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A & J Tooling

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Everything posted by A & J Tooling

  1. I thought geocaching was non-competition? Or so I've been told by my betters.
  2. Buy an old olive barrel (55 gallon, plastic). Split a tree log in thirds and wrap those around the barrel. Drop in a swamp/bog that has some deep spots. There, problem solved. Wasn't that easy? Need a swamp? Mine is on an 80 acre parcel, in upper lower Michigan.
  3. Why take it hard? It's no ones fault but the person who made the mistake. Accidents happen because people get sloppy and make mistakes.
  4. I've eaten a twinkie left in the desert after a year. Kinda' stale but food is food.
  5. I think that should be against the rules and if it gets brought up in court, you're (they're) royally screwed. It shows that people are evil/vindictive.
  6. People like to argue. Case in point: marriage. Nothing to argue about? Well lets create something.
  7. Usually toys for kids. Travel bugs to swap when I come across them. I have better stuff and of course money for when I forget my travel bag. When I find a cache that needs moere visitors, I drop of a dollar bill or a 5 spot and people come. Money talks.
  8. I just did a cache yesterday hidden behind a no trespassing sign. It was what made it so much fun. On private property. It seemed to scare off a lot of people that went to find it. If they had read the exact words of the sign, they'd have realized that is was a joke.
  9. Anyone going online has to realize that everyone and their brother is tracking everything they do, including Big Brother. Their info is stored in databases all over the world and being sold to the highest bidder. As for the premium memberships, as said before, it's to keep out the Riffraff.... except for those of us who are Riffraff and are Elitest...
  10. Using a pre-paid card, they charge you like $1.50 or something similar every time you use the card. Then you have to purchase something else just to use up all the money on it.
  11. High gas prices? Where? They dropped 40 cents in two days.
  12. You look for inappropriate caches your way, I'll continue to throw trash away my way.
  13. It isn't the event that is illegal but what happens at the event that becomes illegal. Let's see. Flash mobs... Kids or younger people gathering in massive amounts for fun with no adult supervision. What could possibly go wrong?
  14. I like going to the correct coordinates and having to look for awhile. Then when I find it, being impressed with the cleverness of the hide. Containers are the reason I'm now looking for the harder ones. Finding a pill bottle stuffed in every cemetary bush isn't very much fun or behind an upright along a guard rail. Either a clever hide or a neat looking container. Something that involves effort. Something that means, the person who hid it, put some thought into it.
  15. I like the muggle idea the best. Or call it in as a questionable package.
  16. As someone else said, collect the stuff and put it all in a bigger ammo can that sees a lot of finds. The stuff will disappear. Or MAKE a cache just for this purpose.
  17. Do it. I'm planning the same thing. I've seen more cameras then caches so I ain't the only one wanting to do it. Maybe we can get a subforum opened with pictures of people looking in the wrong places...
  18. <threadjack>*shrugs* I was raised to believe that a larger caliber sidearm is for the less accurate individual. Not that I'm snubbing larger, just pointing out that in the right hand a .22 can be an effective defense tool. Tho a Mossberg J.I.C. or equivalent is the best option for the home. </threadjack> I was raised the same way, then I learned reality in combat.
  19. Why is it fake? I think this one looks like it'd be a fun challenge.
  20. Where in the Gulf war? Did you go into Kuwiat?
  21. It's a rat snake. With a good food supply, they'll get big.
  22. I'm still very new to this but it seems to me that people are basing their numbers on what they think it should be compared to their own abilities. I just did a 4 difficulty the other day that should of been a 1 to me. I've yet to encounter anything I believe should be over a 2 difficulty or 2 terrian but I've found some where the CO's felt differently.
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