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Everything posted by Solan109

  1. I don't deserve to win because I can't come to the event and celebrateMicke on his birthday
  2. oh no, too late, just sent in my answer and I think it was correct Thanks for all the contests
  3. This is a coin I would like to have in my collection
  4. Mystery parrot, I can't come to you so maybe you can come to me instead, see what I've got for you
  5. congrats bearly_sane!
  6. Oh,no my answer was a duplicate :-(
  7. Look what I got today It's very well made, thank you for thinking of me
  8. Yes,Love (answer to a question)
  9. One I had over 100 all over the world
  10. 1 The wolf pack 2 Gipsie - sent (I hope it was received!) and received 3 GeoKs 4 Ljay 5 Tooey 6 Cheesy pigs - sent and received 7 Cheesy pigs - sent and received 8 Team Flipper 9 mousekakat - sending in the morning, packed, stamped and ready to go. Nothing received. 10 grodan - sent (they got it) and received 11 fiabus - sent (she got it) NOT received and not a clue if it is sent 12 Nochipra 13 Whitby 14 Bluemotmot 15 Tschakko 16 The Blorenges 17 Plnauta 18 Team Van Stoffelen 19 GEO*Trailblazer 1 20 TIGGR 21 Dorsetgal & GeoDog 22 Night Hunter 23 southpawaz 24 sweetlife 25 sweetlife 26 Rozecki 27 Krazytrollz 28 Geo-Gophers - Sent (and "my person" got it) but nothing has arrived yet, (they did get in touch tho'). 29 Lorca.nl 30 degai 31 Team Ekitt10 32 Crowesfeat30 - Sent (they got it) and received 33 Crowesfeat30 - Sent (they got it) and nothing so far. 34 Hollora 35 dark_onyx1982 36 SleepyRN 37 luckyduckie 38 mrs usyooper- sent and received 39 the other yooper- sent....still waiting 40 Steinwälzer 41 six little spookies 42 keewee 43 keewee 44 elle 77 - sent and received 45 Horn Hunters 46 Team hvilan 47 solan 109 - sent (on it´s way to Tooey) and received 48 jan and the percey boys - sent and recieved 49 jan and the percey boys - sent and recieved 50 pengofamily - sent and received 51 bison woman 52 toojin - sent and received !!
  11. Not receiving a mission takes the joy out of it, but luckily there are som GREAT people around I never rcd the Leprechaun mission so Tooey and theotokos sent me replacements, thank you ! I still miss one of my missions but I'm not making a big deal out of it BUT I think there should be some kind of list to keep track somehow or let the ones not receiving know who they were supposed to recieve from.
  12. I'm sure it has already been done, but since nothing "happens" it was also brought up here ?
  13. Need to read today (Could be something important for school/work?)
  14. It's in the mail Participating - Yes Name Received - Yes Sent - Yes - July 31 Received -yes
  15. I was so pleased to find this coin in the TB/Coin basket at the Caching, camping and chilling at the Crocodile! and since I knew what it was I quickly grabbed it It was a hot and sunny day, 32 C but luckily the eventsite was located near to a lake (that´s where I'm standing ). We all had a great time and looking forward to come back next summer for the next event Edit: It was coin #1
  16. We had a great time at the event yesterday. It was about 32 C and the event site was just near a lake, it was very nice. The event was well organised (Thank you Naomi and the rest of the family) and it was fun to met other cachers, some of them for the first time. I rcd some great prices and gifts, thank you Edit: Left:spaM,Hasseper,Fiabus,Middle pic: The organisers ;-), Right:Grodan and my gifts and prices.
  17. What a surprise ! I got this nice coin today, it was so unexpected and it sure brightened up my day. THANK YOU SO MUCH whoever you are.
  18. I rcd my coin today, thank you so much tsunrisebey THANK YOU
  19. PengoFamily,Go ahead and start another Chocolate mission if you like You don't have to wait for mine to arrive
  20. I just wonder when ..... hey, who ate my chocolate
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