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Posts posted by Ruud4d

  1. Looks like there is an extra step for people who don't have gmail accounts.


    If you are signing up with an email account that is not with gmail, you will have to create a Google account. This is NOT an email account. Just an account that lets you access the secure Google areas.


    Just enter the email address you used to enter the Math Trade and set a password. You should then be able to use the link to the Math Trade document. If you still encounter difficulties, please let me know.


    What about those of us who have a gmail account but simply don't want to use it as our email account? I sent you an email on this.


    I just don't want email at gmail because I won't see it.

    You could make another gmail-account and have all the mail forwarded. Or you could use it as a POP3 account and get all the mail in your e-mailclient.



  2. I do not relaese a lot of coins because many of them get stolen or lost. I do have some coins permanently in my own caches as a reward for people who finished the hike (25 km and 37 km).

    But recently I released 2 coins and send a few coins to people (just because). Those 2 coins participate in a race that's held almost yearly. This race is set up with the goal to get more coins traveling in caches.

    At this moment there are 177 participants. Just take a look :D

    I bought the coins especialy for the race. Fairly recent coins that are not common in the Netherlands. People who like the icons might be more interested and willing to help the coin travel :rolleyes:

    But the coins are not realy my taste in coins so I would not add them to my keepers.



  3. I'm trying to see if there is an Airedale geocoin out there any where. My dad has had Airedales since he was a kid, were talking the past 60+ years. I would like to find one that I could launch here in Ohio and make its way to dad in AZ. My dad isn't a geocacher but I think I think he would get a kick seeing something like this getting to him via state to state through the woods. If anyone can has one or can point me in the right direction I really appreciate it.


    Thanks in advance



    As far as I know, there's no Airedale on a coin. Not even on the Gone to the Dogs coin. Sorry.



  4. ive been weak and opened my secret santa package early :P its all great stuff.

    but im unsure what to do about the coin. its already activated in the name of oakcoins. does this mean i have to keep it traveling or can i keep it? and does this mean i dont actually own it?


    sorry for a stupid lot of questions. i really like this coin

    You should contact Oakcoins. It's probably a mistake if you ordered the coin. If you got it as an extra, maybe it's meaned to travel or they want you to contact them for an addoption.

    Just ask them.



  5. Hi KDubs,


    The picture you use, is it of an pre-mint example coin or of the new edition?

    Reason why I'm asking, is because the end of the staff seems to be colored. The edition I have, the staff is completely nickel (raised metal).



  6. I like ´m both too. But the second possibility just a little more :D

    My question from an earlier post stands: is it possible to get them exactly opposite of each other?




    Edit: typo

  7. I don't know anything about the procedure of making a coin. But making the back look like it's the opposite of the front would require manual interference to get back in line with front.

    Is that possible?



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