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Everything posted by homeboy_ohmboy

  1. Would someone mind giving me a updated list? Thanks
  2. OK so I no longer have my premium account and was wondering if someone will search my area for cache that have any trackables? I'm in Baltimore city around downtown, the southeast part of the city. I'd appreciate it *I'd prefer the area circled but if none are there I'd go a little larger
  3. Yes. I got permission from the caretaker. I to8my girlfriend that she needs to design this one and do a small paragraph about her uncle and his legacy. Between my birthday, my daughter's birthday and Halloween we just haven't gotten to it yet. But it's definitely the next cache I'm hiding
  4. I've seen them all over so I assume they are okay but is there any special requirements I need to look out for? I was at a cemetery today finding a couple and it was near where my girlfriend's uncle is buried so I mentioned to her that we should hide one near where he is buried. Where his tombstone is he has a bench so I was thinking of placing it around that. Is there anything special I need to do?
  5. Honestly I think the new players are partly due to my neighborhood being pretty small and I actually posted in the App called next door for the neighborhood asking if anyone else did geocaching did geocaching because I was looking to link up with other people. So I'm assuming some people followed my wink and signed up and noticed right away once my hide was approved
  6. Well, The description is so long with all of the swayler's because because all that information is that information is what the reviewer requested. My 1st description was only a very few lines but you lying but it took me 4 or 5 submissions before it got approved. I really did not want to have that many spoilers But all that information was added at the request of the reviewer.
  7. Looks like my hide was published maybe about an hour ago and already had its 1st to find!. As. As I stated I wanted this one to be super easy so hopefully so hopefully it is a pretty popular 1 in the area https://coord.info/GCA15AC
  8. I was hoping with all this information it would put my fellow hunters at ease.about locating in front of a home
  9. Nope, actually this is a box we purchased and installed when we bought the house because it didn't have one
  10. Thanks. I intend or at least my plan is to hide a lot more in the future so the more questions I ask and the more I can figure it out now. It will help me out in the long run not that I'm going to snitch on anybody, but my original spot was at the base of my mailbox. My reviewer told me that was not allowed mailboxes are technically USPS property. I've done at least seven finds that were at the base of a mailbox. LOL that's kind of where I got the idea from but it's no biggie hopefully I can make it through this time This one I really wanted to make super easy so that it would be kid friendly. Especially being that it is directly out front of my house
  11. Yes sir I actually just found out about this and at least one of the events I am attending is through them. It is in December and it is sort of like a Christmas party \ potluck
  12. As the title suggests since I am fairly new to this I was hoping to find someone in my area who is experience to team up with and go out for A-day or so exploring . I have checked a few local Facebook gropen Facebook groups and have not gotten it any solid responses responses. One person said he would like to team up in the summer time but I'm just hoping to find someone much sooner to Maybe Teach me tricks of the trade. I have pretty much been staying pretty close to my home location because I don't want to branch out to the floor and get in late over my head. If you have any suggestions on Ways I'd like to go about cheaming up with somebody please let me know. There is 2 events coming up one in November and 1 December and plan on attending and hopefully I can meet someone there. As much as I enjoy doing this by myself sometimes I feel a little strange and everybody is watching. Lol
  13. Well this is adding up to be harder than I expected. I have went back-and-forth with the reviewer editing it 3 or 4 times already. I think. I thought I was doing everything correctly but I was sadly mistaken. Hopefully we'll this last time is a charm and once the reviewer gets to check it hopefully it will be published
  14. Wow thanks! I think I will be attending this
  15. Shooting you a email/message if that's cool.
  16. Hello everyone, I stumbled upon this hobby by accident and using it to get a little exercise and fresh air. I've enjoyed it so far doing ones close to home for now but plan on branching out. I'm from Baltimore, Maryland but more precise (Dundalk) and would love to meet fellow cachers
  17. So I guess my next question would be if I'm placing mine in the red area I have marked off that should be far enough away from the others that are in the red circles? After double checking, it looks like I'm exactly 1 mile from the closest cache
  18. If it's okay I sent you an email to get more information on how to fix my issues
  19. without giving away too much, this is the general area that my first one is being placed in. There are not many at all within a few miles.
  20. Without giving too much away, my first one is close to my house so I will be able to maintain it pretty good
  21. So far I've tested cords on 3 different cellphones and they seem good. The other question I had is about how long does it take to get a new cache approved?
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