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Posts posted by Beffums
[*]BoB: Placed by Team Idiot Savant (Genius Loci and Hutt), this is a series of 99 caches that stretch over about 12 miles in northern Chicago suburbs. See here for the "first" of the series. Given the density, this is a way of racking up a lot of cache finds in one day. A large group from Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Indiana tacked these last November, with one saying that he found 112 that day!
I'm thinking that 8 April might be a good day to plan for. It currently doesn't conflict with any events in the region, and it's the first Saturday of daylight-saving time. Let me know if there's any interest in this.
Sign me up for the BoB run!!! We can do this!!!
JAPTKD and I could easily have our arm twisted into going on a BoB run.
Hey all. I guess that I'm the first to get back home to INDIANA after a big day of GEOCACHING over in Illinois. I believe that our Project APE run was a phenominal success. Several cachers in our group hit milestones today with the APE cache. Let's see if I can remember them all:
Joypa - 350
Rupert2 - 400
Car54 - 400
-{LoS}-Xile - 800
WilliamsFamGC - 900
4damFam - 1000 finds!
- and me with 531
Congratulations to all. I think that we'll have to do something similar in the near future.
congrats to all!
Joypa - 350
Hi all.
A question about caching in Indiana.
I know that the DNR requires permits to place in any of the state-run FWAs. Has anyone tried to place caches there - if so, how frustrating was it to get a license? There are several nice spots way down in the tip of Indiana (near Hovey Lake), and I was just wondering if the general consensus was it's worth trying for the license, or that since there's an endangered species there, there's no chance, or ... (it's a waterfowl, and I'm not thinking a cache requiring a boat, so...
The cache that is already in that FWA was placed there without a license, so the owners weren't able to help with the process. (I checked). They hadn't realized you needed a license, so they're removing it (I encouraged them to try asking, but we'll see what they opt to do).
Anyway, I just thought I'd ask if anyone else has tried getting a license to place in an FWA and if there was tons of red-tape, or if it went smoothly, or whatnot.
we didn't make the goal of 250 by Christmas, but 220 in our first 6 months of caching is not that bad.
Well, what did the family think of the goal that you DID reach?
In JAPTKD's words
"green eyed monster reared it's ugly head"
However, on a positive note, thingfinders found their 100th find while we were all there (of course, he was the first one in the family to start caching, and green_eyed_lady (who was VERY green eyed over the 200th find) is at about 125, so he's lagging a bit, but 100 is still great). and, he got his 100th on JASPOP's cache (aka dad for the three of them).
Either you have a very cool wife or she does not realize the pandora's box that she has opened.
I think it's a little of both. She thinks I have a Peter Pan complex, I have no desire to discourage that opinion.
Now you can practice saying this to your wife: "Well, you're the one who bought me the GPS!"
or you can do like JAPTKD did and convince your wife tht she wants to come along and get her an account so that she gets hooked too!
First post here, woohoo! My wife bought me a Garmin ETrex Legend for Xmas and I'm off to the races. I'm looking forward to getting into this amazing hobby.
since you're from the Indi area, you might wanna check into the TrailMix on the 14th of January - it's up near your neck of the woods. Some of the "big" cachers in the state (the ones with 4000, 5000 finds) are offering to lead a short hike through Morgan-Monroe State Forest (just south of Martinsville off highway 37). It might be a good way to learn some more about caching while not having to travel too far to do it! more details are available at
Just an idea.
First post here, woohoo! My wife bought me a Garmin ETrex Legend for Xmas and I'm off to the races. I'm looking forward to getting into this amazing hobby.
welcome to caching! you'll find it's a very addicting sport. [
What a great Christmas. Did everyone else enjoy their holiday?
well, we spent the holidays with JAPTKD's family. let's see, presents included garmin's for jaspop and thingfinders (their old GPSr was from 2000, so it didn't have ANY bells and whistles!), lots of ammo cans and other caching stuff all around. somehow everyone thought alike, so in the rain and snow, you got to see all of us out in the yard with GPSr's in hand, since all that was wrapped were coords, and everyone had hidden at least one present for someone else in an ammo can in the yard that they had to find if they wanted the gift. [
] nah - we're not addicted or anything... [
we didn't make the goal of 250 by Christmas, but 220 in our first 6 months of caching is not that bad. our searching for new caches was interrupted by helping the rest hide caches around home, so it was still a productive caching time. [
] (and, we did find time to do at least a little non-caching stuff with the family too).
Did you have a good holidays Deermark?
Any times listed for an IndiGo Event will always be local time at the event site. Whick for the Trailmix in Eastern Standard Time. Sure is going to be a long drive for the Evansville folks.
may be a long enough drive to have me checking into hotels closer to the trail... JAPTKD is all for camping out at the campground, but I think that's just going toooo far there.
I'd figured it was 10 am eastern, but I was just hoping that *maybe* I would luck out and that would be one of the random bits of Indiana that aren't in Eastern time... oh well. now to debate the early morning wakeup versus the hotel...
As for long drives - go to yahoo maps (or your personal favorite mapping tool), and check the route between Coeburn, VA and Evansville. Look close - is Greeneville TN anywhere close to on that route? But JAPTKD desperately wanted to pick up "Wee Three Monks I" so he found a way to make it part of the drive. From Evansville to Coeburn - 6.25 hours. From Coeburn to Evansville - 10.5 hours. hmmmmmmm. yeah, I don't think japtkd will mind the jaunt up to the Bloomington/Indi area.
The Trailmix will be starting at 10:00am. The parking area is small so we may have to shuttle a few people from a larger parking area nearby. This hike is for all ages and abilities. Of course when one person finds the cache we all find the cache but it really is more about making friends. The Trailmix is patterned after the 9 mile Rose Island trips we used to take until Charlestown State Park closed down the area to humans. It is open to anyone from any part of the world. Come on out and join us for a nice hike.
Just to check (as one of the Evansville folks...)
10 am Eastern time, right? (JAPTKD and I are trying to figure out if we should get a hotel room close by or just get up REALLLLLLLLY early in the morning. the hour difference might help us choose...
ok, now I need to add a thanks for the picture!
It made JAPTKD's brother and sister (sis especially) nice and jealous...
Of course, they've both been caching for more than a year, and are at about 100 caches each (give or take). On Christmas day, we'll have been caching for 6 months, hmmm, maybe new goal should be 250 by Christmas??
Well, Doobies didn't just stick his fingers in IT.... you left out the part that it is dark outside, and he was feeling around for the cache when his fingers brushed up against something warm and moist....
AND I thought is was a BLACK snake not a GREEN Snake?
Let's not forget about {LoS}-Xile's Bank Robbery
That'll teach him not to go caching behind a bank.
"I Swear Mr. Job Supervisor, I did not use the company van to commit a bank robbery"
yeah, but it doesn't sound nearly as entertaining if he just brushed up against it in the dark...
I thought Doobies said green snake, but maybe it was a black one - I'll trust ya on that.
Now, with the bank robbery and all, LosXile *was* inviting gerbilMAFIA to join them, so maybe there's more to the story than we've heard... hmmm.....
I know I can't "make friends" with everybody in the caching community, that has been made very clear to me on this forum, so I'm really not trying anymore. If something I say on here makes someone not like me then so be it. This place reminds of highschool and I'm still in the stoner crowd. The cool preppies keep picking on me for, what they consider, talking out of place. Believe it or not I have met and/or corresponded with some very cool people as a result of this thread so all is good in my world. I know there are more nice people out there so I keep posting. I get the feeling you guys don't want me here so I start my own thread and what do you know? I somehow get something started here, but that's cool, I enjoy the attention.
Hey GM Wanna Sit behind the bleechers with us, smoke cigarettes and make fun of Deermark and Lead Dog??
hey - you should at least warn the guy that one of the others he'll be hanging out with has stories that include "so, I put my hand into this hole, and when I pulled it out, there was a 3 foot green snake hanging from my little finger" and "so I was searching for this cache, and I saw this big pile, and put my hand in it, and it was ..." I must wonder if the cigarettes have impaired his judgement about what you should (and should not) put your hands into...
(just kidding Doobies)
oh, and to stay on topic. Hello Earthdog Patrick!
well, I'm not great at searching out event caches either (though like SixDogTeam mentioned, if you search for newest, they'll keep popping up). I've heard tales of a spring event that pairs with the fall picnic, but no details on it. Does anyone know if that's happening this year?
And, Captain Retreiver - while Indi-go is a bit further away, the first trail mix is up between Bloomington and Indi, so in about the middle of the state. In case you mis-understood from SixDogTeam's post - Indi-go is also quite inclusive. All we ask is that you come out and join us then you are a member, so we're just as happy to see you as the northern groups. No need to pre-register, no fees, no restrictions on who can come - whoever comes to the event comes and we all hang out together (we just might be a bit harder for you to meet up with, since the drive will be a lot further).
I've heard about the treks that lead to the formation of the first trailmix, and they sounded great. If you can spare the day, I'm certain you'd have a lot of fun on the hike. If you can't make that one, they've said they're going to try to have a trailmix every one to two months, so keep checking the "events" page on the indi-go site, and maybe you can make one in the future.
hope to see you out caching sometime in 2006!
Hi GerbilMafia! I know they'll try to beat you down, but I'm fine with posting to both threads.
Of course, I've only just started posting to the forums, so I haven't developed my "favorite threads" commitments yet...
I don't keep beer in my backpack (that's JAPTKD's job), though I have been known to carry around a smiley face sippy cup with Jack in it...
How're things going with you? What kinda beer do you keep in the backpack?
JAPTKD and I wanted to send out a BIG Thankyou to Team Neos. They put up with us getting up at 7 in the morning; with us taking forever to find each cache; with my tendencies to check out every single item in anything that wasn't a micro... We had a blast hitting the area, and ended up having a better time even than we had hoped for. Thanks again for the great weekend!
Deermark and Daggy - thanks for inviting us over on Friday night. We had a great time getting to know other cachers.
We've finally made it back home, after a fairly suscessful foray across the state. Nothing like Doobies caching runs, but really good by our standards. You guys have some really cool hides on your side of the state. It's interesting caching in different areas, because while some things seem to hold true everywhere, other things seem to change area to area. We had a great time running around, and picked up a lot of new caching skills from Team Neos.
any luck this weekend? i did not go since BigG said they would go. Let me know, i could still go this week.
Thanks for the offer! BigG and Ogre posted that she's moved to a new cache, but I really appreciate you being willing to help out.
Better late than never. Daggy and I look forward to you guys dripping by. Hope there is some wine left. Maybe I'll save you a chug. See you tonight.
well, apparently JAPTKD managed to skip out of work a bit early and is on his way home now. Of course, still have to finish packing, get the car loaded, and get going... but, we should make it in time to swing by. Directions seem simple, so hopefully we'll see everyone between 7 and 8.
(JAPTKD has this goal of going to his family for Christmas, and getting to gloat to JASMOM, JASPOP, Thingfinders, and Green_Eyed_Lady that we have more caches than the rest of them combined. sigh. my husband is just soooo mature...)
At least I'm not the one with a caching dance!
Indigo and trailmix both sound like a blast. I know we had a really good time at the inaugural Indigo meeting in Evansville. Now if I can just manage to get me and Beffums over 200 this weekend! Anyone know of a good cache for a milestone in or around Louisville?
Patch Reef Beach would be a good milestone...but I doubt you'll be able to get to it at this time of year. It's a great cache to put on your wish list, if you can't get to it now.
wow - ok, I'm thinking swimming the river in December might be a bit excessive, but suddenly I have a hunch I know what we'll be doing next spring or summer...
I have three travel bugs (Elemental, Xander, and Sweet Bambina) who are kittens racing around the country. Elemental made it from Indiana to Atlanta, where she settled into the WiseAshe cache (GC2A4). And, settled in is now the appropriate term. She's been there 8 weeks so far, and is just watching the other two find caches, miles, and mittens. She's been hoping for someone to find her and move her along, but no luck so far. She's fairly small - easy to fit into caches. If anyone in the Atlanta area either hasn't found WiseAshe and wants to, or has found it before but doesn't mind going back, then could you maybe help move her out to a busier cache? She's cute, I promise!
Ok, so unless GE suddenly decides that JAPTKD needs to work this weekend, we're planning on running down to Louisville Friday night, getting a hotel room, and staying til Sunday when either it's too dark to cache, or we just get too worn out. Team Neos said they might be around, but if anyone else is in the area and wants to hit some caches Saturday or Sunday, let us know.
(JAPTKD has this goal of going to his family for Christmas, and getting to gloat to JASMOM, JASPOP, Thingfinders, and Green_Eyed_Lady that we have more caches than the rest of them combined. sigh. my husband is just soooo mature...)
Indiana Cachers Hello !
in Midwest
it seems like virtuals still exist... is there a remarkable tree, or a clear barn/house/outbuildings combo, that you could recognize in pictures? Then require that they have a picture with that behind them, to get them as close as possible (sounds like on SR 13) to the center point.
of course, magnetic on the signpost always works as well.