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Everything posted by Solan109

  1. congrats weight lifting triathlon
  2. Susan G Komen Cancer Awareness Cacher Needs Maintenance Geocoin
  3. I´ll send out a coin or two, I´ll post the links later when I know which one/s to send out
  4. 1. Participating Dec 17 2. Received Name yes 3. Mission Complete yes, Jan 5 4. Package Received!
  5. Got good news. My Secret Santa has received their packages
  6. How about Sweden? PM sent
  7. Thanks for the trade :-D
  8. 1. Participating 2. Received Name 3. Mission Complete 4. Santa Arrived I got my Santa Mission today: 4 coins, 3 trackable and a Christmascard Civil war Alabama geocachers association Travel pinguin and Dreamcachers peronal coin Thank you
  9. Jan 2001
  10. June 1993
  11. Wouldn´t it be nice to have a birthday mission for 2008 ? Groups of 10 people, send a coin to the birthday person? is it a realistic mission ? if, maybe someone with experience could arrange it ? //Solan
  12. I think this is a "must have" coin, PM sent
  13. Gott Nytt år till alla ! Happy new year from Sweden My New Year's Resolution is to try to be more healthy
  14. Congrats to the new recipients am I on the naughty list ?? Hope not
  15. What´s the name of this Castlecoinsandpins coin? I´m trying to activate but can´t figure out the name ---------------------------------------- I figured it out so the thread can be closed/removed, thank you
  16. Thanks for the update
  17. should I worry ? nor the first or second package has arrived to my Secret Santa yet. Maybe they just went somewhere over the holidays and haven´t had the time to post yet ? I haven´t received anything myself either ......
  18. It´s not a beauty, but we like it just the way it is
  19. GOD JUL OCH GOTT NYTT ÅR ÖNSKAR Solan109 (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year)
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