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Everything posted by 23Hunter

  1. Ill reply later. FYI. Hes doing it again right now...
  2. Done that. but its weekend. It took me about an hr to copy every single link to his logs into the mails. A good friend working for Groundspeak told me to put this on the forums so John can read it. And he has done this before. Then there was silence and he came back. Usually when school is out, so im sure its a "child". I have set the caches to PMO after so many "attacks" now hes spamming 2 of my archived caches which must be locked soon. You don't think its annoying? Put it on your watchlist: http://coord.info/GC35C3P It may not be fair to other, but in fact, ever muggles can create an account and is free to do whatever he wants. I wouldn't call it spamming, because it includes some sort of ads for me. I call it bullying. I know its forbidden to send about 5 to 6 message within an hr, and then you have to wait "in order to prevent spamming". I am aware of the situation, but nowadays you can restart your router to have a new IP adress and keep on going. I know its only 1 person. While im writing i have received over 200 emails. Yes, you are right. But i cant do it with archived caches. I can tell your guys the whole story, but ill make it short. A long time ago i reported a random person for logging caches without being at the location. Unless you can teleport yourself. I asked him before i reported him, but he didn't answer. So i suppose he remembered my name, and it made him mad. At one of my latest (now archived) event he kept posting notes like crazy, and all the watchers kept asking me why this is happening. Groundspeak closed this account, and for a long time it as silent. Now, as i suppose, this "child" is on holidays and has nothing else to do. I am not the only one being spammed. Just send him a message and you will see. If this guy is actually a real cacher it should be possible to cross reference his ip adress with his real account, right?
  3. All right. This is a big one. With my poor knowledge of the english language i will try to explain it as good as possible. I suggest to limit the post of every logtype to ,lets say, about 5 per listing and hr. Why? Have a look at only one of my caches: http://coord.info/GC2QFPC This troll keeps posting notes like crazy and its all bs. There is nothing i can do. Deleting notes is useless, because he will just open up a new account and do the same f... thing. The only thing i can do so far for (active) caches is giving them a PM status, so the basic member can't look at them. But its no the final solution. Just yesterday i received about 200! emails that he posted a note on many of my caches. And i am not the only person he keeps spamming. I can not separate such email from other one, because i may miss other important mails from Groundspeak. And i recommend not sending this #$%&** a message, because he will spam your listing also. How do you think about this Idea? I think its a good one.
  4. English is not my first language, but i wil ltry to explain you this idea as good as possible. I know about the option with Premiumcaches and the auditlog. But my request is about something else. Lets say i have a Trail of 10 Caches which are free for all members(No Pm Required). Now there is a muggle who knows there are caches, and he doesn't want them in the area. So he signs up to see the coordinates. As soon as he has removed all the unwanted Caches he put them on his watchlist, so he can receive an e-mail each time it renewed. Because the Muggele doesn't prefer to send the Owner an E-Mail to let him know the caches are not welcome in his area he "steals" them again. I hope you understand me. Right underneath the "Navigation" Tab there is a small blue box which says, e.g. "4 user(s) watching this cache" . So i was wondering if you can add a plugin which makes it possible, at least for the owner, to see who the 4 person on the watchlist are.
  5. Bevor jemand nach der Quelle fragt: http://geocaching.cacher-shop.de/2012/04/1421/ Mein Kommentar. Punkt 2: macht sinn, falls man durch Zufall auf einen Final stoesst. Punkt 3: Wer hat die schon? Punkt 4: Sehr sinnvoll.Damit sogenannte Urlaubscaches nicht von jedermann gelegt werden koenne der am besten noch nichtmal einen Cache gefunden hat. Punkt 6: Darf ich nun alte Virtuals und Earthcaches weltweit loggen?
  6. Hallo. Schon seit gestern versuche ich die Gpx Datei der Taunussteinerrunde (hxxp://tsst-runde.ccolli.de/Downloads.htm, <<<sollte das auch nicht gehen wegen Werbung bitte mir behscheid sagen) auf mein Gps zu ziehen, aber er geht einfach nicht. Es ist ja nicht das erste Mal, das ich sowas mache. Also klicke ich beim o.g Link auf "Der Taunussteiner Rundweg als GPX-Datei." auf das Bild, und der Downlaod wird gestart. Anschliessend oeffene ich die Datei mit Mapsource und schicke sie dann an das Geraet. Komischwerweise will die Datei einfach nicht da sein wo sie hinsoll. Ich habe das gleiche schon mal vor 3 Woche mit einer anderen Runde gemacht, und es ging ohne Probleme. Ich hoffe ihr koennt mir helfen. EDIT: Ich habe ein 62st.
  7. 30. ... du nochmal hochscrollst um zu kontrollieren, ob die 21 wirklich fehlt, und sagst dir, das die Statistik nicht mehr stimmt.
  8. 15. - Du am Tag mehrmals auf die Homepage gehst um zu gucken, ob es es neue Caches in derine Umgebung gibt von denen du nicht per Notification erfahren hast.
  9. Hallo. Ich glaube ich kenne dein Problem. Hatte ich auch, kurz nachdem ich PM wurde. Auf einmal war da ein neuer Cache, aber mir wurde nichts zugemailt. Dein Problem: Du hast bestimmt nur fuer Tradis die Notification eingestellt. Also musst du fuer jeden Cachetypen eine seperate Notification anstellen. Ich tippe mal drauf, das du nur ueber Tradis informiert wirst. Also nochmal ins Menue, und Notifications fuer Mysteries, Letterboxen, Multis usw einstellen. Sag mir mal bescheid, obs funktioniert hat.
  10. Ja camino. Das passt ja irgendwie zu deinem Namen. Ich wuerde die Runde auch gerne machen. Geb' mir mal bescheid. Gruesse
  11. Da habe ich wieder etwas fuer meine TO-DO Liste. Sofern ich ein paar Cacher finde die die Runde mit mir angehen. Beste Gruesse
  12. Hallo Pactor. Erstmal moechte ich dir sagen, das du vielleicht vo dem "verteilen" einiger Caches noch etwas mehr haettest finden sollen. ICh bin dir ja nicht bose, aber viele Leute die gerade neu beim Geocaching sind meinen schon nach 20 - 30 Funden einen Cache zu verstecken, ohne zu wissen worauf es beim Cache eigentlich ankommt. Der typische erste Cache ist dann meistens eine Filmdose die nur einen Statistikpunkt bringt. Kommen wir nun zu deinem Problem mit dem Tb/Coin. Soweit ich das sehe ich nur einer deiner Tbs gerade im Umlauf, und in den Haenden von Knarzkaefer. Den Tb hat der derzeitge Owner doch erst vor knapp 5 Tagen mitgenommen. Es ist durchaus ueblich bei Cachern, das sie Tbs erst ablegen, wenn sie meinen ein gutes Verstecl gefunden zu haben. Solange loggen sie den einfach pro cachebesuch mit. Laut den mit bekannten Regeln sollte ein Tb aber nie langer als 2 Wochen in den Haenden eines anderen Owners sein. Ob nun wirklich die gleiche Person auch den Zettel zusammengeknuellt hat kannst du natuerlich nicht Beweisen. Ich tippe aber fast mal auf Muggels. Im Zweifelsfall schreibe doch die letzten beiden Finder an, und Frage sie, wie sie den Cache vorgefunden haben. Wenn du noch Fragen hast kannst du dich gerne auch direkt bei mir melden.
  13. What would happen if my Premiummebership expired on the 29th of february this year, and i renew it one the same day for another year? Do i get one day for free, or one day less for the membership? Just a stupid question of myself. Sorry.
  14. I am not from Luxemburg, but i am happy to hear this. I am wishing you all the best, and many new customers. Don't forget a Tb on your shop-window Greetings from Germany. 23Hunter
  15. Lol Interesting. So its forbidden to take pictures of policestations in the us?
  16. So, ich versuche euch mal bei dem Problem zu helfen. Das erste ist immer den derzeitigen Besitzer anzuschreiben, und zu gucken ,wanna dieser Online war. Im Falle von Romualds74 war das gestern. Aber Trackables hat er laut Profil noch gar nicht geloggt. Wie oben scho ngesagt kansnt du den Coin auch umbennen in "Gestohlen vonxxx" . Die Cacher Jonny und Ella finde ich per suche nicht, aber schreib sie erstmal an. Wenn nichts passiert gucke einfach mal, ob sie Caches haben, und schrieb mal per Note was rein.
  17. Das kenne ich. Am besten guckst du erstmal wann sie der Cacher das letzte Mal eingeloggt hat. Wen ndas nicht klappt nenne den COin doch einfach in "Seit Wochen im Besitz von xxx ". Gruesse
  18. Send him another E-Mail. If he doesnt answer rename the Tb to : Stolen by (Name of the Cacher)
  19. I agree. Never thought about it. Becuase i thought its not even possible to place caches earleir than 2000-05-03. Please change this, Groundspeak.
  20. Like he said. "change "display" to "cache". Works fine for me.
  21. Hello there. Just like you i do have a bb. I have sent an E-Mail to Groundspeak, but they told me they have no intention to develop another Gc app for Blackberries. I hope this helped you. If you need more help feel free to ask, or send me a mail for my bbm id. Greetings
  22. I don't like the new "Challenges" . The Idea is old, but has another Name. Some time ago there were Locationless, and Webcamcaches. Now they are off the list, but can remain. It is jsut not allowed to add new ones. The good thing about a Webcamcache for example was there you actually have to be there in order to prove your presence. Couchpotatoes can sit at home, and Log more than 100 "Caches" a day. I would prefer it if there are no "Challenges", but new Webcam or Locationless Caches. Or a a seperate valuation system. Or at least a single valuation system only for Challenges. Yesterday there was a very hard challange for many Caches. Post a pic of a cachefound. Any good Cacher has at least one Picture at home of one Cache. What i really dont like is that Challenges are easily added to the normal Cachefounds. Actually i could ask a friend to create like 100 challenges a day for me, and my number raises and raises. Persoanlly i will not participate in any challenges, as this is not a part of Geocaching for me. Geocaching for me means being outside, and prove your presence. Sign a log, or post a picture. Please Groundspeak, don't allow challenges.
  23. Hello. I am having this problem for a long time, but wasnt quite sure if i should psot it or not. As i have morethan 500 Caches so far i am pretty sure that i can tell u my opinion. There are many Cachers in the world, and we should respect each other, and i really do so. But what i dont like are really stupid Caches in the middle of nowhere, hidden by people with less than 100 Finds. To be exect i have had a Cacher with only 30 finds. He placed a small filmcan in the woods, 2 miles away from the civilisation. As we logged the cache the container was broken, and at home i logged a Tb. A few horus later the owner of this tb contacted me, and said the cacheowner took it from a cache, but didnt log it in. What i want from Groundspeak is like a rule for all Geocacher, that they can only palce a Cacher after they have found at least 100 Caches. Who agress?
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