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Everything posted by GonzoHiker

  1. I don't know of any but I know there is software for tracking things like the International Space Station. Not sure if the gps satellites orbits are posted by NASA.
  2. I know that satellite locations can affect the accuracy of a GPSr. So, since the satellite orbits are known (i.e. not random) is there any software that can predict satellite locations for a given location on a particular date/time? Something like this would be great as you could use it to predict when you would have favorable alignment of the satellites for caching in your area.
  3. Thanks GEO. Are there any problems with using it i.e. any known issues? I really need something for logging in the field and I can't upgrade the PDA at this time so my choices are limitted. I can live without the tech support in order to get the usage I need.
  4. I need the 2002 version also if there is one.
  5. I need the 2002 version also if there is one.
  6. Another thing I discovered. Since every tyine you drag and drop a .gpx file into the temporary folder it creates a GPS Device folder with Waypoints and other folders. You can simply drag the new waypoints folder up out of the GPS Device folder and rename it to something else. Like the date you'll be hunting or the trip name. Once found you can still move the found ones to the Found folder. You can then delete the GPS Device folder. Sure keeps things c.leaner
  7. Thanks for the help guys. I created my folders for found and not found then dropped the .gpx file into the proper folder. You can simply right click on a waypoint and choose cut then paste it onto another directory or you can use drag and drop to move them. If you click on the upper directory (found or not found) and choose edit then you can set the color for the icons and text. This makes it easy to set the color for all of your founs ones to gree and your not found ones to red. You may have to pick the "share style" button which will set the color to the colrs of th efirst way point. Play with this a little and it will make sense. The only down side is that they won't pick upi the colors automatically and you will have to do the edit each time. You can also change the icons or select custom icons. We'll just need to get some created. All in all this is a great tool for the first pass at new software. Perhaps it will get more features add or we will figure out how to hack it to get the deatures.
  8. I've downloaded and playing around with gsak. I've got Google maps working and added a tollbar button for it. This is very helpfull. Is there anyway to have gsak call up Google Earth and pass the current waypoint to it? This would be nice as you can zoom the images more with Google Earth than you can with the web interface. Also the layers can add points of reference to make navigating easier. Thanks.
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