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Posts posted by Beffums

  1. Thanks,

    I'm looking for that "bug sheet" you suggested from the travel bug page, but have yet to find it.

    Any suggestions?


    In one of the threads (I think the Snoogans longeivity clinic), the following link was offered. If you want a smaller TB mission statement, this lets you make nice little ones.


    TB Mission Cards


    Also, for not too much, you can buy little laminating tags for luggage that work great for TBs. I've found them at Wally World in the office supplies section (I used 3M/Scotch Bag Tags; but I'm betting there are other brands). The top option on the mission cards link works great in these, and the laminated tag can be attached with the chain (or whatever you use) that ties on the actual TB tag.

  2. I am a newby in every respect. I am patiently waiting for my first travel bug to arrive in the mail along with my new GPS. I am so excited. I Thought I would start my travel bug in my first found cache in hopes that it will be on it's adventure. I have read up on TB Hotels.....am I suppose to only put my TB in a hotel or a cache that I place? Can't I place it where I want? HELP


    You can generally place them in any cache that has enough room for the TB. TB hotels are simply places where lots of TBs can fit, and generally should be near maor roads, etc, so that it's easier for out of town cachers to find them (and therefore easier for bugs to move long distances). You can place TBs in caches that you place, but you don't have to. So, go ahead - place it in the first cache you find (just make sure you aren't searching for micro caches, since it likely won't fit).

  3. Thanks everyone - I'll take the advice and contact my reviewer now I know how to do it. Isn't this a helpful community?!


    I'm a bit saddened if lindysychris is right there are to be no more virtuals. The more challenging of these can be great fun. They can also be generally more accessible for those with disabilities - handicapped for you lot stateside. It can be difficult/impossible to reach a hidden container from a wheelchair but, for example, reading a notice board and solving a puzzle/riddle is not.


    Virtuals are gone, but that's not to say that you can't use notice boards and puzzles. If you want to, you can have one (or more) of the five set up as puzzle caches, where first you go to point X and read this sign, and then you use the information to figure out where the cache is.


    Another point - and this will likely get me in trouble with some of the "purist" cachers out there. As the cache owner, YOU have final say in what is or is not a find on your cache. You must provide a container with a logbook, so that cachers can find and sign the logbook. That was the deal when locationless and virtuals went away. But, there is nothing that says you cannot accept - "I found the sign, it said ___. It lead me to these coords _____. I saw the container - it was here _____. But, from my wheelchair I could not physically reach it to sign."


    Yes, many cachers would still say no find. BUT, as the cache owner, you can decide to accept such a find. Because no matter your good intentions, caches will fall. They'll slowly move. They'll eventually reach a place where no one who is caching alone in a whellchair could reach them. You at that point have two options. A) Tell them tough luck - no sign no find. I replaced the cache where it should be, come back and try again. or :laughing: Tell them - I understand your situation, and if you'd like to claim that as a find, I am content with you doing so (and that you have gone back out and replaced the cache in its original location).


    Alternatively, put the caches in bison containers (or other metal containers). And recommend that those with limited mobility bring along an extension magnet, in case the container has fallen out of reach. Not ideal, but a little better than plastic for reaching from a distance (those extendible claws just don't seem to work as well).

  4. Is the muggled cache location anywhere near you? If so you might want to travel to it and search the surrounding area to see if by chance you could find your TB or others on the ground. If it isn't close then I'm with BlueDuce, give it a month and then release another one.


    Unfortunately, it's about 2.5-3 hours away (not too far, but just far enough to make you debate the trip). I'm debating it for the weekend if the weather clears up though. The cache owner did do a fairly thorough search (or says they did), and since all of the other missing bugs were theirs (and were much tinier), I'm hoping they searched well.


    Thanks to all who've given advice so far.

  5. Very thoughtful of you.

    I would suggest you contact your local reviewer directly.

    He/She should be able to answer your questions.

    Good Luck.


    Thanks - but being relatively new I don't know how to do that?


    If you check the caches hidden closest to you, the very first log on (at least some of) them should simply say "published". Whoever left that log is the reviewer for your area. Some cache owners will delete the published logs, so not all will have them. Also, start by checking the logs for newer caches (in case the reviewer changed in the past 3 years or whatever).


    I would think that 5 caches spaced out over 1.5 miles would not need to be all stages of a multi. 0.3 miles between caches is plenty of distance, just make sure they're all at least .1 apart. :D And, I think that it's a great idea - good luck!

  6. Can you check the list of caches waiting to be reviewed anywhere? People have mentioned it on the forums but I don't know where it is. I am waiting for my cache to be reviewed, and that's why I want to know.


    Are you just wondering how much longer you'll have to wait? (kinda a "where is my cache in the queue?") If so, you can try a politely worded request to the local reviewer, clarifying that you know they are busy and you aren't trying to be pushy, but that you wanted to check if there was anything they needed from you to speed up the process, etc etc. (I'm trusting it's been more than 3 days since that's the estimated wait-time). Sometimes they are out of town, sometimes they are sick, sometimes they just had to work ten 16-hour shifts in a row... and sometimes they are concerned because your cache is plotting in a space that doesn't seem to match with the cache page. The last one you can fix, if you know about it. And, if at least you know why the wait, then for me at least that's enough.

  7. Hi all,


    I'm searching for some advice on a TB of mine that was in a cache that has been muggled. The cache owner has verified that the cache container is completely gone. Some random bits of the cache were found in the general area, but no TB's (there were several in there along with geocoins, sigh).


    First, how long would you wait before starting the copy tag? Am I being presumptuous (sp??) by thinking to send out a replacement now, when the cache was reported muggled on Feb 7th? (none of the recent logs mentioned snagging Chilly Willy, so it seems a fairly safe bet that my little penguin was there when the cache disappeared)


    Second, after I wait an acceptable period of time, would you a) send out the actual copy tag or :) create a mock-tag to send in it's place? I've seen both on TB's that I've found, and was just wondering what other's thoughts were. I have the copy tag, and now that the number is on the cache page I guess I can always use a mock-tag for my third attempt if need be (I hope not!!).


    Third - let me just state up front that I'm 100% not upset with the cache owner. Muggles happen. The cache appears to have been in a perfectly acceptable place and I really hope that the discussion does not turn into a vent against TBs in poor caches, etc etc. I'm just looking for ideas on when and how to send off a new penguin into the world. Luckily, the creche here at home has many many penguins currently, so finding a replacement is definitely possible.


    Thanks in advance for the opinions.


    edit: someday I will learn how to type

  8. Dont you guys think hiding a cache or a couple of caches, not just finding them, would be important in passing from newbie status??

    49 finds

    No hides


    But then what do you do about cachers who have 500+ or 1000+ finds (or more), with no hides? I've learned that some people will love hiding caches as much or more than finding them - they'll have a relatively high hide to find ratio. Others love finding, but honestly simply have no interest in ever hiding one. I think there's a point at which you aren't a newbie, even if you've never hidden a cache.


    I have 300+ finds and 18 hides, and I'd still call myself a newbie most of the time. I think it's easy to tell at the extreme ends who's what -- if you have 0-1 finds, you are a newbie, no matter how many hides you have. If you have 10,000+ finds I'd say you are not a newbie - again, no matter how many hides you have. In between - I'd lean toward the option above of "whenever you no longer feel like a newbie".


    hmm, or should the criteria be when you no longer think a 35 mm in a lamppost is cool and novel? :)

  9. I understand that members only caches are only for Premium Members. My wife and I cache together most of the time. Do both of us need to purchase Premium Membership so we can find the members only caches, or does just one of us need to have the premium account?


    Currently we each have free accounts so that we can each log our finds. That way if I find a cache say on my lunch break and she isn't with me, I can log it seperately. If she were to purchase a premium account and then we found one of the members only caches, would her account be the only one with permission to log the find? It looks that way from the error page I got when trying to view a members only cache. But I haven't tried to use a waypoint code to see if I could get directly into one of those pages since I don't know any of them.


    So what's the general consensus about how this should be handled?


    One other option is to get a premium membership for a "team" account - one that is for both of you. The downside is that then, your MOC finds don't show on your personal accounts. The upside is that you don't need any back-door way to log them. It also means that if you want to place caches together, you can from the team account.

  10. :laughing: last week my husband and I purchased our first TB's. We ordered 4 for 20.00. We recieved then yestarday in the mail. We are so excited to get started. We got 2 packages when we opened them there were 4 TB's in each package. We were just wondering why we recieved 8 TB's instead of just the 4 we paid for. WHAT DO I DO????? :):laughing::laughing:B)


    We really want to get started as soon as possible


    Just a quick question. Were there 8 different TB tags? or four pairs of tages? (honest - not trying to imply anything, just checking before you contact TPTB and have them ask this)


    Normally you get a tag to send out as your TB, and a "COPY" tag with the same number to keep, in case anything happens and the original one gets lost. It will say COPY right above the numbers. So, you should have gotten 8 tags (i.e., 4 pairs), but not 16 tags (i.e., 8 pairs). If they have 8 different numbers, then the last poster was right - use four and contact gc.com about the others.


    edit: Welch types faster than me

  11. Deermark


    Have you been having fun hiding caches this week? Or, are you just plotting for the next trailmix!?! My e-mail account is going bonkers with all the new caches popping up on it... and they all appear to be really close to each other... :laughing:

  12. Ziplock bags work well for books in caches, and I would assume for CDs as well.


    I might also throw a piece of chalk into each ziplock...I've heard that it will absorb moisture pretty effectively in small areas.




    We found a cache recently where the cache had lots of the little dessicant bags in it, to keep it dry. If you are bagging the books, and can scavenge through old shoe boxes, etc., you might want to toss them into each bag. This is probably not as critical for the cd's if they are still in the original packaging. How critical it will be for the books likely depends on where you live (do you live in the Southeast, where humidity hits 99%, or in the Sahara...).

  13. On Saturday, a group of cachers got together in Evansville, IN, to start a new caching group - ECO (the Evansville area Caching Organization). ECO is a spin-off group from Indigo, and fortunately many members of Indigo were able to come and help us get started and to find our way. At the suggestion of some of the other attendees, I'm posting about it here, in case anyone is interested in joining who wasn't able to come on Saturday.


    Almost 50 cachers braved the cold and snow to come out to eat and discuss plans for the new group. I must admit to some concern when I woke up Saturday morning, with a couple inches of snow already on the ground and more falling. But, thankfully most were able to come. We had quite a blend of cachers from Indiana (Deermark, Daggy, Kepnfit, Prariepartners, WCNut, Sparhawk&Sparslady, Shaggy and Daphne of Mysteries Inc, Kayak-cowboy, solarwib, Camp Monsters, Krawhcs, JHB50 & Better 1/2, Team Neos, Mama Jane, bballgirl22, Cutter Mike, Peacecamp1, and JAPTKD), Illinois (Wolf Pack 359, Gibson5String, and ChetLeague), and Kentucky (Kodiak_62, MetroGT, Wheresitat&Overthere, HotRodonFire, and t girl) who were able to make it out.


    Wheresitat and Overthere brought some great door prizes (the Owensboro cachers must get to see lots of unique and interesting hides!) and the biggest TB and TB hitch-hiker that we'd seen yet FOMOCO pickmeup truck ! After we'd settled in with some food, we finally got down to business, and came up with a few tentative plans. We don't have an entire year of meetings and plans worked out already or anything like that - for now we're playing it one get-together at a time. :mad: But we did make the following plans:


    On April 22nd Mama Jane and bballgirl22 volunteered to host the next event, in the Patoka, IN area. We're still planning out the details (might include a CITO in it, since that's CITO day/Earth day, or might just have a potluck-style get together with people heading out and caching afterwards - still in the planning stages). Details will follow as we figure them out. :o Second, we set up a mailing list/yahoogroups group for ECO (eco_geocaching). The list/website is already flourishing, with a Frappr map (thanks kodiak_62!), potential logos (thanks MetroGT!), links to other geocaching groups, and an on-going discussion of what to plan for the April 22nd meeting.


    I would like to say thanks again to everyone who was able to come out on Saturday. It was great to see how many people were excited about starting a new local group. I also know that several individuals really wanted to attend on Saturday, but were unable due to weather or work or ... We wanted to make sure that all area geocachers knew that they are welcome to join the group at any time, and for everyone to know that our definition of "area geocachers" is pretty wide open. :lol: Most of our events will likely center on the tri-state/Evansville area, but anyone who is interested in coming is welcome, no matter where you live.


    If you are interested in joining the mailing list/yahoo group, feel free to contact me and I can give you information on how to join. If you are looking for information about our next event (but aren't up for joining another mailing list :o ), you can also feel free to contact us. We'll try to post more information back here as well as on some of the other geocaching websites (such as Indigo's, INKy's, River Valley Geocaching's, etc.). Some of our events will be full-fledged event caches listed on gc.com, while other get-togethers won't be; but we'll try to make sure people find out about all events.


    One last thanks to everyone, especially some of the more experienced cachers who came to help us sort out what details we needed to settle, and what things we could play by ear. :lol: And a big thanks to Mama Jane and bballgirl22 who volunteered to host our next event!

  14. Congratulations Mark and Lynn!!! I think we need to have another event!!!! ;)

    I agree! Congrats guys! Those pictures are beautiful! But, it sounds likea need for a 5000/6000 party. :ph34r::huh:

  15. It runs on a schedule now. Send me a link where it isn't working and I'll look into it.


    For all of my TB's that have moved since January, their mileage has yet to update onto "my" page that lists all of my owned TB's. (We actually had put out a few bugs during this time period, so I have a bunch reading 0 miles that have been in more than one cache now - so easy to keep track of.) For some of them the actual bug's page has updated the mileage. For others, if I go to the page for the bug and click "recalculate distance", it will on that page, but not on the list I get for all of my owned TB's. I've tried using my husband's login to see what it looks like when I go through a TB search on my userid owned, and see the same # of miles as when I search from my own account.


    Beffums TB's


    I think why the TB owners think there's a bigger glitch in the system than you are seeing is because "our" pages that list all of our TBs aren't updating right, even if the individual TB pages are. Hope that helps narrow down where some of the problems are.

  16. oh yeah bear in mind this happened on I 65 northbound... I think we're lucky that nobody was nearby when it happened and that Ed is a good enouh driver that he kept us from getting killed by safely getting onto the shoulder


    good to hear that everyone was ok. The car doesn't look so happy... ugh. what happened to cause the tire to come off?

  17. (GCF2FE)


    These tings are all over the Groundspeak website, and I can't figure out how to access these to my advantage.

    A forum thread will say,"I went to get this cache the other day (GCF2FE) but I couldn't find the sign."

    What I guess I want to know is, how do I look up these codes?


    Another amateur question by:




    go to "hide and seek cache"

    "by waypoint" - and type that code into the box. it'll bring up the cache.


    (sometimes, the GC# will actually be a link you can just click on, then you don't have to go search it out.) ;)


    and, don't worry about the "amateur" question - you won't learn unless you ask.

  18. Is it possible to change ownership of a tb?

    Myself and a friend are starting a tb race around the world and another in the U.S. Somehow, his U.S. race tag was put on my world race Tb(I blame him!) so that when my tb is picked up it logs under his tb #. They have already been released and picked up once, which is how I noticed the goof. Plus they are attached with cable not just the chain that comes with it so switching tags is going to be difficult to say the least. Other than having my Tb mailed back to me, is there any way of fixing this #$%^& goof or maybe change ownership of tb and edit tb details?


    Thanks in advance for answers.


    I know you can use the link for adopting caches to adopt TB's, but I'll have to dig around to see if I can find that link. Basically, you would put your tag up for adoption and list him as the only valid adopter. he would do the reverse. then you'd both go in and adopt the other tb tag. all would siwitch, and life would be good. now to see if I can find you the link...


    Ok, you are supposed to be able to use this link for TB's as well as caches, as long as the OWNER is in on the adoption. the two of you should be able to switch them between yourselves with this.


    adoption link


    hope it helps

  19. I regularly pay $0.50 to $2.50 each for a thumb size sample of these minerals to use in my science class. Moral: If you can any minerals you don't want in PA, send them along to me for my science class! I am especially eager to get minerals that react to UV light (and PA is famous for those!).

    PA collecting sites: http://www.pennminerals.com/collecting.htm


    I sense that Neos 2 is plotting a side trip to PA... I can suggest some caches on the Western side of the state... :D


    Codeman3: unfortunately, no matter what you do, some people will trade down. I've learned that you just have to learn to live with it. As was stated above - remember that anything you leave in a cache is no longer yours, and that those who trade for it might have a very different opinion as to it's value (or as to the value of what they leave in exchange). Sadly, there are also some who don't care when they leave worthless items, and others who will take and not leave. Fortunately, they are the few. Unfortunately, the majority don't trade, and so only a few trade even or trade up - which is how caches deteriorate over time.

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