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Posts posted by Ruud4d

  1. I have 2 questions.


    One is very specific: When do we get the Mardi Gras edition or when will we hear about it officialy?


    The other one is for you all. Does anyone know at which event the Rhinelander edition was sold? Or at least a part of the 200 coins that were produced. The rest was sold at the Geocoinstore.

  2. Mine arrived in the mail yesterday. Two complete sets (Medicine Wheel + Elements Compass-Sun) with Pathtags. Those pathtags that come with the coins are much sought after by the way :)

    All these coins look great!

    Thanks CC, Mike, BrierPatch and Jackalgirl!

  3. I found something special in our cache. It was a pink egg. And in this egg was another egg.

    A very nice Egg coin from the Easter Coin Bunny. Number 077.


    Thank you very much!!!

  4. Our event (10 years! Nijmegen, the Netherlands (GC23RDP)) was very well appreciated by the little over 90 people who attended. Unlike most events our event was a very active one: a hike of 30 kilometre using several other navigational techniques then GPSr. Only the last part the GPSr was used.

    Not even the rain all day could distroy the fun. Allthough the 5 km it rained heavily and made it very tough for the ones still out there.

    Take a look at the pictures taken at the event and placed by the logs.

    Here's a picture of a part of the group after the finished.




    Thank you all for your participation in this great project. And especialy the ones that did a bit extra [:)]


    Oh yeah, our participants all got a can of beans at the end. That's what you see them waving with. [:D]

  5. I'm glad to announce that the coins have arrived in Holland. Thank you all for this fine coorporation!

    And of course I have a picture. Not taken with a fancy camera. Just the one on my phone.



    wow what kind of phone do you have?? Great picture!


    Yes...GREAT picture...I want that phone :blink:

    It's just an HTC Diamond 2. I've also got an HTC Desire but picture are worse on that phone.

  6. I'm glad to announce that the coins have arrived in Holland. Thank you all for this fine coorporation!

    And of course I have a picture. Not taken with a fancy camera. Just the one on my phone.


  7. I am starting to get worried. Still no sign of our coins.

    Did you all get tracking numbers for the delivery? Because I didn't.

    So there's no way for me to find out where my delivery is at the moment.

    The package should have been delivered on the 15th according to dates provided on our site.


    Answering to my own post.

    Eltada mailed me with all the necessary information. Thank you!

    And my package is in Dutch customs at the moment.

  8. I am starting to get worried. Still no sign of our coins.

    Did you all get tracking numbers for the delivery? Because I didn't.

    So there's no way for me to find out where my delivery is at the moment.

    The package should have been delivered on the 15th according to dates provided on our site.

  9. Well, I won't be able to sent coins out yet. According to scheme the coins should have arrived on april 15th. But there is a volcano in Iceland that decided to errupt and shoot out a plume of ashes.

    So planes stayed on the ground untill today. The ban is lifted. So I hope to get the coins in hand soon.


    Be glad that it is only your coins that are stranded. I am stuck in Dubai due to the volcano and can not get back to the US until the 28th at the earliest. ;)

    Just a silly thought (probably). Could get on a freighter that sails home? I realy don't know how long that would take.

  10. Well, I won't be able to sent coins out yet. According to scheme the coins should have arrived on april 15th. But there is a volcano in Iceland that decided to errupt and shoot out a plume of ashes.

    So planes stayed on the ground untill today. The ban is lifted. So I hope to get the coins in hand soon.

  11. I just sent out another newsletter but wanted to hit up the thread with the news: it looks like the mint decided not to cut the new die to which we agreed, but to try again using the old die.


    The photos are pretty terrible and I can't really tell the difference between the original samples and this new set (except that the Osiris coin looks much better); it doesn't look like the mint was able to fully fill the back of the coin this second time around, either.


    Pete's waiting to get the coins in hand so actually see them. We're both furious, though, since the mint did something we didn't approve, didn't tell us about it, and the production/delivery date looks very much like it's up in the air again.


    You can see the new sample photos and read all about it on my website's Lotus Compass Project Log page.


    Once again, I am tremendously sorry about this, and appreciate your patience and good will. I, myself, am (as I say ad nauseum on the site) STEAMED!


    I understand that you are furious. You both.

    But rest assured that we will be waiting for this coin for as long as it takes. Because it is such a beauty!

    At least I will :D


    Upper Left Shiny Silver, Upper Right My AE Copper,Lower Left Antique Silver, Lower Right Antique Gold. I do not have, and have not seen the shiny gold version, I imagine it is just as beautiful as the rest. For those who do not know, the moon behind the wolf does glow!!

    I'm glad I ordered a set. And you will get mail :blink:

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