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Everything posted by Ernmark

  1. Thanks for all the hard work keeping track of us Benchmarking Fiends as we scrambled around all over the country being chased from front yards by ladies w/ brooms & spent nites in Railroad jail cells !
  2. Dowh ! ..ANOTHER one I drove right past before I joined GC. ! I also missed a chance to log GS0206 the last time I was in Death Valley - no gravity stations in my area !
  3. If there is ever a special category set up for the Fancy Marks, I might consider overseeing it - I love that Strip ! - E
  4. Ditto! It's been a blast - it was great knowing that I wasn't the only person driving around 100 miles from home, kicking thru dirt + it kept me motivated to keep hunting instead of doing usless things like putting up shelves & cleaning out the garage! PS - I'm afraid that for the NEXT contest, I'll need a plane ticket & a rental car to get to new hunting grounds!
  5. ...as of Noon EDT, I am now a 3300 owner - the Shack® 5 minutes away knew of no 3300's in the area, but a quick call to the one 25 min. away said "you mean the $111 one? - we have 1 left" ...so you know where I spent lunch! Who has the Club logo caps - PFF ?
  6. ..thanks to both of you! - it's only a matter of time 'till we have the whole country 'in color' !
  7. Done - thanks ! - E
  8. Eligible finds for7/29: KV2722/1942/N/Y KV2723/1942/N/N KV2719/1942/N/N KV2568/1908/N/N KV2567/1942/N/N KV2570/1942/N/N KV2575/1942/N/N KV2576/1942/N/N KV2578/1942/N/N KV2583/1942/N/N KV2584/1942/N/N KV2681/1942/N/N KV2680/1942/N/N KV2679/1942/N/N KV2678/1942/N/N KV2677/1942/N/N KV2674/1942/N/N - E
  9. JU1903 ? Had some trouble making out the coords but the description sounds like it may be this one: (From the NGS datasheet:) JU1903 STATION DESCRIPTION JU1903 JU1903'DESCRIBED BY COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY 1963 JU1903'AT NEW CASTLE. JU1903'AT NEW CASTLE, ALONG THE SOUTHEAST SIDE OF THE CITY PARK, NEAR JU1903'THE MUNICIPAL PIER WHICH IS AT THE SOUTHEAST END OF DELAWARE JU1903'STREET, 105 YARDS SOUTHWEST OF CENTER LINE OF THE STREET, SET ON JU1903'TOP CENTER OF AN ABANDONED 4-FOOT SQUARE CONCRETE FOUNDATION WITH JU1903'FLOUR 1 1/2 INCH IRON BOLTS IN THE TOP, 44.5 FEET SOUTHWEST OF A JU1903'CONCRETE PARK BENCH, 39 FEET NORTHEAST OF ANOTHER PARK BENCH, 41 JU1903'FEET NORTHEAST OF A LARGE TREE, AND ABOUT 2 FEET ABOVE LEVEL OF JU1903'GROUND. JU1903 It isn't in the GC databast but is listed in the NGS database as "855 1201 TIDAL 1" (thus the "NO 1" designation on the disk and the circle symbol in the center) I typed in "855 1201 TIDAL" on the "station name" page as others of similar designation were on the GC site in New Castle, ie: JU1900 ("NO 5), JU1901 ("NO 4") ..I also see in the NGS datasheet that JU1903 was recovered by a Geocacher in 2006 Since GC's database is "static" you could register it @ Waymarking.com's benchmark site if it isn't already.. Here's a link to a site which has some interesting info - especially if you're new to benchmark hunting: http://www.unm.edu/~creelbm/pages/benchmarks.html - check out the diagrams of some of the different types of markers Also there's a new wiki being set up which will probably be a valuable resource:http://www.holoscenes.com/cgi-bin/moin.cgi Good luck hunting !
  10. Finds for 7/21: JV3264/1934/N/N JV3263/1934/N/N JV3262/1934/N/N JV3257/1942/N/N JV3255/1931/N/N
  11. Finds for 7/19: JV3261/1881/N/Y JV3260/1931/N/N JV3259/1935/N/N
  12. for #1) - ran across this one a while back: http://www.indo.com/distance/ - E
  13. Eligible finds for 7/15: JV1499/1933/N/N JV0579/1922/N/N JV0581/1886/N/N JV0584/1922/N/N JV0582/1922/N/N JV0586/1922/N/N JV0585/1922/N/N JV1587/1935/N/N JV1611/1942/N/N JV2083/1942/N/N
  14. unsubmitted finds: JV3265/1942/N/N - 7/12 EW1120/1946/N/N - 5/18
  15. ..speaking of mountains - here's one that was reset in a drill hole on a mountaintop on the border between Huntingdon & Franklin Counties in S. Central PA: KW2888 * Note - Wayne County is in the extreme NE part of PA - a good 100 mi away...
  16. Here's a few I've run across: PA Power & Light (PP&L) disk - located near a transformer sub-station PA Dept of Transportation "Horizontal Control Mark" - set around Mar. of this year
  17. Eligible finds for 7/6: KW1946/1942/N/N KW1947/1942/N/N
  18. ..the ones on this side of the river (w/ of Harrisburg, PA) seem to be all 1935 w/ monumentation UNK - of course, some of these are basically extensions of the same Reading lines you've been working on to the east. I have followed one line down to join up w/ the old Western Maryland Railway - but so far that line has had USC&GS disks from 1935. I was thru Sunbury last week & Reading RR's up there were 1934's & a PRR bolt or 2 from 1947. (I did not get to log any of them up there, however, for fear that the wife was going to jump out of the car)....
  19. There is a USGS office in my area - and after being told about some displays that thay have in their building, I stopped by when I was in the area (they did have a nice small display of surveying equipment as well an an entire "destroyed" concrete monument removed from a field and a few disks w/ out stems placed over an enlarged circa 1909 topo). I mentioned about submitting recoveries to NGS electronically , etc. and he mentioned that the USGS still requires physical return of a USGS disk either to their office or to the main office. I have run across a "destroyed" USGS (w/ NGS PID) disk which I am planning to send pics off to NGS...but if I want to make it an official w/ USGS also - I'll have to grab a sledge, bust it out, and traipse it down to them? .. Has anybody else submitted any destroyeds to USGS and is that the procedure you used?
  20. Eligible finds for 6/30: KW1000/1942/N/N JV1969/1942/N/N
  21. Qapla! - I made it down to the Battlefield last nite w/ the 2-yr-old in tow....first thing I did was check out the adjusted coords - been thru the area many times, but never to look for tower remains.. I didn't find much in the way of evidence - save for a depression in the grass here & there ...and MAYBE the very faint evidence of where the gravel under the legs may have been (precisely at the coord's as expected): view of area of coord's (just left of center) looking S I edited my log & added pics of the landmarks in the description (i.e., rock wall 'corner' & parking 'lot') ...not that any of this clears up the issues w/ this PID .....but now you can take a "Virtual JV4159 Tour"® PS - one thing that I did not do was measure the street distance from the town square (circle) - If you would travel west on US 30 & turn south at the Seminary & follow Confederate Ave. to the tower (a logical route given the roads)...you could approach a distance closer to 3 miles - I ran out of time ( after looking for a few other marks) as I discovered, with a kid in the car, Ice Cream 'trumps' Description AND Coordinates ! Edit 7/2 - Kordite - would it be better to report as found poor & note the actual coords w/ the recovery? I'd hate to "destroy" a station that may? still exist. (note that the NGS Datasheet for JV4157 lists the tower at Big Round Top as a not found - which is definitely gone). I remember it said in one of the other threads that the NGS is "eternally optimistic" (like the "Federation") about the recovery of a not-found ...a disk, for example is often "not-found" unless you grab a picture of it say, laying on its side in a toppled monument... Regarding Oak Ridge Tower - I definitely agree with your assessment - still kinda there & it could have some use...
  22. I'm planning a visit to the area 2morrow evening - I'll check it out (even tho' it'll adversely affect my totals for the month ) . Thanks for the tower research..would've probably taken me a month or so to get around to it!
  23. Agreed. I guess to answer Kordite's question for JV4159 - the best solution would be to log the recovery ( if it turns out to be the correct tower for the description) & notate the coords (in NGS's format) in the comments..
  24. Since JV4159 is an adjusted horizontal control station, the coordinates trump the description.. Good point ..didn't catch that before. Longstreet Tower, which IS on Seminary Ridge does seem to fit the description, tho' ( and I think is the right distance SW of town)...I've been benchmarking down in that area for the past few weeks - I'll stop by & check some measurements & verify the rock fence..
  25. ..just to muck up this thread - here's another example of description vs. coordinates: KW3109 - MECHANICSBURG IBM WATER TANK KW3108 - MECHANICSBURG USN SUPPLY SW TK The name & description for the PIDs are correct ...but the coordinates are reversed (and the USN tank was torn down quite a few years ago). From what I understand, for NGS recoveries you are to rely on the description as much as possible, so KW3109 exists and is in good condition (gosh I never did upload that pic..still there as of Friday), but KW3108 does not.... ..right?
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