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Everything posted by Ernmark

  1. ..speaking of the cutoff - I swore I found one that was in the GC database from 2000 & did a quick rummage of my logs - there was at least 1: AI7250 - monumented "1/1"/2000 ..cutoff may have been around Feb 2000?
  2. ...so - I might actually have found the record in the "AZ Extreme Distance" category?! Woo Hoo !
  3. ...I was thinking an AZ that was set w/ it's station's name... PS - no prizes !
  4. ..it's also interesting that the current NGS datasheet still matches the info in GC (nothing since '72, but there's a 'new' 1990 disk) - wonder what happened between 1972 & 1990?....
  5. I've run into this in a few dozen cases - most recently KV2740 & about 3 or 4 more w/in about 10 miles - it's a Geocaching thing & not an NGS thing - when GC imported NGS info, anything that went awry was probably kicked out & never became part of the database.
  6. ...maybe more of a "memory dump"!?
  7. ..so in my area, most of the AZ marks are in the .5 - .6 mi range from a tri-station (some a lot closer), but the other day, I ran into one that was a whopping 5.09 mi. away (straight-line distance - driving to it directly from the station would be about a 10 mi. trek)! BOWERS - KW2859 I was going to post my pic of tha AZ area facing the main station in my log, but in the photo you couldn't even make out the mountain top (which was on the 2nd range back)! So my challenge is this - what's the farthest Azimuth Mark disk that you've run across out there?
  8. Excellent ! "Marks across America®" comes to pass! Enjoy ! (Remember the last disk - it could become GEOCAC's equivalent of Promentory Point, UT!)
  9. ! ! ......? ..speaking of paperless - I go papervoluminous - I'll often take the NGS sheet AND CG sheet AND a topo printout (mostly if the mark is in someone's yard). I'll give away the NGS sheet and topo & write notes on the GC sheet to keep. Definitely like to have 'paper in hand' if I knock on a door or am approached by police car..
  10. ..here's a few examples of missing disks w/ in-place stems solid stem disk from the 30's (remember this one, mloser [L 4])? an old USGS disk - JV1999
  11. ..in this case, the "destroyed" status (by the NGS) is correct, as the disk was moved out of its surveyed position & therefore would be of no value to a surveyor.
  12. Here's a good example of what can happen after 40 years: KW2131 I've seen some of the smaller ones acually heave to odd angles thanks to freezing/thawing..
  13. Yeah - meet at the Searchlight Nugget & head out for FS1225 - now THAT sounds like Fun! PS - Congrats on reaching another age 'benchmark' & thanks for spending the time to come up w/ these contests! (looking forward to the spring one - "52-Disk Pickup")
  14. I'm all in ! (angling for the copy of Lasting Impressions) P.S. - gambling tokens? - would they be $10 "Silver Strikes" by chance?
  15. ..I've always taken a contrarian view on NORMAL RM 1 RESET 1937 - at least about the moving of the curb. The distances from Rowland Hall & the former gymnasium still seem to check, & I relied on memory as the drive has been moved farther south twice since my 4 years there - many - many years ago. My theory is that they saw-cut the curb in place & removed the curb on either side. As I remember & the photo appears to confirm, the road ran to the right of the marked curb, & swung to the left (SW) sharply in the background. The original tri-station NORMAL (KW2883) in 1935 described its' original RM 1 on the N side of the curb: KW2883' REFERENCE MARK NO. 1 IS 26.460 METERS (86.81 FEET) SW OF STATION, A KW2883' STANDARD BRONZE DISK SET IN A DRILL HOLE IN N CURB OF CIRCULAR KW2883' DRIVE In 1937 NORMAL 2 1935 1937 (KW2251) was set...which is silent on the issue (and Box Score'less) ..so RM 1 might have been reset to the S side of the drive. This could make sense to put it in the line-of-sight of the 'new' tri-station. I poked around this area 2wice after ArtMan's log before I actually logged it myself since I hadn't recovered that many marks at the time - hmmm..I'm thinking another road trip ! Re: the future "found it"s - that was just a nod to the hard-core BM'er vs. casual cacher debate threads (standpipe is replaced by 6-legged water tower but everybody finds it, etc.). I just drove by out of curiosity after someone told me the dome was gone...never even thought about it being in the db. for about 3 weeks...then I remembered I had pics! PS - I'm still looking for info on the disk that at one time resided on curb on the right side of the front entrance to Old Main (see log) - can't remember which agency or when it disappeared - just that it was well polished due to foot traffic. (back then I just noticed them all the time - never thought to photograph them! ...Especially in the days of <gasp> 'film' !
  16. ..and here's a beloved local intersection station that's bitten the dust: KW2882 - SHIPPENSBURG NORMAL SCH DOME - a.k.a. Shippensburg University's Old Main The dome is undergoing repair & will be returned to no doubt be logged as 'found' on G.C. once again ! In my local county, we've lost at least one disk this month due to road work (I stopped w/ in a few hrs of a culvert's demise & asked the head of the D.O.T. road crew if they pulled the disk to report..they said "what disk?" I also drove to the spot nearby where they're dumping the rubble - no luck finding) 2 more stand in their way....
  17. AZ Cachemeister - I think I saw grass along AZ 95 between Ft. Mohave & Needles, CA (in the area near the little casino)..am I right?
  18. HPGN D CA BELL by russellvt
  19. ..I checked out Google Earth also - this area is full of relatively new buildings. I'll add a field observation of this location on my next visit. I'm most perplexed by this line: HU1512 HISTORY - 20031228 FIRST OBSERVED USPSQD PS - I like your description for KV4204 - <THE SURROUNDING BUILDINGS ARE DECREPIT>
  20. I hate to see the NGS thread go dormant for too long, so here's one - I was nosing around on monkyekat's BM viewer & ran across HU1512 HU1512 *********************************************************************** HU1512 DESIGNATION - OCEAN CITY HOUSE 1 CHIMNEY HU1512 PID - HU1512 HU1512 STATE/COUNTY- MD/WORCESTER HU1512 USGS QUAD - OCEAN CITY (1972) HU1512 HU1512 *CURRENT SURVEY CONTROL HU1512 ___________________________________________________________________ HU1512* NAD 83(1991)- 38 21 54.49197(N) 075 04 18.59934(W) ADJUSTED HU1512* NAVD 88 - HU1512 ___________________________________________________________________ HU1512 LAPLACE CORR- -0.30 (seconds) DEFLEC99 HU1512 GEOID HEIGHT- -35.98 (meters) GEOID03 HU1512 HU1512 HORZ ORDER - THIRD HU1512 HU1512.The horizontal coordinates were established by classical geodetic methods HU1512.and adjusted by the National Geodetic Survey in January 1992. HU1512 HU1512 HU1512.The Laplace correction was computed from DEFLEC99 derived deflections. HU1512 HU1512.The geoid height was determined by GEOID03. HU1512 HU1512; North East Units Scale Factor Converg. HU1512;SPC MD - 79,312.714 568,498.155 MT 0.99998931 +1 12 36.7 HU1512;SPC MD - 260,211.80 1,865,147.70 sFT 0.99998931 +1 12 36.7 HU1512;SPC DE - 40,586.231 230,136.678 MT 1.00000618 +0 12 50.5 HU1512;SPC DE - 133,156.66 755,040.08 sFT 1.00000618 +0 12 50.5 HU1512;UTM 18 - 4,246,331.395 493,724.640 MT 0.99960048 -0 02 40.5 HU1512 HU1512 SUPERSEDED SURVEY CONTROL HU1512 HU1512 NAD 83(1986)- 38 21 54.47357(N) 075 04 18.62692(W) AD( ) 4 HU1512 NAD 27 - 38 21 54.05663(N) 075 04 19.97442(W) AD( ) 3 HU1512 HU1512.Superseded values are not recommended for survey control. HU1512.NGS no longer adjusts projects to the NAD 27 or NGVD 29 datums. HU1512.See file dsdata.txt to determine how the superseded data were derived. HU1512 HU1512_U.S. NATIONAL GRID SPATIAL ADDRESS: 18SVH9372546331(NAD 83) HU1512_MARKER: 85 = CHIMNEY HU1512 HU1512 HISTORY - Date Condition Report By HU1512 HISTORY - 20031228 FIRST OBSERVED USPSQD HU1512 HU1512 STATION DESCRIPTION HU1512 HU1512'DESCRIBED BY US POWER SQUADRON 2003 (JW) HU1512'MARK NOT FOUND. 1) It, if first observed in 2003, is, of course, too new to be in the CG database (GC won't even display the usual "no-PID" page [server Error in '/' Application. ParseSheetException: locHistory too small! ]), but the PID is in an older range - nearby PIDS date to the 30's. 2) It is an intersection station. 3) I was never described. 4) ...and then there's the USPSQD component ! What do you make of this? It looks to me like it may have been in the DB for years & unobserved until JW ran across HU1512 in the database in 2003....
  21. ..if I remember correctly, back in the 70's National Geographic did a story on the US-Canada border & there was a photograph of the inside of a bar that straddled the border - w/ the boundary line (marked, of course) running across the pool table!
  22. ...betcha' it was along the state line & it was clearly in PA but is in the NGS database as in WV (a whole 'nother thread!)
  23. This may solve a puzzle for me - but my case is the reverse - I ran across a no-PID mark on the Courthouse steps in York, PA: WM1AZQ, but there is no 'X' on the topo or notation by the city name (at least on newer quad maps). The engraving is partially obscured, but may have been "City Datum" or "County Datum". So far, I haven't been able to find any info as to its origin - this may at least explain its origin..
  24. ..we had a few bridges show up w/ disks on them in this part of PA in the past 2 or 3 years...and they're actually fairly consistent w/ placement on the bridgewall. There's also a mapping project going on here & they've set some honest-to-goodness monumented-in-the ground disks in 2006: B 264 AZ The PA Turnpike Commission seems to be dropping disks on ALL of the new bridges in the area - including a brand-new multi-gazillion dollar bridge across the Susquehanna River which just opened this month: PTC 246.8 ..not much in the way of adding to the NGS database, 'tho...
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