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Everything posted by JSWilson64

  1. City Nav can only unlock to one unit - sorry you had to find out the hard way. If you want maps with routing capability that can be put on more than one GPSr, get a copy of Metroguide and download Metrowizzz or MetroGold from www.geodude.nl. Those programs reubild the routing data that Garmin disabled. You can even use an eBay version (or maybe even a BitTorrent version) without worrying about unlock codes and the like. I'm in agreement that it's silly to tie the program to one and only one GPSr, even after you no longer own it. But there's plenty of people here who will argue Garmin's side...
  2. There's a perfectly fine alternative to City Navigator that, with $6.00US and about 10 minutes or less, will give you all the functionality and none of the registration/unlock hassle. It's mentioned in this forum quite a bit. So, you've got buyer's remorse -- did you research your product, or did you just go out and buy it? And do you really think your "I'm pissed" user name is going to make one whit of difference? Think anyone besides Web programmers looks at those, and do you realize how many users are out there with just generic names like "Nightray" so that a user named "Garmin_Blows" will just disappear into the noise? Once you've saved up enough money with your lawn-mowing, do some research before you buy your next mapping product.
  3. Better watch that "pre-planning" !!!
  4. Hey, cool, I'll check it out. Sounds like it's got some of the things I want. Thanks!
  5. Point taken. The fact that you double-posted implies that you know very little about posting to this forum. So let me make it more clear -- maybe I should have spelled this out in the beginning. Garmin brand GPS receivers record track logs. Each track point includes some data - I'm not sure what data are stored with each track point. If time of day is there, that's moving toward what I want to do. I do know that when I save a track log with a name, some of that information gets lost. But I don't know what gets stripped when saving the track. I'm pretty sure elevation does, not sure of the rest. Rather than spend several hours digging into the track format and how to parse it into something I can work with, I thought I'd ask whether anyone knows of something that already does what I want to do. But, it should be possible to look at a particular track log and compare adjacent points, and get a delta for the time between the points. The equation for speed is change in distance divided by change in time. So, locations that the track shows one isn't going very fast could be flagged and displayed in one color (maybe red) and locations that show one is going more rapidly could be flagged and displayed in another color (green?). Build several sets of these track logs over several trips, and you can begin to objectively visualize your real-world experiences. Sure, I could get info from a traffic engineer, if it's in a format I can work with, and if it's not prohibitively expensive. But I can collect the data myself, with my handy 60CSx, for free. Is that specific enough, or do you need me to define the variables and relationships and normalize the tables for you, too? It's not that I don't know about database design and/or usage, but I figured there were enough people here that don't that I'd put it in terms most folks can understand.
  6. Hey, cool, thanks for double-posting your unhelpful suggestion!
  7. Get the version on disc -- you can't back up the data on the cards, and you can't use them on your computer. NT uses a better compression routine and is supposed to work better on certain units. MetroGuide doesn't allow auto-routing, out of the box, on units that will do it. You can add the routing capability back using a program called MetroWizzz (Free) or MetroGold ($6), from www.geodude.nl. It sprinkles magic dust on your map data and allows them to route on your GPS device. The upshot of this is you're not locked in to one GPS unit with your maps, because MetroGuide doesn't require unlock codes like City Navigator (regular or decaf, er, NT) requires. So, you can buy a used MetroGuide and don't have to worry whether the original owner unlocked it. If you're cheap like me, it's the only way to fly.
  8. Here's my idea: Take the GPSr (60CSx) on the daily commute. Record track logs every day. Different days, different routes, maybe different routes to work and back home. Add track logs to some sort of database. Do some magic hand waving, and it'll tell me the places I'm going the fastest, the intersections it takes me the longest to clear, etc. I have a sneaking suspicion that the way I usually go (the most direct route) isn't usually the fastest route. I figure it's possible to do with track logs, but don't know how much work would be involved, or maybe there's already something out there.
  9. Wherigo is sort of interesting to me. Until I read that my 60CSx isn't good enough to play it. I understand about using software to drive hardware sales, but Wherigo ain't Halo, at least not yet. There's going to be a lot of folks with high-dollar gear who are pi$$ed off that they can't play.
  10. I'd get the 60CSx -- I've got one of those and a Legend, and IMO the click-stick is an inferior input method.
  11. Yes, a street map is very nice! City Navigator is the Garmin product that auto-routes out of the box on the 60 CSx. It's limited to use on one GPS receiver. If you ever sell your 60 CSx, or decide to buy another Garmin product, you've got to pay up to use your City Navigator. I use Metroguide I bought on eBay and a program called metrowizzz from www.geodude.nl that allows Metroguide to autoroute. Metroguide isn't locked and can be loaded on as many compatible Garmin units you have at no extra charge.
  12. I'm almost positive there is a way to hack it -- you can't truly believe that every single copy of a Mapsource SD card product has different code in it. You'd probably need several SD cards with the same product on them to figure out how it works. And who wants to shell out that cash? Doing so would violate the DMCA for sure. But it's probably do-able.
  13. I have a 60CSx and an Etrex Legend. I use them hiking, caching (well, not lateley...), driving and bike-riding. I find the click-stick on the Legend to be a major annoyance when driving or cycling. With bumps and vibration, I too often move it sideways when trying to click down. The buttons on the 60 CSX are superior for those applications, in my opinion. Since the Vista HCx also has the click stick, I wouldnt' consider that model if I were shopping today. So, whatever you decide to get, try it out in person. Make sure the controls work for you and what you do. And, btw, the "best" high sensitivity GPS is probably a surveyor's model from Trimble that runs upwards of around $5000.00!!
  14. As other stated above, almost any GPSr you buy will allow this via Mark -> edit coords. You'll probably be happier with a unit that will hook up to a computer, so you don't have to do ALL your coords this way. I've got a Legend and a friend has a Gecko, and I see how frustrated he gets when he has to punch in every single freakin' waypoint. Everything else is just gravy. High sensitivity receiver is nice, but not necessary, ditto for maps, color, etc. The main thing is how it works for YOU. I really don't like my Legend's click-stick, especially when in the car or riding my bike. Loads of people love that form factor and are willing to live with the click stick. Narrow your choices and go somewhere that sells those models, and play with 'em in person. That way you'll know whether you like it before you part with the cash.
  15. Yup. Hate it. I have big fingers, and can't type on the "keyboard" without hitting the wrong key. Gimme buttons. That's a function of the key size, NOT the technology. If they were to allow for larger keys it would eliminate your objections. Since that's controlled by software, you/Garmin can change it at will. Unlike a hardware button, which if you don't like it, you're stuck with. Sure, Apple is about to release the iPhone/iTouch SDK, allowing such tweaks, but I highly doubt Garmin would open their hardware to 3rd party apps given their iron-fisted approach to map data.
  16. Have you looked at the stuff sold by SparkFun Electronics ? Here is a device that takes your position with GPS, then transmits via GSM cellular. That one is pricey, $450 in quantities of 1-9. and Here is a SiRF III board ($100), pretty much a bare receiver, ready for you to bend to your will...
  17. Do you have a link to a particular post? Searching that blog for "bobcat" returns 0 hits.
  18. Yup. Hate it. I have big fingers, and can't type on the "keyboard" without hitting the wrong key. Gimme buttons.
  19. So far, they're being tight-lipped about the specs. Should be available when they're ready to take money for pre-orders, later this month.
  20. Unless they're going to charge Garmin for it. From the doc you linked: Wonder if Garmin has free updates from SiRF? If SiRF charges Garmin for the update, would they likely give it to users for free??
  21. Everyone has their pet peeves about every GPS receiver they've ever owned, and features they'd like to see implemented. Well, here's a chance to do something about it. Bug Labs is about to unleash some open-source hardware that allows tinkerers to snap different modules together and create electronic devices. Modules to be available at release will be the base unit, small touch-screen, digital camera, GPS, and accelerometer. More modules are scheduled for later in the year, including a larger touch screen. Developers are encouraged to share their applications -- there's already a "location aware to-do list" with home, office, and "grocery store" categories. It's pricey, even with the early-adopter discount. And it's probably not waterproof. But it's the sort of thing that a lot of people here have been wishing for -- hardware unencumbered by proprietary APIs. I tried a bluetooth GPSr and a Palm handheld, and took a stab at writing something for Geocaching, and promptly tossed it all on eBay - too many hoops to jump through. So, now it'd be possible to snap together the hardware, collaborate and write the software, and then take it to Garmin, Magellan, et al., and say - "HERE! This is how I want it to work!" Even if you're not interested in tinkering with this stuff (or can't afford to go buy it at the moment), you might want to keep a bookmark to that site, just to see what's cooking...
  22. It'd be awesome if it had a digital camera, voice recorder, and LED flashlight. <ducks>
  23. So the wheel is a combination scroll wheel, 4-way rocker, and button? I'd like to give it a try while I'm wearing gloves. Hope it works better than the rocker/button on my cell phone...
  24. What is your problem?? Greg You're right, what a jerk!
  25. p.s. -- could you link to the logs to which you're referring? I'd like to see that...
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