I did hear of a Geocaching program for Mac users, you might look into that and see what GPS units it likes. Edit: typo
  9. What I do is export my cache database in HTML, then use the free program Sunrise XP to convert it for Plucker on the Palm. (Also free) The result is a home page with several links on it o pre-sorted searches, and you can quickly find a cache page from that. When you open a cache page it looks very similar to an actual online page, complete with icons, and if you have a good enough screen, photos.
  10. I generally use plain Raid ant and roach killer. It kills on contact, put your clothes in a trash bag, spray some Raid in there, and seal it up good. After a while they will die from the fumes, then you can wash your clothes. I live in an area where ticks are horrible. We especially have a lot of the "seed ticks." (Larvae or whatever they are really called) They clump on low weeds in the thousands, and when you get a wad on you it is a race to kill them before they spread. Prevention is much easier than removal. What I do is watch my feet when I walk and don't step on low plants if possible. Another thing I do is glance down and check my legs often. There is no such thing as finding "one" tick when they are of the tiny "seed" variety. I sometimes spray Raid on my pants before going into the woods. I don't think it is good for use on skin, but I have in an emergency, I figure a little of that isn't nearly as bad as thousands of ticks all over. I immediately wash it and the dead ticks off.
  11. When a winner of the waterproof match is determined, I have a question for them. You are in a survival situation in a blizzard. You stumble on a cabin. In the cabin are 3 items that need a match to operate, and remember you only have one match. Those items are: A wood stove A lantern A candle What do you light first? Remember you just have the one waterproof match you won in this thread.
  12. Granular breakout? That sounds like something that happens when you get into a bunch of ticks/ chiggers.
  13. Use coordinates to center your search on, or I think now you can enter an address into the search field and it will center on that. Edit: StarBrand beat me to it.
  14. If you don't mind learning a new skill, you could try throwing Knives. You did say knives were legal, and they aren't very big.
  15. I've never tried to directly convert a cache page, but Sunrise XP should convert it for use with Plucker. Both are free programs.
  16. I've noticed my older Lowrance acting a little goofy with the change. I has been taking it a long time to cycle through and find 138. It will recall it as long as you don't take out the batteries, but take them out and it will have to start over. When I did a quick test perhaps I didn't allow enough time for it to fully load the almanac. It won't be long till I need to change the batteries, so I'll know soon.
  17. I have a Palm m125, I was looking at different types, and asking people here on the Forum, and of them all it seemed to fit the best for my use. Grayscale screen, can be read in direct sunlight. Backlight, not bright but you can see the screen in the dark. USB Cradle instead of Serial. Uses normal AAA batteries Has an SD slot. Costs about $20- $40 With an SD slot, in the event you loose all the data when removing the batteries, which is pretty common in the older Palms, you can back up virtually everything you use onto the SD card, and use that until you get home and can re-sync it. If you have Windows Vista, there may be a few issues with the software, but recently a Beta was released on Palm's website that is Vista compatible.
  18. If you have problems with my way, try file:///c:/cache... etc. That is the way it SHOULD have worked. Well I got it to work. But it is weird. When I generated the S&T export from GSAK, I clicked the xref.txt button below the URL field, and pointed it to the matching HTML database I keep for my PDA. In the balloon, everything appears fine in the URL, except a space in the address, like a folder name, cuts off the URL link. For example I have: file:///C:/Users/My Name/............. Like there it cuts off the blue link just after "My" However, if I "CTRL + Click" on a cache (pushpin) it opens my default browser and up comes the offline cache page. Just the opposite of what you reported. This is cool though, and since I already regularly export my caches to HTML files for the PDA, I get double duty out of maintaining the HTML cache databases.
  19. Thanks for posting with your solution. I've been keeping an eye on this since I would like to do the same thing with MapPoint. I suspected it was possible to link cache data to an offline database, but I had no idea how. I'm going to give your method a try.
  20. I don't think I've seen that much. Once or twice maybe. I should have grabbed the get out of hell free card though. Edit: typo
  21. Some units with a long name field can hold the main cache info, for example I use GSAK custom tags to send the waypoint name to my Lowrance as: "Cache Name" by "Cache Owner" Traditional Cache Regular (3/ 2.5) GCABCDE As it's seen there that amounts to: Name, owner, type, size, diff/ terr, and GC#. GSAK also lets you customize the icon used for each different type of cache, and even the status of the cache. Like the others, I also pack a PDA for complete cache info. My Palm and my GPS both use SD cards, and with that expandability I can carry more cache info than I can ever use.
  22. No kidding, I have 3 I've already posted "will attend" to. That has never happened before.
  23. I think an idea like that would only serve to destroy the efforts Geocachers have made to show our game is harmless and not disruptive or destructive in any way. It is difficult enough to explain Geocaching to some people as it is, let alone try to differentiate between a site that is courteous to landowners / property and one that is not.
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