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Everything posted by _Waldmenschen_

  1. Quote: "Geocaching is a game of love. When a cache owner cares tenderly for her geocache, that’s love. When a father takes his son out geocaching for the first time, that’s love too." I did put a lot of LOVE in my logs (not to mention the time!). They were to me like a piece of art. And now Groundspeak tells me, nobody cares about old logs anyway, they are rubbish and are regarded that way (by them!). But not by me! I DO care about old logs, the ones I wrote and the ones I´ve received as a cache owner. Somebody wrote that logs should be the crown jewels of the community. I agree. And I never ever dreamt (or better:nightmared) that they would be swept into the dustbin overnight! What comes next? Destroying my listings that are written in HTML and expecting me to fix them? Thank you, Groundspeak, and happy Valentine!
  2. Yep. That's my objection in a nutshell. Those who only log TFTC (or object to being asked to write even that much) won't care. I try to contribute in the form of logs that people actually enjoy reading. Ugly detracts from that. Edward For logs people wrote last month or last year, barely anybody would ever notice the raw formatting codes. Yeah sure some get read, but the majority of logs read are very likely only the most recent. Very few logs I've seen make any extensive use of formatting, so if I came across a few random bold or red or whatever format tags, it's unlikely to detract from the experience of the reader. Going forward, the markdown syntax gives you pretty much everything you had before, so you can still write elaborate formatted logs if you desire. I don't disagree that a way to keep legacy logs looking the way they do would be preferred, but if that's not in the plan then not much is lost. 06/Jun/2013 Der[green] Alte[/green] schaut auf jeden Fall, dasses klappt [navy]ATTENDMÄßIG[/navy] und achtet darauf, dass die [red] bUNTe HosE[/red] zu dem Zeitpunkt [green]NETgRAD[/green] in der Waesche is! Die [purple]BOIME sind BÄrReiz[/purple] frisch [/u]geFällt [bReNnHol[/i]z], haben aBeR duRCh ebenDieSe TaUfrIScHe Erntung deN entscheidenDeN NACHtEIl der [navy]üBermÄßiGeN raUcHEntwicKLung. [/navy] DeR EventOwner sEi deshalb [red]aNGeHalTen [/red] unter DeN aTTri-Puten DaS ENtsPreChenDe LOgO > [brown](“GaSMaskE reQuestEd“)[/brown] zU SetZen [red] SOwiE iM[/red] vOrfeLD EntsprechenDe vErhAndLunGEn mit DEm loKalen FeuER [navy]wEHR [koMMandanTen][/navy] zu fÜHreN.. WiR WeRdeN voRRauSSichtlicH [navy]dURch uNserE stiMMungsvoLLe BeFeuerunG [/b][/b][/navy] ZEicHen produZIEreN, diE Bis in die [orange]hEiLige CiTY[/orange] von neUMarKt zU seHen [red]SINdT! P.s.: [/red]Auf DEM EVenT [green]muss IM [red]Extrem[/red][/b]faLL [/green] mit dem vORRüBergeHEnden [red]ER[/red]Scheinen aN:dEerEr, BZw. WeITerer MIT[brown]GlieDEr[/brown] dEr WALdMenSchen[blue]SiPPe[/blue] GerEChneT WerdEn. (([red]eiN GEwiSses grUnd[/red]LegenDes InTereSse beSteHt jedEN[/red]faLLs.))- BLeiBt nur NOcH Die FRaGe Wo Wir DeNn unSereN WEiNVorRaT [navy]füR Das wOchEnEnDe[/navy] dePoniErEn kÖnnEn. > ??? (oHne deN geHen wiR SchließLich net aUS’M Haus) BiS deNne, [purple] wErd [red]scho[blue]W[/blue]eRn[orange] !!! [/orange][/u][/size][/size] //[/b] Abdeckplanen? – hmmm. Ein paar qm sollten doch irgendwo rumflaggen.
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