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Posts posted by GeoVamp
Well about Gnome-dome since he is shiney and he or her is covering the cache
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
I've adobted 2 caches in my area and tryed on another-- the 2 I adopted the orig.owner e-mailed me and seemed glad to be letting them go but the one I e-mailed him a bunch and never heard from him o-well.
If the owner won't reply to you than you can't help that.He should not get mad because you want to bring it into your cache family and give it a new daddy or mom.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
I've adobted 2 caches in my area and tryed on another-- the 2 I adopted the orig.owner e-mailed me and seemed glad to be letting them go but the one I e-mailed him a bunch and never heard from him o-well.
If the owner won't reply to you than you can't help that.He should not get mad because you want to bring it into your cache family and give it a new daddy or mom.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
You know your hooked:
When you get in deep with your wife stealing her Tupperware painting it camo.
When any store you go into you look for on sale items for caches.
When you watch TV or movies you think the places there filmed would make a cool caches.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
You know your hooked:
When you get in deep with your wife stealing her Tupperware painting it camo.
When any store you go into you look for on sale items for caches.
When you watch TV or movies you think the places there filmed would make a cool caches.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
Goth is cool by me,we are geo-open minded here,be sides I'm a grown up punker myself.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
[This message was edited by geovamp on July 05, 2002 at 05:28 PM.]
Goth is cool by me,we are geo-open minded here,be sides I'm a grown up punker myself.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
[This message was edited by geovamp on July 05, 2002 at 05:28 PM.]
My most fav.thing I have found in a cache is a brand new still in the box Magic 8-ball,I keep it beside my bed and I use it to make up my mine some times a kind of mental push in one way or the other.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
The old cell phone trick works like a charm,if anybody looks at me funny are something I hold it to my ear to look like I'm talking.I know most people won't look twice even when they see my real cell on my hip so many people carry more that one.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
He has put up with my dumb email,and I really am thankful for him and his hard work.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
He has put up with my dumb email,and I really am thankful for him and his hard work.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
Some of mine:
Find the cache don't catch the fish.
A big green egg in a birds nest in Friendship park.(arcived)
Hiding in plain site.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
We were talking at a geo-breakfast about how much fun it would be to cache tour Great Britian there are some of the coolest caches there.I'm up for it I would have to save my 2 weeks of vaction time next year.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
I just put out a cache today in a bird house i had to staple screen wire over all the holes to keep out the birds.
I've been useing paintball pods they work good.
Also key hidding boxs you can't hide much but they come with magnets on them.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
When my step kids where little I made up this caracter called BOB I used to draw it out for them it looked like my avatar but it didn't look like a vampire.As they grew older BOB changed to Vampirebob and now he looks like a vampire.A few years ago I took it as my web address.Then when I started geocaching it evolved into Geovamp
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
When my step kids where little I made up this caracter called BOB I used to draw it out for them it looked like my avatar but it didn't look like a vampire.As they grew older BOB changed to Vampirebob and now he looks like a vampire.A few years ago I took it as my web address.Then when I started geocaching it evolved into Geovamp
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
That is one of my most favorite movies of all time the first time I saw that movie I rented it and I watched it twice back to back.I would like to see Kudamas if you do that it would be very cool to see them.Are you near Texas ?
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
That is one of my most favorite movies of all time the first time I saw that movie I rented it and I watched it twice back to back.I would like to see Kudamas if you do that it would be very cool to see them.Are you near Texas ?
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
Caching is caching easy one are nice,love the smart & hard ones but all and all said I LOOOVVVEE TO CACHE sooo BRING THEM ON!!!BABY
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
Caching is caching easy one are nice,love the smart & hard ones but all and all said I LOOOVVVEE TO CACHE sooo BRING THEM ON!!!BABY
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
I have found 140 and placed over 22 and I only had trouble 1 time.The other day I was in down town Ft.Worth doing a Virt.cache and I kept losing sat. reception I walk to this one corner and bam! no reception I'd walk back to my car It would pick up walk back to the corner a samething.I finally gave up.The cache info.was wrong the poor cacher who pau out the cache was mess up by the city they added a bunch of stuff to the area and she had to fix her cache report.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
Sounds like VF got stuck in one of them Bible verses that says be fruitful and multiply or in this case infect his love ones with a adiction of the Geo-kind.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
Sounds like VF got stuck in one of them Bible verses that says be fruitful and multiply or in this case infect his love ones with a adiction of the Geo-kind.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
Sun lihgt burns...bad for Geovamps skin but it is ok for LED just not temp.I almost killed a Gameboy like that a few years ago left on my car seat all day.
I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.
What to carry in your backpack?
in How do I...?

I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.