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Everything posted by alexrudd

  1. No sign of the glue on the bald patches either. Oh well, I guess my cache container was "cool" up until I placed it.
  2. D'oh. My mistake. In this case, he lives in an area with relatively few caches. In Chicago, it takes me 6 PQ's to get everything in 50 miles. No problem if you have an offline database (which I do), but using 6 PQ's for one keyword search with third party utilities is rather absurd. It also only works if you have access to them - want to search at a public computer? Out of luck. The "keyword" search on the search page is not a keyword search; it is, as you point out, a string search on the cache name. Calling it a "keyword" search is misleading, at best. Agreed. I would like to see this changed even if the other suggestions are not.
  3. alexrudd


    Ctrl + Shift + R should accelerate the process by forcing a page rebuild.
  4. OK, if it's so feakin' easy... Have Watcher (or GSAK, or some hired slave looking through PQ's) find me all those caches within 60 miles of the OP's home coordinates that have the word "cemetary". Hmm? (EDIT: I agree with your point - however there is still a problem with searching by keyword using any means. Additionally, sometimes it isn't possible to use third-party apps.)
  5. Elmer's Glue-All? I didn't touch it for at least a day afterwards, and tried to put on several layers. So far, it's holding up OK - at least the glue is. The only problem is that larger clumps of dirt break apart. <snip> Erm, don't use this idea. Within a week, half of the dirt and glue was completely gone, and shiny duct tape was rather visible.
  6. Zoom out. Sometimes there aren't images for the highest zoom levels.
  7. Finally got through, after three more tries. I don't have another image to upload, but is it finally working?
  8. Is there an echo in here? Yes, but it's also drowning out a valid point: Pocket Queries can't search by keyword. That means that you can post to Markwell's wonderful FAQ's all you want but the OP still won't have a solution to his problem.
  9. It does under certain circumstances, using Wine 0.9.16 Use a Pocket Query, as Raine suggested earlier in the thread.
  10. The actual link you're remembering is located on the MY ACCOUNT PAGE On the right, under ACCOUNT OPTIONS: Edit my profile >>Find another player<< View My Stat Bar
  11. Duh! Don't you see - you're too stupid to know what your own bookmark lists are!
  12. Not for listing new caches, but I've gotten the same error when trying to upload an image.
  13. Have you tried filtering by placed date? Earlier dates have fewer caches and later ones have more, so you have have to juggle the dates a bit to get close to the 500 limit, but once you do it once you're set. Example: Pocket Query 1: 1/1/2000 - 12/31/2002 Pocket Query 2: 1/1/2003 - 12/31/2004 Pocket Query 3: 1/1/2005 - 9/31/2005
  14. Why not have insta-notify list everything about the cache, while we're at it? People have been complaining that Insta-notify doesn't list distance from home, cache hider, size, favorite color... If you want all the data, look up the description.
  15. ...and if you want to show an owner that their TB visited a cache?
  16. You'd have more success contacting him at the Geocachers of Northeastern Illinois (GONIL) forums. He's an administrator there and logs in daily. Link to profile
  17. The best treatment is prevention: although I regularly wear shorts and thus get more of the little devils, they're easy to spot and remove. Unfortunately I usually don't have a lighter with which to finish them off. Sounds fun.
  18. Log books for all the reasons mentioned above. On my smallest hide, I used a third of a small book since I didn't want to use log sheets.
  19. Try reloading the page without using the stored cache. (Should be Shift+Ctrl+R I think?) If the image was just downloaded with an error, the bad version may be cached and downloading it again might solve the problem.
  20. alexrudd


    Gah - autoplay is irritating when you're in a public place, have small children around, or ar at work or something. Especially using "bastard" might not be a good idea. Please reconsider, and find some way to have an option of listening to it (a link would be best).
  21. Elmer's Glue-All? I didn't touch it for at least a day afterwards, and tried to put on several layers. So far, it's holding up OK - at least the glue is. The only problem is that larger clumps of dirt break apart. EDIT: The images are hosted on ImageShack. Click the thumbnail to view the full image since they are large.
  22. Heh. What's the use of Cryptography if you display the code for all to see? (It's being caused by the new "captcha"s - the images with text that you have to read to prove you're not a computer) Interestingly enough, they're supposed to be disabled for premium members.
  23. You can use the LAST GPX date field in GSAK to filter out any caches that did not update with your most recent GPX file...thus removing archived caches from your GSAK database. ...if you don't use the [ ] updated in the last 7 days option to save space, time, and processing power.... I agree with bwmick: not including archived caches actually makes it easier to go for them since I don't have the updated information. If it's that much of a concern (and I still don't understand why), why not just delete the coordinates from the archived caches in the PQ's? That would help those of us using GSAK to clear out stale caches AND people wouldn't go hunting after archived caches.
  24. d'oh. That was a no-brainer. Thanks for catching it. The new search page is great, but.... the coordinate entry is the same.
  25. What are you going to do in 2007 when "2006 Green Jeep Travel Bugs" carry over? Besides ordering, which is a simple fix, there's nothing wrong with the names the way they are. It adds a little variety. Would you want all the Jeeps to be the same model, just a different color?
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