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Posts posted by acachebox
Is there a way to mark a cache as "FOUND" while in the field on the Iphone? I don't see an option on the phone.
Yup. On the cache, scroll down to "Post a Log/Field Note", then select "Log Type" followed by "Found". You can then upload it as a field note, or a log to the site. You should probably fill in "Message" first or get ready for some irate cache owner's log deletion.
Note you will need to re-run your query to remove the cache from the list of nearby caches, and that'll only work if you actually logged it (Field note is not enough). Bit of a shortcoming of the iPhone app.
Thanks northernpenguin
You bring up some interesting points but I have a question.
Yes it would be nice to delete FOUND CACHES for the nearest search list in the future. But at this point I don't see that option either.
Is there a way to mark a cache as "FOUND" while in the field on the Iphone? I don't see an option on the phone.
Yup. On the cache, scroll down to "Post a Log/Field Note", then select "Log Type" followed by "Found". You can then upload it as a field note, or a log to the site. You should probably fill in "Message" first or get ready for some irate cache owner's log deletion.
Note you will need to re-run your query to remove the cache from the list of nearby caches, and that'll only work if you actually logged it (Field note is not enough). Bit of a shortcoming of the iPhone app.
Thanks northernpenguin
You bring up some interesting points but I have a question.
I have com home and Logged the find on my computer so when I go back to the Iphone it shows as Found. However I do not see anything on the page that relates to "POST a LOG/ FIELD NOTE" and I did not see anything of that nature while I was in the field.
And yes it would be nice to delete FOUND CACHES for the nearest search list in the future. But at this point I don't see that option either.
Is there a way to mark a cache as "FOUND" while in the field on the Iphone? I don't see an option on the phone.
I have attempted to download casche information to my I Phone. Not all are found even thought they appear in the Groundspeak data base. GCP19R was one that was not found.
Are you using the Groundspeak app for Geocaching?
GEOCACHING VERISON v4.2.2 A Groundspeak Project
I have attempted to download casche information to my I Phone. Not all are found even thought they appear in the Groundspeak data base. GCP19R was one that was not found.
When you look up the cache there will be a link on the top right side of the page that says "Log your visit". Click that, type your log in field on the new page that opens then scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Submit" button.
I'm not sure what you are seeing while trying to edit your profile. There should be several fields to enter information and a "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page.
Thanks for your comments.
The Edit Profile page is a complete Blank box without any indication of what I am editing.
Also is there any way to get indication as to when someone replies to one of my posts. Is e mail an option.
How do I report a cache I have found? I see a page that has total count on it but no way to record anything to it.
Same problem on the profile edit page it is just a blank box . How do I use it?
I just signed up for a basic membership and can't seam to get beyond this page http://www.geocaching.com/
I have a Geomate jr. and would like to see what is in my area other than the caches 250,000 preloaded in the unit.
Mark FOUND on the Iphone
in How do I...?
Thanks IT DID