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A & J Tooling

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Everything posted by A & J Tooling

  1. You know... one way to get into good physical shape is to go out and grab some extreme caches! I disagree. Going after the extremes should only be done if you are already in good physical shape. It might help keep you in top shape but you need to be in pretty good shape already. You're certainly entitled to your opinion. But caches in extreme locations and requiring ropes, harnesses, ice axes, jet packs, crampons, time traveling DeLoreans, and other such fun tools are how I got back into shape. The important part, in my opinion, is the knowledge of how to do these things. The ability and endurance part comes back as you do them. I'd like to read those logs. Can you direct me to them?
  2. There is this cache I have found- Its about 5 feet from an electric fence. This one guy got electrocuted while signing the log for the cache. Ever since that happened cachers have been extra careful to find that cache. Shirley you mean "shocked," not "electrocuted." Electric fences don't carry enough current to kill anybody. He is most likely referring to the fact that if an electrical fence is within 6 feet of a power line, there could be an arc if something metal came between the two. It is a requirement to keep these two items seperate for this exact reason. If this is not the case, I call it BS.
  3. If it can't be opened, it makes the container rather useless for geocaching. Well if you use common sense then we can't have the drama! Party pooper!
  4. No one has died of a direct result of an electrical fence in the US since 1930 unless the fence was tampered with before hand. The above story was about a toddler who 'somehow' fell against a fence a long time ago and became trapped? There is a much greater risk of getting in a car accident or mugged then there is by being 'shocked' by an electric fence while caching. Anyone want to disagree, I'll be more then happy to have ya'll stop by and we can give a demostration. Bring a video camera and we'll post it on youtube.
  5. Can't do that anymore. That's considered an additional logging requirement (ALR). -'Review your own cache listing to see if the ALR can be made into a simple, optional task, or whether it must be removed altogether.'- There ya' go. Problem fixed.
  6. Why do people bother with it if someone else solves it? Isn't that....cheating?
  7. We old folk have a saying: 'You get what you paid fer'. Now, me, I like to tell people of my time looking for their cache. It ain't long. To the point. But they took the time to place the cache, I'll take the time to thank them. Common decency. The nicer the cache, the more I'll talk to them. Let them know that their efforts aren't wasted. I'll even tell 'em what I thought about how hard or easy it was or Now, those key containers stuck on the back of every guardrail found between here nad Timbucktoo, I'll give a thanks but there wasn't any effort put into the hide so there ain't any effort put into the thanks. You get what ya' paid fer! Now, for the other folk. If you want something, don't be shy. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. If you don't want a copy and paste, make it a requirement in the cache info. Now how hard was that? State right in the info that to get credit, no copy and paste's are allowed and will be removed. There. Simple really. For those of you who'll argue that some people just load the caches and don't read the requirements for getting that smilie, oh well, not my problem. Not knowing the local laws doesn't exempt you from following them does it? Didn't think so.
  8. A lot of posts already on the subject. Everything is being updated. It should state this on your maps near the top.
  9. If I found a military relic near a famous battlefield, it'd be sitting on my shelf at home with the rest of them. As for the skull idea, it's already been done so another one wouldn't hurt.
  10. Also, if you know the owner is a deployed soldier, it'd be quite nice of ya'll to adopt their caches unoffically until he/she came back. Some times the last thing on their minds when they get their papers, are caches. I know if I were gone for a few years and came back and all of my caches were in tip top condition, I'd be extremely grateful.
  11. You know... one way to get into good physical shape is to go out and grab some extreme caches! I disagree. Going after the extremes should only be done if you are already in good physical shape. It might help keep you in top shape but you need to be in pretty good shape already.
  12. ...you get annoyed when you find a really easy cache and there is an excellent higher difficulty spot within 100 feet of this one....
  13. My electric fence will trip a circuit breaker if the shock continues uninterupted. Its a law around here. Can't kill yourself with one even if you were trying to do it on purpose.
  14. Enter at your own risk: GC190EK GC2D9YE GC27PRT GC2JXZ3 GC2KJPF http://extreme-caching.com/index.php?p=1_2_Extreme-Caches
  15. It ain't cachin' if it ain't rainin'. I tell my kids it's like a shower but with your clothes on. They don't believe me either.
  16. What are the physical limits of the group? Broad ranged? Ages? I'd suggest an obstacle/confidence course with caches hidden at the end of each obstacle. Of course, these types of events usually require some people being in decent shape. Or just have everyone attend the next local event in your area.
  17. Wait to you find out that everything you say on your cellphone is recorded....oopps!
  18. Well, I wouldn't be dumb enough to hide it in a wadi but I left stuff there one year and claimed it a year later, so yeah I can say I left something that wasn't water proof out in Death Valley and it didn't get wet. It got pretty stale but not wet. Ever eat a 18 month old twinkie? Not good. Not good at all.
  19. Just remove the lid and replace. Open the lid all the way and slide it sideways off of it's hinge.
  20. I say yay, might check to ensure they have that 'do not ingest' warning on them (mine do). I toss those little packets in all the cans I come across that are showing signs of getting damp on the inside.
  21. Okay, let's say, for instance, that 'someone' picked up 3 travel bugs and placed them in 3 caches but that someone might of logged them in the wrong ones but the only way to know for sure is to actually go back there and check. That is not feasible. What now?
  22. I have seen screen captures of the bookmarks in question. So the bookmarks do/did exist. But as pointed out earlier, there is nothing wrong with having a bookmark. And there is no rule against keeping copies of logs within those bookmarks. There is nothing in the bookmarks that could not be just as easily captured with GSAK. My take is that there is three sides to this story. The OP's. The Bookmark Owner, who is intelligent enough not to wade into this thread. And the truth. I am not sure what the OP is looking for anymore. A number of posters have clearly given what I consider to be excellent advice: Ignore him and he will get tired of the game. In fact, if the OP had not resurrected this thread yesterday, it would have passed on to page 2 and obscurity. Not sure why the OP has chosen to perpetuate the thread. I do not see him/her gaining much support here. I assumed it was for the drama. Some people thrive on it. Oh well, I'll back out of this if ya'll want it to disappear.
  23. You can hit a lot with just google maps. That'll get you in the general vicinity and a little looking will net you the cache. I think it is more fun that way but I've never tried the gpsr yet so I only know this way of doing things.
  24. I assumed it meant it was hidden behind a tye-dyed peace sign....
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