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Everything posted by znuz

  1. I also am a Mac user, and I have found this thread quite helpful. I just purchased a Magellan Meridian Gold and I like it a lot. I've ended up using a combination of MacGPSBabel to do quick uploads of .loc files from geocaching.com and gpsWrite/Link2GPS for managing waypoints. I tried using MacGPSBabel to download waypoints from my GPSr, and it seemed to work, but when imported into any waypoint manager there were 3 copies of each waypoint. I tried Magellan Waypoint Manager, but the beta has expired, and even when I turned back the date it would hang when trying to connect to my GPSr. GPSConnect didn't support downloading waypoints from Magellans. MacSimpleGPS looked promising but it was very buggy and wouldn't read from my GPSr. The new Terrabrowser beta also looked promising, but is incomplete as of yet and MacGPSBabel has to be used to import waypoints (and as I mentioned I would get 3 copies of each waypoint in this program and in MacSimpleGPS). The old Terrabrowser software doesn't seem to support routes and also doesn't support Magellans (based on same software as GPSConnect). I would like to try MacGPS Pro and the National Geographic software, but I don't want to spend the money without being able to tryout the software first. So gpsWrite/Link2GPS are it for me for now. Hiketech makes them. They aren't rock solid either, and there is some functionality I would like to see (better drag and drop support, more and more intuitive keyboard shortcuts, better data entry) but it works for my limited needs. I agree that it would be nice to just have official support from Magellan. Oh well. Thanks for all the help guys!
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