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Everything posted by Ernmark

  1. Whwn the coordinates are reasonably close, I won't bother adding them to a recovery, but if I do, I also translate my coordinates into Deg/Min/Sec format that NGS uses & double check against the map as well to hopefully eliminate a typo. "Also, when we come upon a Station that already has hand held coordinates reported and are close to what we found we do not re-report them. Is there any good reason to re-report coordinates that are basically the same?" No.
  2. ..interesting thread. I just now clicked on the links below: [begin hijack] ...so now all I can think of is that Paul spent all that time looking for that "STINKING RM 2" ! [/end hijack]
  3. Nice ! PFF is going to be one lucky guy !
  4. ..about 2 days. That's how long it took mine to go missing. I of course ordered 2 so I'd have one for myself!
  5. ...it's that time of year again... KW2722
  6. Well said, Paul. Also, most of us keep track of our submissions (via spreadsheets, etc) to verify that we submitted our information for a particular PID & avoid accidental duplication (as this shows up on the permanent record ). I must admit that I am guilty at times of entering a large batch at one session - would it be more beneficial for the NGS to enter them in smaller quantities more often? And again, thanks for allowing us to contribute to the database in the first place! - Eric
  7. ..don't get me started about cows!
  8. 1 - Nope. The monumentation date was 1934, so the disk should have that date on it and be a 'US Coast & Geodetic Survey' disk - not the 'new' National Geodetic Survey agency name. 2 - I've run across many Resets that haven't made it into the database - usually, as you said, they weren't 'bluebooked' (time/expense/paperwork lost) Edit - Spelling -1
  9. Here's a nice view: COOK by sjkimmel99
  10. ...speaking of the AT marks - has anyone run across their database? I read an article earlier this year about an AT trail maintenance project in my area that, among other things, included checking on the condition of the '35 marks in the area', but I haven't found a database (I'll admit I haven't actually contacted any AT people directly, however). I've found a 1/2 dozen or so - mostly at road crossings...
  11. ..alas, there are other states which haven't set markers - Holograph's website is a great resource for 'extreme' benchmak info!
  12. ..my guess is the last upload was around the 7th. Mine from the 5th made it, but from the 9th on didn't.
  13. ..I brought my 2nd non-published sheet back to life last month - an AZ mark in my home county. As w/ the others, I added the descriptive text & it came back on line. On a slightly embarassing note, it turns out it is a 3rd order horizontal control mark ..& I added HH2 coordinates - d'owh! (I expected it would be scaled & couldn't pull up the detalied sheet) ..won't be doing that again. At least I verified them w/ projection software so thay aren't 20 feet off..
  14. I tend to agree w/ 2OFs on this one. I've toyed w/ bringing a handout, but found that the Wacky Hobbyist® approach works pretty darned well. I usually print an extra NGS datasheet, & topo map to leave with a landowner if a mark is well within their property - they usually find them interesting and welcome the explanation of what these disks/bolts/posts are really for. I usually follow up that I make reports to the NGS since it makes the fruits of the wacky hobby useful to someone else i.e., professionals...
  15. In urban areas, I'll check the online USGS topos w/ the caveat that they are usually out-of-date, but in areas that are already built out, the lines don't change too much...
  16. Great photos! RM2 area shot could end up in the 2008 picture contest !
  17. I did a quick search on Geocaching's site & didn't come up w/ it. Gaging stations are placed around streams, etc by the USGS to measure water flow/levels, etc & many of these stations have a 'reference mark' disk nearby. Check the USGS's site for the gaging station - see link. If the disk isn't in GC's site you can post it in the US Benchmarks section of Waymarking.com (you can post the gaging station in the River Guages category as well)
  18. I had about 70 entries in the queue - some were JW0074, JV3511, JV4723, kx0625
  19. Awesome! I've had my eye on RIVIERA for the next time I got into town, but probably would've not gotten up the nerve to ask - did they ask you if you were crazy?! PS - I was walking into that place once & held the door open for Elvis! Seriously. Sure looked like him!
  20. Benchmark pages aren't working as well. Coordinates are being cut off as well, I did a workaround by cutting/pasting into Word. I'e tested with WinXP/IE 7 & Win2K/ IE 6 ..having the same results.. PS - no print-friently option w/ BM's either...
  21. I'm still interested in Advisorless PA - Have a location volunteered - just need to make contact w/ PA Society of Land Surveyors - I'll contact you Also want to bug them about bluebooking the Center of PA Population monument in Newport..
  22. Two disks ?! Don't get me started on that ! Two disks ?! Don't get me started on that ! KW2732 (the one on the right) ...actually there's been discussion in previous threads (somewhere) about that - different partites set their own mark as the leveled thru..
  23. Hey Shorbird - didn't mean to minimize the success of checking off a county - just the overwhelmment(?) of trying to finish ALL the counties! ..I wonder how many counties, parishes, VA cities GEOCAC has actually locked up thus far?...
  24. Nice find(s) I had the same thing happen to me last year - I found a USGS disk w/ a non-published PID a few inches from a reference mark for Tri-Station TUSCA ..The USGS mark also had no descriptive text, so I sheepishly submitted a recovery & it allowed the PID to be republished (KW2863) ..aptly named USGS MARK NEAR TUSCA 1935. I'm curious why the USGS mark didn't just become an RM itself or be used as the main station.. < RM USGS >
  25. Woohoo! Only 3140 more counties to go !
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