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Posts posted by TeamAO
My son introduced my wife and me to Geocaching when on holiday together. We went with him to find four caches and joined in the actual hunt and signed the log books with our given names, having no user name at that stage. When we returned home we registered, adopted our own user name and started to log our finds.
The burning question is... can we count the finds we made with our son before our own registration? We note that other teams sometimes hunt together so may we now retrospectively add four caches which we took part in finding even though not official, registered cachers at that time. Please?!
When it comes to that, don't worry about logging anything. If your names in the logbook with a date, your name can be online with that same date.
You "joining" date means nothing in that situation.
10 Miles.
I don't know, maybe 100 feet.
Does any have any SWPA Event Caches in the works before the end of the year?
I ask this because I may plan one if no one else, locally, will be having one soon.
So is it going to be listed on gc.com.....you should hide one there!
I am looking at some outrageously hard caches.
What was the longest hike for a cache roundtrip that you have done or know of?
I think I'm ready to place my first cache. I have only 36 finds right now and haven't found anything like the container I want to use. I bought a 2 gallon paint bucket and made it look like a log. Think this will be OK to use?
I love it!!!
I would make one if I was creative enough.
Camo cloth, or tape would work.
Word of advice, if hiding a micro, please go with a waterproof container. I have hidden a 35mm micro and all it was, was a pain to go an put a new log book in everytime it rained.
There are some really clever micro ideas on eBay and Bison containers are waterproof as far as rain is concerned. They are also very 'camoflauged' as well.
I like the idea....
I just wish I was any good at puzzles.
I would go right up and talk to them. how much more fun finding a cache, than you will have getting to know a local cacher you haven't met yet?
Wooden Nickels, Sig Items, Etc.
So I can continue my sig item collection.
I'll take a might Dodge Colt.
Pinky....are you pondering, what I'm pondering?
Check out the link with the video.... it's great.
[Edit - here's the link] http://homepage.mac.com/moschell/iMovieTheater34.html
That is great!
Yellowcreek MST by SGLTreker73.
My log and the other logs of the cache will indicate the "falling down swinging bridge" and then having the climb "the hill that eats small children". Awesome cache.
I have had this happen with my old lensatic compass, I'm not sure how or when it happened, but I thought it was just broken.
I am a gadget freak, as I suppose many of you are as well. I've always wanted an excuse to get a metal detector, but could never come up with a use for it. Recently, however, I realized how much easier (and fun) it might be to find a cache using a metal detector rather than just turning over rocks.
Has anyone here ever used a metal detector to try and locate caches?
People use them in huge rock piles where ammo cans are located.
They work very well from what I hear.
I think it is a good idea to require a new hider to pass a test to verify that the guidelines have been read and are understood.
Its already there. Everyone who submits a cache has to check a box verifying that they read the guidelines.
It's more or less one of those things you just have to grin and bear it.
I was actually looking forward to finding one of your caches, but I haven't gotten around to it. I had "O'er the Fields" on my watchlist.
Hopefully I can get the one other before some more development crews get some "great ideas" about that spot.
Sorry for your misfortune...
Team AO
There should be some qualification process for hiding your first cache. Let’s say, you have to find 10 (arbitrary number) caches, or pass a test or something before you place your first one.
This might help to ensure that you at least know how to use a GPSr. (example)
There are at least two new caches on my nearest list that are placed by newly joined cachers; in both cases the newbies have listed no finds. I just don’t understand the logic; I do appreciate the energy and enthusiasm.
this is my cache. i have been geocaching for over a year now. i know how to use my gps i checked and the coordinates are right on. its just hidden in a really good spot. i have found almost every cache in plainfield i just never list them. dont start talking bad about people just because they hide there cache so well that you cant find it or they havent updated there finds. now ill go back and check again to make sure the coordinates are right and ill update my finds but nextime before you go talking bad about someone you need to email them to ask them questions.
<Coughing> PM's are the way to go. You're right. So why did you just say that right in public when you could have abided by the method you suggested for him to use. <Cough, Cough>
Really folks.
Apparently one thread says you can get them for free.
Buy them on eBay, if you want cheap.
Creativity, I like it.
<Cough, Cough> Sometimes it's not just the new cachers. <Cough, Cough>
(I was never here.
I made This cache for free. I got a film canister, scrapped part of an old notebook for a logbook, and wrote a letter explaining geocaching to put in there. I guess it cost me about a penny. We were there for lunch, so no gas money.
I've found a lot like just like that
No comment.
(rolling eyes with briansnat)
I prefer caches that involve a good hike to a scenic spot. A 2-3 mile RT hike makes for a nice quickie cache.
Same here!
in How do I...?
The diffuculty should deal with, how hard it is to find. How hard it is to obtain coordinates (puzzle), how hard it is to find legal entrance (protected by private property, may have to cross creek or something), how to actually get somewhere (if it's on a cliff and you need to find out the most plausible way to get there).
Basically, whatever your mind has to do. It's rating the strain you put on your mind.