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Everything posted by The_Brownies
Gamin Vista CX vs. Magellan 500 Direct Comparison
The_Brownies replied to Isaiah 40:31's topic in GPS technology and devices
Garmin or Magellan??? That has been the question since geocaching began and the battle rages on. Personally I still have my Magellan Meridian Gold that has the altimeter, a compass and expandable memory upto 2 Gigs. Yes, I paid around $280 dollars for it in 2002, and the price really hasn't changed that much. It's has a monochrome screen but for what I use it for, it continues to rise to the occassion and I when it gives out, I most likely will purchase another Magellan but it would not be the explorist 500. More likely it will be a 600 or someother Magellan GPS -- Why? Because of the Magellans navigation system allows you to access the Magellan via windows explorer i.e. it treats it as a portable storage device, and the fact Garmin still does not have expanded memory. If I want to add maps to my Magellan, I simply load them into a SD card. Good luck doing that with a Garmin. The article presented a good case for Garmin's battery life, and I'll have to agree with you that the battery on the LE 500 is not that great. However, you can replace the AAA's with a lithium rechargeable battery and that tends to resolve the issue. Again, the only main difference I can see between the two is expandable memory. Magellan has it, and Garmin Doesn't. They both have color screens, and they both have a few bells and whistles. But do you need them? We are talking geocaching here. Plug in a coordinate and walk to the cache. Also try not to judge a book by it's cover. Trying to say one GPS is waterproof or not just by looking at it's case is not a good test. Ask someone who knows weather this is true like the guys at Consumer Report. They are a non-biased party that are paid to test this stuff. Honestly, for geocaching, any GPS will do. The real question is how much do you want to spend, do you want the screen in color, does the thing have expanded memory, and how good is the battery life? Here's one more thing to think about. Accuaracy... How accurate is the Garmin compared to Magellan. Unless you know a land surveyor with some heavy duty GPS equipment this question may go unanswered for a very long time. Personally I belive Magellan is more accurate, but I have nothing to back this up with. However it definately would be interresting to see results from this type of test. -
Have you considered buying a PDA or Pocket PC wih a broken screen and then fixing it? If you are a little technically inclined you can replace a broken screen by getting a replacement screen off ebay or craigs list. The other option is to buy a PDA or Pocket PC with a broken screen and then buy another one with a good screen that will not boot up. Then you make a one good one out of two bad ones. Personally I purchased a couple compaq 3635 for $30 at a company yard sale. One worked, and the other would not sync up with my computer. Ordered a $15 dollar part from a guy in Las Vegas, and fixed it. Only issue I have now is keeping a charge on them, but this is easily corrected by replacing the battery. Again, a very easy thing to replace. If you are worried about working on these things. DON'T BE. They are a piece of cake that a 10 year old could work on. PDA and Pocket PC's only have very few parts internally to work with, so are very easily repaired. It just takes a little patience.
Yes and No.. Pocket queries are cool, but the luster of geocaching just isn't what is used to be for me, so I have let my premium membership lapse after 12 months. However, if you get bit by the bug, and really like doing it, and you get a PDA, then maybe a premium membership is for you. You don't have to lock in for a full year. You can do it on a month by month basis if you desire. This is kind of handy when you don't do a lot of caching but you are planning a vacation or trip where there are tons of them to be found. Hold on all of you premium members. I know pocket queries are not the only perk, and there are other things that come along with it. Personally I held a one year memership to pay back the crew at Groundspeak for coming up with this excellant past time game. But lately I simply do not cache enough to justify the cost. Due to where I live, availability of caches, and the overall cost of gas, caching has become a thing I do when I get a chance. My end goal is to grab a cache in every state and so far I think need 38 more states. Good luck and happy caching..
Do the GPSr manufacturers take us seriously?
The_Brownies replied to team-grannygear's topic in General geocaching topics
Yes the companies take us seriously. Why else would Garmin and Magellan add Geocache Menus to their GPSr's ? Plus World Wide caching has really bumped their sales. Personally I'm a Magellan Platnium Gold user, and from what I have seen with their latest models, they only continue to get better. Just look at the ability to use upto a 2 gig SD Memory card for maps. Way cool in my book. -
Take a copy of a logo and make your own using MS Paintshop or any other image manipulating softare and print them out. The use clear tape to laminate it and your cache container. Making a stencil was not a bad idea either.
Do Cache Owners Really Read The Logbooks?
The_Brownies replied to michigansnorkelers's topic in How do I...?
Yepp!! -
Miragee hit the nail on the head.. You're trying to setup a link but you forgot the .html I.e. Wicks_Angels.html [/b] ]Help me honor my Daughters[ /url ] UOTrackers.html [/b] ]Our Trade List[ /url ]
Question... When I'm looking up my caches, and I want to see the status of the cache; is it possible to simply have a red cross icon next to the cache name if the cache needs maintenance. That way I have a visual tickler for caches that need maintenance. Right now you have to rely on the emails and sometimes these emails get deleted before I can read them, or they are filtered to junk mail. Just a suggestion.
CBS Evening News did a story Monday on Geocaching. Now everyone's going to want to do it.
Let's see here. you want to upload an image. Do you want to upload it to a cache page or do you want to load it into your gallery for use on your own cache page? ----------------------------------Checking file size and image size --------------------- * Just how large is the picture you are trying to upload. Ie. 600X600? I'm talking about the width and height of the image and how much memory does it use? * If your like the rest of the world, you are using windows XP. * Right click on the image you want to upload. * Left click on Properties * On the general tab this will tell you how many KB's the image is. It has to be 100kb or less. KiloBytes = KB. * Click on the Summary Tab and click on the Advanced Button. * This will give you the dimensions. I.e. 600X480 pixels. * If your original image is under 125k or 600 pixels wide, the largest image will not be resized. * If your image is over 100KB use Windows Paint to resize it and save it off as a jpeg or gif that is under 100Kb. ------------------------------Uploading image to cache you found -------------- Once the image is within the above specifications. I.e 100KB or less. * Open the cache page you want to upload the image to. * Click on Upload Images in the upper right hand menu under log your visit. * Click the [browse] button and browse to the picture you want to upload. * Double click on it or highlight it and click OPEN. * Type in a caption. * (optional) Type in a description. * Click upload and the file is now upload to that cache page. ----------------------------------Uploading an image to your own gallary------------ ----------------------------------Checking file size and image size --------------------- * Just how large is the picture you are trying to upload. Ie. 600X600? I'm talking about the width and height of the image and how much memory does it use? * If your like the rest of the world, you are using windows XP. * Right click on the image you want to upload. * Left click on Properties * On the general tab this will tell you how many KB's the image is. It has to be 100kb or less. KiloBytes = KB. * Click on the Summary Tab and click on the Advanced Button. * This will give you the dimensions. I.e. 600X480 pixels. * If your original image is under 125k or 600 pixels wide, the largest image will not be resized. * If your image is over 100KB use Windows Paint to resize it and save it off as a jpeg or gif that is under 100Kb. -------------------------------Load the image---------------------------------------- * Go to Geocaching.com and login to the website. * Click on My Account on the left hand menu * Click on Edit my Profile on the right hand menu. * Go Down to "Your Photo" * Click on Change/Edit * Click on Upload new Image * Click on Upload Images in the upper right hand menu under log your visit. * Click the [browse] button and browse to the picture you want to upload. * Double click on it or highlight it and click OPEN. * Type in a caption. * (optional) Type in a description. * Click upload and the file is now upload to that cache page. -------------------------------The Image is now in your gallary--------------------- ------------------------------Linking to a gallery image--------------------------- * If you are creating a cache page and want to link to a gallery image. * Click on My Account on the left hand menu * Click on Edit my Profile on the right hand menu. * Go Down to "Your Photo" * Click on Change/Edit * You are now in your gallery. * right click on the image you want to link to. * Left click on properties. * Highlight the address and right click on the image address and left click on copy. * i.e. Http://www.geocaching.com/user/thumb/130002_1234.jpg * Open up your cache page and click on edit. * Type in <img src="Http://www.geocaching.com/user/thumb/130002_1234.jpg"> * When you save your cache page the image will then appear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good luck and keep the file sizes small..
I Have Offended A New Geocacher
The_Brownies replied to lkgsigns's topic in General geocaching topics
Geesh.. wonder what got under their skin.. Some people take things the wrong way no matter how you phrase it. -
Depends. I bought two Pocket PCs for $30. I use GPXSonar and I don't have any problems. They can be more expensive than a palm because they are a regular pocket computer. Palms are also good. It all depends on what you can get your hands on and the price.
Sorry but someone else came up with that idea a couple years ago.
Do we have a lawyer in the house? Virtuals would still be legal if I read the law correctly.
This is what the stink is all about? Here is a link to the South Carolina Legislation. Propose Article 16-17-605 Ammendment. Yep that would count out the state parks, and civil war cemetaries, and battlefields. However, it does not mean that the physical caches could not become virtuals and if I'm not mistaken the issue of virutals is about to be addressed.
Actually crack head has one up on EasyGPS. He build a cool little program that takes LOC or GPX files and plots them on Google Earth for free. If I'm not mistaken it will work for everyone including NON-US Cachers.
Shoot .. you didn't ruffle any of my feathers. and I certianly wouldn't loose any sleep over this.
Glad to see you bought a Meridian. I love mine. -------------------Create geocaching user account--------------- * to get started, go to http://www.geocaching.com and create a user account. * If you are you not logged in, click on LOGIN in the upper right hand corner of the Geocaching.com webpage. * Now you have an account. ---------------------Locate the caches you want to hunt ----------------- * On the left hand side of the screen click on Hide and Seek. * Punch in your zip code and click search * Hey.. you now have a list of geocaches in you area. * If you are logged in there is a box next to each cache. * Click on the box to put a black check mark in the box. You want to do this for every cache you want to hunt. * For now just pick a few. * Now scroll down to the bottom of the page and click DOWNLOAD WAYPOINTS. You want to save them to your computers desktop. That way you can find it later. ----------------------Print out the cache pages ------------------------- * Another thing you will want to do is open each cache page and print them out. This way you will know what you are looking for and the name of the cache. -----------------------Get EasyGPS------------------------------------------ How are you doing so far... The next thing you want to get is EasyGPS. It's the software you are going to need to upload the coordinates into your GPS. * on Geocaching.com's website click on the RESOURCES link on the left hand side of the page. * Click on Geocaching Software. * Scroll down to EASYGPS and download it. Save it to your desktop. * Minimize or close you web browser. I.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla. * On your desktop is a setup.exe for the EasyGPS. Run the setup and install the EasyGPS Software. After Easy GPS is installed Open it and set it up. It's not too difficult to understand and if you get stuck let us know. -------------------------Hook up GPS to your computer ---------------- * Locate your Magellan PC Data Cable. If you don't have one then you will need to get one. Here's one at Amazon. $17 bucks +SH. * Attach the datalink cable to your PC and then attach the other end to your Magellan. Power up your Magellan. I.e. TURN IT ON by pressing the red PWR button, and click through the 3 initial prompts. You should be looking at one of the Magellans data screens. * Now double click on the LOC file that you downloaded. It will smile face with a GPS on it. When you click on the LOC file EasyGPS will open up. * Press [CTRL]+[A] keys at same time to select all the LOC files you downloaded. * Click [send] button in EasyGPS. * Select Send All waypoints to your Magellan. * Now the files will be cache locations will be uploaded into your Magellan. -------------------Let's Setup a route -------------------------------------- * Unplug the pc cable from your gps and press the Menu button on your magellan. * First press and hold down the [goto] button to make a new waypoint. * Depending on how many way points are already in your megellan it will say something like WPT001, WPT002, etc. Use the round arrow pad to tab up to the name WPT00x and change it to something like HOME. * Use the arrow tab to highlight the save button and press the [Enter] button. * Press the [Menu] Button. * Use the Magellan arrow pad and tab down to Routes. * Press [Enter] button. * Use the Arrow pad and go to the first Empty location. i.e. 1 empty * Press [Enter] * on the first ----------------- line press [enter], then [Enter] and [Enter] again. * Select HOME with the arrow pad and press the [Enter] key. * On the second ----------------- press [Enter], then [enter] and [enter] again. * Select the first cache you want to hunt for and press [Enter] * Use the Arrow key and highlight [save Route] and press the [Enter] button. ---------------------Activate the route --------------------------------- * Now use the arrow pad to go up to the route you just set up. * Press the [Menu] button. * Select Activate Route and press the [Enter] button. * Press ESC button and Bam you now have an active Route. * Press the ESC button until you are looking at a compass. * The Compass will point the way to the cache. When you are heading for the cache, you want the Black pointer to point strait ahead of you or to the top of the GPS Screen. ----------------------Go after the cache ------------------------------ * Pull out your cache pages that you printed out * Get in your car, etc.. * Follow the arrow on the compass screen. * Watch the distance. When you get close to the cache the distance will be around 2 -6 to feet. * Find the cache and log your visit. * Go home and log your find on Geocaching.com. -------------------------Changing the routhe --------------------------- * after you find the first cache, you will need to change your route. * Press the Menu Key * Select Routes * Select the route you created. * When the View/Edit route screen appears, leave the top point alone. * Select the Second line which should be the cache you just located. * Press [Enter] * Select User Waypoint and press [Enter] * Choose the next cache you want to find. * Press the Enter button and save the route. * Press the ESC button and you should be back to your Compass Screen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you have found all the caches of the day, go home andl login to Geocaching.com and log your finds and did not finds. Good Luck and Happy caching..
I like group caching. What we typically do is everyone searches and as soon as someone spots the cache they walk away from it and then call out Found It! We then either decide to keep looking or let the person that first saw it reveal its location. Group caching -- AKA Cache Machines.. is this cheating? To answer that question you would need to define what exactly is a group? Have you ever cached with more than one person? I.e. Friend, spouse, or kids? This is a group. So if one of the members finds the cache, is it cheating for the rest of the members of the group to log a find? Maybe it is.. Hey I know.. after the first one finds the cache, eveyone should put on blindfolds so they don't know where the cache was found. Then they should take turns finding and rehiding the cache,until each member of the group is able to find the cache.. Yeah right!!.. I would have to say group caching does not make you a geocheater.
Premium membership has little to do with paperless caching. Yeah, paperless caching is one of the many benefits you can get from pocket queries, but not the only one. I used pocket queries long before I went paperless. That pocket queries are only for paperless geocachers is a misconception that too many have. I agree with Brian 300% about this myth... I do not do paperless caching, and have NO interest in doing paperless caching -- for many (to me) good reasons --, but I use PQs regularly and have done so for a long time; I find them to be of great value in locating the types of caches I enjoy, all over the USA and all across the world. Can't we all just get along.. Think you guys kind of missed the point on this one. So let me explian. When I read this forum I was getting the impression that services Groundspeak provides are more valuable than what they are currently priced. Plus it sounded like the author of the thread was saying "Hey the free membership should have a price tag on it, and the premium membership should have a higher price tag." Since they appeared to be taking this stance of Pro Premium membership, and the ditching of the free GC membership, I thought it would be fun to point out the stance of a normal cacher. Hint.. Hint ...I was playing the devils advocate.. Premium Membership is not just about paperless caching. There are a few more benefits than just that. One of which is the pocket queries, gpx files, and ability to pan on the maps. Plus you get to see upcoming changes to the website. Plus I feel if you have benefited from a service that is provided you should give something back in return. But like I said, the premium membership is not for everyone and we should take those people into consideration before a drastic measure like non-free membership was invoked. Which BTW I hope will never happen.
Bi-Mart in WA sells them. Target is another place to look and I would bet WalMart also has them
Have to say I have phoned my house to make sure the coordinates are correct. See when you do paperless caching this is not too much of an issue since you have the most recent cache pages on your PDA with the decrypted hints. However when someone is using a cache sheet that is 5 months old and the cache is not at the given coordinates, then it's a good idea to phone home to see did the cache move or has it been plundered. Plus when someone gives a clue that requires language translation to get the hint, its nice to phone a friend and use babblefish to decode the language. It's not how you play the game but did you have fun doing it. Almost forgot.. Phone home is a must when you get to a cache location in tim buck too and your pda's battery goes dead on you and your stuck without the aid of a cache page and hints. This has happened to me. What the heck... Can't refuse... This could almost be it's own topic. what defines a geocheater? If you have ever watched a cacher hide a cache and then you find the cache before it's been approved. You might be a geocheater. If you have ever Helped the owner of a cache hide the cache and then log your visit you might be a geocheater. If you have ever placed your own cache and logged a find. You might be a geocheater. If you have never found a cache but have 1000+ finds you might be a geocheater. My personal favorite.. If you have ever attended a geocaching get together and logged a find you might be a geocheater.