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Ben Pid

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Everything posted by Ben Pid

  1. Hmmmmm yes, Police and caching.....been there. Bit of a blighter. I always try to be as stealth as possible, in and out of the location keeping low, only using torch when nesscesary and wearing predominantly dark clothing....nothing reflective. Usually works, but all depends on if you are on Private Property or with Simply Paul
  2. I am a definate yes. Hopefully Simply Paul will be up4 it, that means lift +lots of pints of bitter with the caching crew!!!!! Merry Christmas already. @Andybug+Ladybird come on, come along....you know it makes sense.
  3. ...full of Nasty Badgers turd....
  4. Yes, possibly not for day time viewing - more post Watershed viewing.....lol. I think what should be filmed are great views, places and scenery. Obviously everything kept within the guidelines. Possibly planting and finding a cache....Showing around the sites, even possibly stick in an Urban cache.... But mainly we need to show that we do not....: 1. Wreck the countryside / town 2. Leave Litter 3. Be incompetant 4. Park illegally 5. Ever not ask permission to plant 6. Cause a nuisance to anything 7. Dig up buried treasure..... All these things have been brought up before....but if we show in any way that we do any of these things we'll give ourselves more of a bad name. Peace
  5. Big Up yo selves HOB! Ya on par with me now. Nice one guys. Pid
  6. Cheers Guys. Loved the last 100! best yet. Seems fitting the man who is responsible (Simply Paul) planted 40% of them! Best cache this 100 has to be the Monster cache bash event- blinding! Also enjoyed the Chess Themed Finale, The few in Scotland I did and also Wales! Cheers to everyone who planted to me. NUFF RESPECT!
  7. Cheers Richard Was a fab evening and day of frolics in teh big city! Love to do it again soon. Pid
  8. Whoa Sparti! doesnt sound like you had a whale of a time. I must say I am so so so disapointed that the cache hasnt been given a spooky theme....check out the pictures of that ruined church! how cool is that. I am going there asap.
  9. I am not sure if I have.... But the forusm changed around about 3 times since I started, I ouwld have 1000 by now but the counter's reset.
  10. good man Well done!!!
  11. The idea is fantastic, I am certainly all for the invention of these. How ever...We need our own website, specially if we have something as great and productive as geocacheuk.com and trigpointing! We can easily do this, Im sure there would only be something like an initial 1,000 up for sale anyways.
  12. Hellfire Caves is a fantastic idea.... A bar would be required though ...obviously ... The camping thing is fixable...I'm sure there is a near by field we can ask a farmer if we can borrow...
  13. LoL... Well I have been trouble remembering the latter half of the evening, but the first half is very vivid.
  14. Fantastic report Dan mate. Big thumbs up for that. Big thumbs up to ya, Andybug and Ladybird for all the hard work that went into making it a true cache to remember. Never to be forrgotton in a hurry I can tell ya. Pid
  15. Me, Drunk....nah...lol. (Ouch my head!) Congrats on the 300 Was nice to meet you last night. Great Meet by the way!!!!! loved every minute of it.
  16. Nutter. Well Done
  17. Watch this space.... "Chips N Cheese" By Dan and Pid
  18. This is very very sad news. I remember The Cat for all the right reasons, we had such a wonderful time filming the video in and around Bucks caching locations. It was great fun and Mark had no bother in driving around everywhere, All I can say is it was pleasure being able to be with you at some of those great views and I hope one day we get to go and take another look! Rest In Peace Mark - I am sure you are in a far better place and your still planting caches there. Til we meet again. Pid
  19. Earlier this Month Simply Paul set himself the target of 200 caches before the end of the month a feat that seemed almost impossible... Well today he did it...and in not bad style. Well Done old chap!! ARRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH! Its a Snaaaaaaaaake.
  20. Who is Hornet??! Well Done Mate. Lets hope your next Hundred are worth it.....and lets hope that you chose a great cache for your 1000th find
  21. There would have been one in Kavos placed last September only I was too wasted to remember to plant it. lol Sorry p.s. Holiday caches arent allowed anyway
  22. Yes Dan and I had a run in with a dog whilst doing Pharisee's cache with the ghost in. Luckily we were able to chake it off - then we just had the ghost to content with!
  23. Well done guys Was nice to see the car yesterday, was an absolute cracker to say the least!!! Pid
  24. Why thankyou, you big fat scallywag
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