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Everything posted by soup
Eleri, You might want to stop on by the www.pdxgeocaching.com website, as we (PDX'rs) utilize that forum quite extensively for hanging out activities. Oh, and welcome to the club. Soup.
Dang, apparently I didnt search hard enough.. my bad. 2TF then.
I have no idea if somebody has posted this yet, and I didnt find any references in the search of the GC forums, so can I claim FTF?? Plus: sorry for the B/W pic, as I have no access to a color scanner right now.
PDXMM is correct. Champoeg is going to be HUGE this year! The number of sub-events and activities that are planned will fill up an entire day. You can also check out the previous Champoeg 03 events for an idea of the goings on. This year, the number of geocaching campsites vs normal people campsites must be 5:1. It will truely be a spectacular event.
Heh, How very timely. I was in disagreement with many rules in general. In our little local portland caching page, I decided to post my little "Anarchy" cache. ANARCHY CACHE I had no idea some folks in the general GC.com community were having similar thoughts. Funny. I just believe I am capable of making wise decisions. Oh, if your interested in visiting this cache, better hurry, as its removed tomorrow. But I do plan on placing another anarchy cache in the near future. -S
Hey Geonap.... Got room for some 40+ ammo boxes??? If not, I will contact FoF and coordinate the transfer.
quote:Originally posted by Sunnydae & Co:What exactly is this? I'm fairly new to geocaching. Just trying to figure out what your all planning. Another event from Champoeg 2002 was the first APPARATUS. It kind of got some of us started in other geocaching directions. As for what we are planning... well that is generally a amoebic mess of mayhem. Plans are on the table, and everyone is welcome to join, or set up something. Its free-flow madness. I am told, the arrest warrents have already been issued.
About that pavilion, it was previously reserved last year as well.. well it turned out, the park ranger Mike reserved it "just in case". I would be willing to bet that is the case here. So who ever is organizing next year, SPEAK UP and let us know.. then coodinate with the park. Ranger Mike is who worked with Me and Maps the year before. Here is Ranger Mike Niss number for questions... 503-678-1251 ext 222 If he aint available.. park manager Dennis Wiley at 503-678-1251 ext 230. Oh, as for a yurt pole APPARATUS.. I believe this is possible. heh.!
quote:I'm also working on a new way to light up a yurt without causing spontanious combustion. Well, that would rule out all of my ideas. I was thinking of some sort of FLAMING YURTCANO!!! Hmmm. where is Trogdor? Oh, Kim, contact me for necessary info. What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.
We OWN Champoeg!!11! I am thinking, with the high percentage geocachers, that something even more extraordinary can occure next event. >insert maniacal laugh< Anyway, its not too bad scheduling the event, as I still have most of the numbers needed to call. I was just a little overwhelmed with the Redux, The Apparatus, and Broken Arrow. Next year: a fractalSoup event, and part 3 of the Apparatus event should keep me very busy. Who ever wants to organize next year, just give me an email. Its really easy (the email, not the organization) heh.
Yep! fractal and I will finish coordination of the early ticket dispersal methods. We have been known to obsess about the small details, so that might have caused some delay... But not to worry, as cheap food and beer will power us into the next stage of this H-ween event. Stay tuned, if you dare! -soup
quote:Originally posted by Boojum:Of course you can log your own cache... if it is an event cache! Really? I dont know why I havent logged many of my own event caches... Hmm.. I think I might have to make some changes. What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.
So one of our local cachers has become an international sensation. A media darling! Congrats sir!! Bluto! What do you do for an encore?? -C
quote:Originally posted by TeamDonkey25:When will you start hiding the tickets? Are you going to post the info here, or on Geocaching? No worries as we are currently consulting our Ouija board, and it has given us many answers to our pressing matters. Yes, the tickets will begin to appear in the very near future. Well, thats what the magic 8-ball told us.. -C
Soup the bear? Souper-bear?? Does he look like this?? Beware, soon I will post pix of what happens when I have no internet access for a week, a $3000 lawnmower, and lots of paint. S.
I used to hike this trail 3 times a year to "get in shape" for the big hills in Idaho. Excellent hike, and more excellenter view! You can see the ocean, Olympic Mtn range, Jefferson, St.Helens, and Hood. This also requires the sky to be clear of that fog stuff. If you go, you are in for a pleasant surprize. What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.
Yeah, we are bringing camping stuff, but I dont know where its "leegul" to camp on the beach. I suppose if you can have a fire, then a tent will not be bad. Bring on the MD2020!! What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.
Spike at the Stack will be this weekends PDXspike event location. August 2 at 5 ish. Come early, come late, bring whatever as this is strickly non-formal event. Coordinates will be off by a little, but we can be found by a flag, glowstick, FRS radio channel 2, subchannel 0. Or contact me offline for my Cell number. Fun will be had by all. -C What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.
Cannon Beach, just south of Seaside seems to be the best bet. Its a little bit of a drive for me,but much easier for the rest of the folks. Currently putting together some coordinates for an event page. Go mapquest go!
Well well.. Looks like 50% wants it on the 2nd, and 50% wants it on the 9th. How about that for definitive answers. Since the 9th is busy with the trading caches event, lets go for the 2nd. Now, I will contact Oregone and others who have suggested sites, get coordinates, and set up a event page for the event. Coolness!
Ok, as soon as I return from my trip (mondayish), I will choose the day that was most popular with everyone for the event. I am ready for the beach action as well. Surfs up amigos!! What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.
quote:Originally posted by fractal:I can bring my favorite summertime beach drink: Yukka Juice! Dude! That is so funny, since we used to call it Yukka Flats, and it was always the new guy who would shake the container the entire time. I just thought it was a made up drink, so my friends could laugh at me shaking this freezing 5qt container for 5 minutes. Too bad I already got my revenge on them for my incorrect thought. Huh.. a real drink eh? As I remember, its good! What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.
I dont think I would get much interest in a mechanical bull riding PDXspike event here in Salem. I have another idea for the next spike event, but wanted to ask your opinion. Here is the idea: Meet at the coast for a bonfire and general run of the mill beach activities. We can enjoy the ocean, hide caches in a bottle, and play beach volleyball, beach volleyball polevault (ala Jackass Movie).. Just some random ideas, you got some better? I think I can find a place, but its in Lincoln City, and it might be kinda far for some of you so... if you know of a place by Seaside or Oceanside, then let it be known to the group. This place needs to be on the sand, allow beach fires, and close proximity to the ocean. I just want a beach bonfire. I dunno why. Would you be interested? So the pole is.. what day would you be able to attend? -s
Looks like a fun cache. Will have to find next time I am up in that area. I plan on making many friends with the phone with my telemarketing skillz. Maybe I can get them to buy something..
At long last, the NEW world ORDER is available to the public. I will be placing more disks in local caches, as well as handing them out on the street corner. Secondly, I have placed the teaser in one other location, lets hope they download faster there.. If not, just grab a disk and view it there. Note: Nevermind, this link doesnt work either. Looks like I will have to get myself a real webpage.. that costs MONEY!!