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Everything posted by Airmapper

  1. I'm a big fan of the new Rayovac Hybrid rechargeable batteries. I have 4 AA size and use them to run my GPS and Digi Cam. They work very well, even in the GPS, which is intended for use with normal alkaline batteries. I recently got a Palm m125, and would like to get some of the Hybrid AAA's for it, to save buying batteries, and I'm hoping also to get a considerable run time on a charge. I've read that you should not use rechargeable's in a PDA, since the normal type tend to drop off if unused and loose all your data. Additionally the PDA could get confused with the different power levels. However given the Hybrid's ability to hold charge for a considerably longer time than a conventional NiMH, I wonder if this advice is still relevant. If anyone has any thoughts I'd appreciate the input.
  2. I would bet on that not being possible. I could be wrong, but considering GPS companies go to great measures to ensure another brand cannot use it's mapping, I don't think you could do that.
  3. Because I am extremely busy these days and didn't have time for the detailed responses required in the survey in the first place. Fastest thing to do was shoot a quick note letting the guy know that at least one didn't finish the survey, and why. If you don't have anything good to say, why say it at all. Especially for a "busy" person like you.
  4. Well, since you are not Premium Members, it may be a bit more tedious to get cache info, but you can download the caches Lat/ Long and send them to your GPS (Provided it accepts data transfers.) On the link below, the first article on the top of the page is a tutorial on collecting cache info if you are not a Premium Member and how to send it to a GPS. There is a note telling when the methods changes to GPS unit specific instructions, but before you get to that is general info for any unit. http://www.sitekreator.com/geo-lowrance/ge...etup_guide.html
  5. From Geocacher -U http://www.geocacher-u.com/resources/foldingcard.pdf
  6. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! I was about to suggest the same thing, I know a cacher with a 60Csx and she just turns it in her hand. Says she gets a lot fewer strange looks that way.
  7. I had one that was getting regularly washed out next to a medium sized river. After replacing it about 3 times I got tired of it and found a place about 100 feet downstream where I could tether it to a tree. The river has not flooded since.
  8. I use Geocaching.com to record everything. If I take any photos I want to share, I post them with my log, and if not they go into my digital photo archives on hard drive, and eventually to CD-R hard copy. A cacher in my area makes big scrapbooks of all their hunts, with photos for each cache.
  9. If you own the cache it is in, you can go to the bugs page, and on there will be option there to mark it as missing.
  10. Here is a dog that is a Geocacher: Bulli the Wonder Dog Must be pretty good at it with over 3500 finds.
  11. I own one, it is a great unit for starting out. Even though it is a simple unit, it is not void of features. It has some features and options you wouldn't find on a really cheap GPS, like an E-trex yellow, or similar unit for less than $100. You will not be able to use maps with it, but for Geocaching it should work fine. It's display is easy to read since you can make the numbers bigger. What I like to do is set up the compass screen with the distance readout in big numbers over the compass arrow, that way you have all you need right there to guide you to the cache. Even though I do own a more advanced unit with mapping, I still use the 72 periodically. I think I seen Cabella's was selling them for around $99. They used to run $150, but I think they are getting old enough now the price is dropping.
  12. I'm afraid not. It is designed to use the Pocket Query generated with all your finds and logs, and you have to be a Premium Member to access that.
  13. Here is a good one since it is an online utility, no need to install a program on your Mac at all. Just upload your My Finds PQ to them and it will give you a full spread of stats, including HTML for your profile if you want. http://www.itsnotaboutthenumbers.com/
  14. Haven't been able to find a cache to take my ATV to yet, but I'd like to. My area has little to no areas to ride outside clubs or fee areas. There is a single cache in one of those areas, but it's hardly worth the trouble to pack it up to take it there. I use a 1985 Honda 250ES "Big Red" 3-Wheeler. I have my own trails and a neighbor lets me on his land as well. I can mount my GPS on the handlebars, and I installed a 12v plug for power.
  15. Well chaps, I'm off to hike to England... glub, glug, gurgle. HERE are some directions. Be sure and review #15 on the itinerary.
  16. I don't mess with Wasps, Bees, Hornets, yellow jackets, or other armed aerial assault capable insects. They can have a cache, I'm going to get the heck out of Dodge. (Unless I find an effective means to kill them, then the cache is mine!)
  17. For that I thank you very much.
  18. CONGRATS!!!!!!! Cool, now we get to say the word "Snoogletts!"
  19. You could try one of those pin on compasses that you can get at Wal-Mart. They are a clear liquid filled ball with a compass inside that rights itself no matter how much you twist it. I keep one pinned to my GPS case on my belt. I got about 3 of them for a buck or two on clearance, but I think normally they run $1.50. I rarely use a compass Geocaching. Your GPS shouldn't bounce so bad as to need one most of the time.
  20. This one was classic. You can see the thread HERE
  21. Robertlipe says it best: All GPSes suck; they just suck in different ways. I'm pretty loyal to Lowrance, but I would buy another brand in a minute if I seen that their unit it would fit my needs and budget better than Lowrance. I prefer Lowrance because they offer a lot of features for the money, they have a great product, and good service. At the time I bought my AirMap 500 it was the only reasonably priced all purpose handheld GPS that was designed for pilots. It has served me well in everything from solo cross country flights, to 400 mile road trips, to finding hundreds of caches.
  22. If every one in a parking lot contained a continuous supply of $100 gift cards to use in the nearby store.
  23. I don't know but I do it anyway. I defrag my SD cards, and USB Flash drives. I use a 64MB Card in my Lowrance, it is much faster than a 512, but I've never tried a "Fast" card. I save the big card for in the event I need more than the small one can hold, which is rare. I just use it as a spare for my camera most of the time.
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