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Posts posted by GeoVamp

  1. HELLO!!!!Oklahoma City....I'm GeoVamp and most of our cache team are coming your way for the weekend for some caching, shopping and just sometime away.The name of our team is the TigerBat Cache Team and 6 of our 7 members will be coming for a visit: Msdark, MissQuilty, Texas Tiger, Dragon Slayer, MuffinMan and GeoVamp. If any of you would like to meet and have dinner with us..PLEASE email me and send you my cell and we will work it out.

  2. I got a neck strap that belongs to a Rhino and it came with a new knob..plus the neck strap is real made well also and it work like it was made for the 60c....PLUS this if you use Locktite you will never be able to un screw the knob and if it breaks thats bad.

  3. I have a Ledgend that I have had for 2 years and it always did me well.Over the last 6 months the glue that holds on the button strip slowly leaked out. When I got my GPS MAPS 60c I sent it into Garmin and as far as I can tell it's total new unit but it's not mine. Everything is fixed and there are no marks on the front so cooollll. Garmin has the best service I have ever see, the world would be a great place if all service was this good.

  4. I have been working on this addition to my web site GeoVamp.com it's a data base where I collect info on : what state and city my fellow cachers live in and where you'll got your caching name and why you love caching. It all for fun and I did it for fun~ I really enjoy the way other cachers come up with there names. So please feel free to send me your info and read about others...PLEASE HELP ME GET THIS UP AND GOING. Thanks GeoVamp from Irving , Texas


    The Cache Box...Put your name on the List

  5. I have 2 virtual caches one in New Orleans and in Dallas they are based around the Richard & Annette Bloch Cancer Survivors Parks,there are 16 more of these parks nation wide. I get a lot of really great and also sad e-mails for these caches, from cachers who have been touched by cancer in there lives. I belive that the rest of the parks need to be made in to caches to help get the word out. This is a noble thing we can do with our hobbie, agood use for a GPSR. Below are the links to my to caches and the home page of the Richard & Annette Bloch Cancer Survivors Park.


    Richard & Annette Bloch Cancer Survivors Park

    Survivors Park: Dallas

    Survivors Park:New Orleans


    "Fun is Fun, Done is Done"-Stephen King

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