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Everything posted by MommyFinder

  1. I've tried using that on each "solution" I've come up with, since my solutions have all been gibberish! Unfortunately, that has only resulted in more gibberish. Well, I should say I've been trying ROT-13.
  2. I've tried using that on each "solution" I've come up with, since my solutions have all been gibberish! Unfortunately, that has only resulted in more gibberish.
  3. Going with really simple, how about moth? I'm working on that one now, this time with the keyword in the grid. So far, not good. I've tried keyword moth, with keyword in the gride, with keyword not in the grid, with cipher text vertical, with cipher text horizontal. Don't know what else to try. If 32 is significant, and you placed the cipher text vertical, 128 / 32 = 4-letter keyword. Heck, I don't know. I think I'll be going to bed again without getting any farther.
  4. Going with really simple, how about moth? I'm working on that one now, this time with the keyword in the grid. So far, not good.
  5. Okay... Here's how I have been doing it. Create a grid using the letters MOSCW across the top as well as the side. Then start filling in the grid with the keyword. Duplicate letters are dropped. After the key is in, finish with the rest of the letters in the alphabet. Remember that a letter can only be used once, so if it was part of the key don't add it again. Here's the grid using "key" as the key MOSCW M KEYAB O CDFGH S ILMNO C PQRST W UVWXZ Then decode the message by finding where the letters intersect. MM = K OO = D Etc. This really looks like it's the way to solve it, but I just can't determine what the key is. Maybe the clue from Vanity Fair has something to do with it... Anyone have any ideas? I think we can solve this as a group if we pool our ideas. No additional ideas, yet, but that's the way I've been approaching it. I started out with the straight alphabet in the grid, only recently (maybe a couple of hours ago) added the key to the grid as described. I, too, strongly believe this is the proper cipher, simply because of the letters used in the puzzle. What other ciphers use such limited letters (except the one using only A's and B's)? What is the key? Ugh!
  6. Gee, doesn't look like the west coast folks or those down under had much input while I was sleeping. Unfortunately, nothing came to me in my dreams.
  7. After midnight here, can't keep my eyes open any longer. I'm going to sleep on it, and I'll check back in the morning!
  8. That's the way I've been attacking it. I just can't figure out what the keyword would be. I've used all of the obvious.
  9. Traveler is kinda large what I was doing is: m s c o w m a b c d e s f g h i j c k l m n o o p r s t u w v w x y z (I left of "q" but in theory any letter could be missing/ or combined. i/j as one, etc.) so "Hello" would read CS WM SC SC WO. Actually, I believe "Hello" would read SC MW CS CS CW. The examples I've seen read row then column.
  10. That's what I have been doin and so far nothing that makes sense That's been my approach, too.
  11. Sticky notes? I'm using full sheets of paper, front and back!
  12. I think you forgot the exploding brain!
  13. Still not getting what this is. Can someone clue me in? ADFGVX Cipher
  14. I'll drop a hint just before I leave work in about 25 minutes. ADFGVX??? ADFGVX, is based off of a six letter keyword. Bingo!!! Moscow fits the bill, notice I didn't say that it was the answer. Actually, the keyword can be any length.
  15. I believe spaces and punctuation have been removed, and the letters are just broken into groups of 5. When the letters are deciphered, you have to put spacing in where it belongs. That would follow the ADFGVX thing.
  16. I tried it, all I got was gibberish, not that that means anything!
  17. Judging by the photo it appears to me that the keyword may be Moscow? Actually, I thought that related more to ADFGVX ?
  18. I'll drop a hint just before I leave work in about 25 minutes. Isn't it about time for you to leave work? I'm getting ready to leave work, too, but I want to read the hint first!
  19. I'll drop a hint just before I leave work in about 25 minutes. ADFGVX??? That was my thought.
  20. I would love to. I just don't have anything to contribute.
  21. Or, can't you just buy individual TB tags, and use the numbers off of them?
  22. I was thinking like your #1, but I like #3 .....
  23. Got a gold, very pretty! 25 gold left, 6 silver.
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