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Everything posted by 4wheelin_fool

  1. LOL I was just in Worcester, Mass for the weekend and I only saw one white jeep in a cache after searching several pages. It was nowhere nearby of course. After I got back 2 more popped up I see.
  2. I would NOT bury any caches at all. However, I have found a cache that was in a very large coffee can that was buried. The lid was covered with just maybe a sprinkling of sand. After pulling the lid off, the cache was inside - in another container. So technically, the cache was not buried, but it was in another container that was buried, but not under any real amount of sand. (no digging required)It was hard to find, but it was a great hide. Thats the closest to burying that I would imagine doing. I would also leave some sort of hint/marker on the scene. Some of the older caches 2000/2001 were buried in public historical places and the geocachers digging little holes everywhere to find them gave geocaching a bad name. So be very carefull and avoid it if you can.
  3. The contest has 5 parts and the first part is almost over(July 1). I notice that the bugs are still being distributed -LOL. What I do see that I dont like is some cachers get a hold of a few bugs to be sent out and they hold on to one and log it in and out of every cache they visit. What I want to know is WHY? Logging it into or out of a cache does not enter you into the contest - a photo must be sent in AND there is only ONE entry per account. If everyone was to hold on to one of these bugs for themselves there would be no contest.
  4. What about those people who receive an e-mail notifying them that "A white jeep TB has been dropped in a cache in your area!" Then they look at the cache page and see that the SAME cacher that dropped the TB in the cache also took it out - meaning the TB was never in there to begin with. The people doing this think they are entering the contest this way - and they arent.
  5. The postal service "snail mail" is not the same in all areas. I went to mail a letter outside a post office in Ft. Lauderdale FL at 3pm on a normal workday - the box had so many letters in it, they were coming out of the top. I could have grabbed about a dozen or so - instead I went inside, mailed my letter, and notified the postmaster. He just shrugged his shoulders and said the mailbox would be emptied at the time posted on it. I know in other areas the attitude would be different.
  6. I noticed quite a few white jeeps in this cache http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...88-b4bce29578bd
  7. I am really interested in moving a white jeep TB along! This seems to be a great contest! However, if cachers just hold on to the bugs and just "virtually" drop them in, it doesnt seem like any fun. It doesnt seem like the true spirit of the game. How can I get one in that case? Is this part of the rules? http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=189155 or if a cacher holds on to the bug and just passes the ID# around - and the bug doesnt go anywhere? http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=192929
  8. I am really interested in moving a white jeep TB along! This seems to be a great contest! However, if cachers just hold on to the bugs and just "virtually" drop them in, it doesnt seem like any fun. It doesnt seem like the true spirit of the game. How can I get one in that case? Is this part of the rules? http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=189155 or if a cacher holds on to the bug and just passes the ID# around - and the bug doesnt go anywhere? http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=192929
  9. Is there anywhere a cache can be put up for adoption? If you have one, but you are moving from the area and would not like to see it archived, is there an easy way to find someone to adopt it? Or, a way to adopt an abandoned cache?
  10. Just so everyone knows this is where Ski3pin grows his pot, and he's very paranoid about geocachers is this area. So beware
  11. I think everyone should know that I store my AMMO in a tupperware container - AND that this is endorsed by the National Rifle Association. Thank You, Audrey Oakley (Annie's Great Granddaughter)
  12. I went rapelling the other day and left my Garmin EMap in my pack and somehow managed to put a big black spot on the front of the display(about 85%) It appears the inner display screen is damaged - the electronics still function but I can only see the edges of the screen- also the outer plastic screen is not cracked or broke. My question, can these units be repaired? If not, can the stored waypoints be somehow tranferred to another GPS?Also, does anyone have a Garmin E-map with burned out electronics and a decent display they would like to sell? Any replies appreciated. e-mail geostash@yahoo.com
  13. Maybe it should be titled "I'll Be Your Dingleberry". Please excuse my poor humor but I couldnt resist.
  14. Im just wondering.... suppose someone stumbles upon an old wooden box in the woods, buried, with only the top sticking out - not knowing what it is-they ALERT THE ATHORITIES AND HAVE IT BLOWN UP BY THE BOMB SQUAD--and it turns out to be Captain Kidds treasure.......
  15. Im just wondering.... suppose someone stumbles upon an old wooden box in the woods, buried, with only the top sticking out - not knowing what it is-they ALERT THE ATHORITIES AND HAVE IT BLOWN UP BY THE BOMB SQUAD-:eek:-and it turns out to be Captain Kidds treasure.......
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