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Everything posted by GEM's

  1. July 9...GEM's Birthday! And so close to my house in Graham with some of my all time favorite caches located very near this park... Kanasket Palmer River Bend Jellum Park Pautzke Salmon Ponds ......All by Buffyand Family However, I'll be with Mrs. GEM's & Circuit Rider sailing in the British Virgin Islands! Have Fun!
  2. Impressive Criminal!
  3. I'll ask my sister Missy Coyote in PA.
  4. Found out that this park is currently forbidden for all new caches....Mountain Mule and I left 2 caches in the park that can not be approved until permission is granted by the ranger. Team Misguided can provide more info for future hopeful cache planters in this park.
  5. Sweet just ordered one...Thanks!
  6. Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park! Mrs. GEM’s and I met up with Mountain Mule and his wife at the Red Town trailhead this morning at 9:00am. We picked up a map and crossed the street and hiked up the Coal Creek Trail to Hit the bricks or follow the cinder trail by agff3 (GCGWZ2) then on to Sandstone Falls by UWdawg (GC3AB4) and back to Red Town. This was a route suggested by Weightman in the forums…and well worth the trip! From there we decided to take Hazard’s suggestion and park one car at his Secondary parking location which is N47 31.622 W122 08.508 and another car was parked at the Wilderness Creek Trailhead on Hwy 900. We started our hike on the Marshall’s Hill Trail at the Secondary parking location and hit the De Leo Wall trail to pick up the Newcastle, De Leo Wall Cache by Hazard (GCH8XH). We took the Indian trail to the Far Country Trail to pick up Newcastle, Far Country Lookout Cache by Hazard (GCHF1V) and had lunch at this great location, I think that is Renton out there. Next we headed to the Shy Bear Trail pas the Deceiver Trail and decided to approach the Long View Peak by Mierissa (GCHBBK) from the back side. Mountain Mule and I placed a new cache at the intersection of the Shy Bear, Wilderness Peak, Long View Peak, and the Wilderness Creek Trails at Shy Bear Pass. Finally, we headed out to our second car down the Wilderness Creek Trail to the Trailhead on Hwy 900. But on the way we couldn’t resist the opportunity to place another cache (bison) at “The Boulders”. This was a great day and I want to thank all cachers who put caches together and gave us advice…I recommend this route! We’ll definitely be back to get the remaining caches in this cool park! GEM’s Matthew 6:33
  7. Hmmmm...No reply...I'll have to try another approach...would anyone like to trade for a Mount10Bike Wooden Nickle?..Or do they just plain not exist?
  8. Thanks Weightman...hearing no other suggestions we'll follow your route..probably tomorrow, but maybe Saturday.
  9. Just waiting for one of those coins to show up...Hopefully a little further south.
  10. Does anyone know of a place to buy the the Alabama Geocoin?
  11. I'd like to hike the caches in the Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park. Does anyone have suggestions on parking? Cache Order? Time needed? Distance of Hike? Other planning tips?
  12. I have a done deal..thanks bpsnake...the oins are in the mail
  13. Look for one of my new Moun10bike coins to show up at an event in South Pierce County. Oh and by the way..to clarify, I have the Canadian Coin and i'm looking for the California coin... PS..I also noticed you didn't drop one of your personal coins in Olympia yesterday...I've been waiting to get my hands on one of them puppies too. You gonna drop one soon?
  14. I'm looking to trade a Canadian geocoin for other state or personal geocoin. I know that Alabama has a coin...anyone interested? You can email me. GEM's
  15. Anyone interested in trading a California Coin for a Canadian Coin?
  16. Hey East Side Cachers! I don't usually read or post on your forum but wanted to let you know Mrs. GEM's and I had a great time in your neighborhood today! You live in a beautiful area! We did the following caches: Late last night I did GCJ2BW Monroe3/CookieDoughSideDish and picked up Moun10Bike coin #221 and then with information from that coin first thing this morning we did GCJ346 got coin? Picked up a FTF by just seconds, (runhills really does) and picked up our 2nd Moun10Bike coin (#220) in 18 hours hours and my 7th Moun10Bike coin find. We then headed over to the maze and did the following caches in this order: 1 GCH7P8 Centauri Escape Pod "November" 2 GCHP25 SuperGenius #23 - Do Go! 3 North 4 GCHZR8 SG #24 - Lost Lucy Cache! (just a little lost) 5 East 6 South 7 West 8 GCH6R6 Final Moun10Bike Maze Multicache 9 GCJ17M SG #25 - "That Dern Team IAG Girl!" I just finished logging everything, it's now 11:53 pm. Thanks Pepper, Moun10Bike, runhills and flyingdogs...We had a great time! My extra coin will be placed or used in an event in the South Pierce County Region.
  17. Let me know if you're interested in hitting some Pierce County Caches during the weekend of the 9th ...ZIP code 98338.
  18. #113 is gone...The cache is there though and it's a great place for a cache Check it out this week The Search: Schmoe Memorial Stash
  19. I'd Love to maintain the Search Cache!
  20. I think if you email a Cacher and asked them in your normal, polite, Moun10Bike way to move one coin... they would. I'd be reluctant...but if you asked me to move #172..I would..after all they are all yours...just like any other travel bug...only better
  21. Here's the status of the coins I have found: 104 I found in Puyallup Hobo Jungle and gave to Herr Fritz...He dropped it off in New Mexico. 117 I found with Circuit Rider at Iron Horse...He still has it. 143 I found at Echo Rock and gave to hunkofgod ..He still has it in Italy. 152 I found at Woodard Bay and gave it to BeefCider...He still has it. 172 I found at Iron Horse -Hansen Creek and I still have it. My Dad Wild Turkey found 014 In a cache in St George, Utah... he placed it in Arizona...It was last seen near Lima, Peru.
  22. GEM's

    Black Acorn

    Black Acorn has reactivated his caches Perrin and Lazyboy & Mitey Mite have made up It's a perfect time to close this thread...great discussion!
  23. GEM's

    Black Acorn

    Black Acorn 11 finds 16 hides On 12/30/03 Black Acorn said, "Cheryl is beginning to love this geocaching thing. I love having her go with me." On 2/08/04 Black Acorn said, "Tired of the complaining!!! I am done with hiding caches." http://www.geocaching.com/profile/?guid=3d...e1-311c038b47b7 I found 5 of his caches and found a couple common themes: They tended to be in areas that need to have a Major major CITO event. They were usually placed at a not particularly attractive roadside pulloff. He recently used the WSGA Groups email to critisize his critisizors and in anger was unjustly harsh on VDS and TravisL. What are your thoughts on how something like this could have been avoided? Or could it?
  24. Thanks to Moun10Bike, TravisL, GeoDiver, Lucyandrickie! We met for lunch today at Red Robin to discuss the idea of a conference/seminar...here are some of my notes from that meeting: 1) The main goal is to provide educational/learning opportunities to the geocaching community. 2) Moun10bike always orders a Guacamole Burger It's mean, it's lean, it's got a touch of green - thanks to our zesty guacamole! Topped with melted Swiss cheese, sizzling bacon, onion, lettuce, sliced tomato & mayo. 3) Whatever educational opportunity we offer we must do this in an affordable manner. 4) I think Jerry of Lucyandrickie always orders a: The Banzai Burger Marinated in teriyaki & topped with grilled pineapple, Cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato & mayo. Dude, you'll be like, ready to ride the pipeline in Maui after you chomp on this! 5) Let's look at ways we can tie the goal of providing educational opportunities to exisitng Geocaching events...cache machines. WSGA meetings, gatherings, etc. 6) TravisL only goes to Red Robin for cache machines and geocaching business. 7) WSGA is looking at ways to provide learning opportunites through out the State. 8) GeoDiver drinks lemonaide. 9) Jerry of Lucyandrickie and GEM's are willing to help organize and coordinate learning opportunities like many of those listed on this thread ie. setting up keynote speakers and demonstrations to be presented at a variety of geocaching forums and events. 10) Michelle of lucyandrickie always seems to be smiling. 11) Michelle of lucyandrickie and Moun10Bike will be discussing our ideas with the WSGA leadership. 12) As of now no specific conference/seminar is in the works just an effort to look for ways to provide fun learning/education activities to geocachers.
  25. South Hill Red Robin Saturday, 2/7/04 Lunch 11:30 - 1:00 N47 09.431 W122 18.233 A few of us are getting together to discuss the possibility of putting together a Geocaching Conference/Convention in the Seattle Tacoma Area. This is not a planning meeting just a discussion about the possibibilty of such an event. A possible vision includes a conference where: All are welcome to attend Friday Saturday and Sunday Events Workshops would last 1- 3 hours each Participants would pay to attend to pay the costs of the event (this would have to be a break-even event) Vendors would be present to sell geocaching, GPS, hiking and navigation equipment Participants could attend multiple sessions on Geocaching topics like... Understanding the Tower of Babel: GPSBabel Watchin the ClayJar Watcher Put a new Spin on your GPX Spinner EasyGPS is Easy LOC vs. GPX Getting the most out of your GPS Microsoft Pocket Street and Trips and Geocaching Using your Palm to Geocache Geocaching with Your PocketPC Laptops & Geocaching Geocaching 101 GeoBuddy is your Buddy The Tools of Geocaching Volunteer geocachers would teach these classes. We maybe getting ahead of ourselves: Here are some of the possible tasks or sub committees as I see it: Registration Publicity Scheduling workshops Call for Proposals Volunteers Organizing (registration, presenters, presiders, Tech Support, supplies) Selection and Securing of a Location Others? Please consider coming and sharing your thoughts. 1. Are you planning to attend on Saturday? 2. Would you be likely to participate in this type of event if made available?
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