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The Commissar!

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Posts posted by The Commissar!

  1. My wife could easily live without seeing another cache :tired: , I on the other hand scan daily for a new one... :tired:


    Most of my friends that cache have a sig. other that is just not into it so we all cache solo...no big deal but then we are mostly guys, and big ones at that...


    I would check the local forums to find a "buddy" in your area. It is almost always more fun with company...

  2. What is the difference between buying the answers to a puzzle, finding the final cache and signing; and paying somebody to bring you the cache from the cliff (or wherever) and signing the log...


    Why not just pay someone to cache for you...


    I usually cache alone but sometimes (<5%) my family comes along...1 or 4 we log a :tired: if any one finds it. BUT, we have only one account and I am always one of the four. We always anchor the boat and all participate in the hunt, if it is on the side of a cliff, I get to retrieve the cache but we sign the log describing how the team got the cache...


    If a TEAM of cachers each has individual accounts then it is on a individual finders basis...if mom was elsewhere watching the kids, nope...If CR is napping in the truck, nope for him... If I didn't cross the ravine or climb the rock, nope...if I stayed to guard the boat, nope...

  3. Ok, question.....


    I just hid a cache with my mom, its her first cache, the cache is under her profile, and she hid it. However, I helped her, cause its her first hide, and my name is listed as one of the hiders on the page. I don't want to log it, i helped hide it, so, how do i get it off my page, its annoying when i filter my finds from home coords except that one cache keeps popping up, how do i get rid of it?


    I know of no way to get it off your list except to log it as a find (which would not be too cool) or to steal the cache and have it archived (another poor option).


    You could change it to an offset cache where the posted coords are a long way from the center of your Geocaching world...


    So, I only let my team members help me hide caches (we are one account but I do ~95% solo) and I rarely help others hide one unless its to provide general guidance.

  4. I have several WCA caches and they can be found by the terrain-1 . I always try to educate other area cachers when their cache is listed as a 1 and shouldn't be or is and is not listed as such because I know some folks rely on that...I may have to go back and specifically say WCA on the pages to be clear because I had not considered that some might rate it a 1 even if you have to go over the edge of a bridge but is otherwise very easy terrain...


    I like micros of many varietys for WCA caches...But I just found 6 ammo boxes that I lost and will try to hide one within reach just for the challenge of it!

  5. Man...I just had lunch with Mr. Sparrow and he was very tight lipped about The Selector. We did discuss a Geocaching weekend adventure to a land of many caches...Perhaps some internet research in BASIC cryptanalysis. It will come in handy for several other SC caches as well...

  6. I agree with that...I follow the definitions and then apply a little common sense.


    I have always been a little perplexed by the 5 just because it involves a boat thing, but a little homework goes a long way towards determining what kind of water crossing difficulty you may have...


    In my area I have one that is 100 yds from a drivable island...I may swim that. I have another that is ~ 2 miles from the nearest boat landing on wide-open water. Cake with a motor but I have seen plenty of folks I would not want attempting to paddle that in a canoe, which is what I intend to do If I can't get a ride soon. Both a 5? Yes! IMHO...

  7. :o Wow...somebody call my mom! I have "made it!" I'm elite and exclusionist because I am not JUST a Premium Member but a Charter Member! And I make some of the Geocaching commoners who won't/don't/can't pony up some green, less than happy with me because I hide members only caches!


    Did I mention that I gave a non-member all the cache info for my newest MOC who has not paid just the other day, for FREE! I hope he is FTF! Oops, I hope they don't kick me out for that... :)

  8. :D How can you be so rude! ^_^:P Once I had a couple of caches that were taking a while to get approved and do you know what I did? :D I assumed my (wonderful) approver was on vacation and just patiently waited for her to live her life :D


    Its a freaking Geocache, get a life to keep you busy while you wait! :D


    Ok, I didn't think that was so rude... :P

  9. Is the cache a five mile hike or 500 feet from a road five miles in the country? If it is a five mile hike, then just enough of a clue so MOST come prepared properly for the puzzle that awaits them is in order IMHO. If it is a long way to the general area but you can drive there then being more cryptic is cool too...

  10. I have a few and just did a couple...it is obviously solveable and findable so just relax and watch the folks find it...I will do the puzzles as time allows and to me I would rather be out caching than in solving puzzles so the puzzle cache is not a priority BUT, I will do them eventually to get them off my "list". Water caches are now at the top of my must do list since I got rid of the close puzzles...

  11. If I'm going caching, I want to find or at least look for caches, so for caching it looks like a good place.


    But if I'm going hiking it doesn't matter if there is one or one hundred caches along the route.


    I usually discover cool hiking places by caching there first...

  12. I think the # on the bottom was supposed to match up with the bug # on the page (not the tag) but they don't. I think they got lazy and just slapped the tags on the jeeps and sent them out...all of the Jeeps in SC started out yellow but I think I might give the two I still have a paint job, not a switch job, but actually paint them to match the caches they will start in!

  13. Check the FAQ in the yahoo group dedicated to meridians of all varieties. I don't have the address but you can search. I think that constraint was removed with firmware upgrades as well as the limit on size of uploaded regions. Those guys are "experts".

  14. IMHO, generally what CR said.


    If when you go back and let the unit average again you should get very close readings but if you just take a "spot" reading when you walk back it may or may not match up closely with the averaged coordinates.


    I average all my readings. When hunting a cache, If I don't find it fairly quickly, I will set my Meridian down and let it average and see where it points...sometimes very different from the spot readings. Plus with a magellan you have to contend with the slingshot factor when moving and stopping...


    Hope this helps

  15. If you have a Magellan then you have to use their mapping software in the GPS. The choice is (for USA) Topo, S&D, and depending on your unit it may support Direct Route.


    There are many options for on PC work...

  16. Wrong! You can load many different regions and change back and forth so get as much as you want to afford. I have a Plat w/128 card and wish I had more. I have most of the east coast states from florida to Va loaded on my card with some to the west too...centered on SC, my home area...

  17. I would specifically seek a travel bugged cache before another if I were on or going on vacation. I don't see a problem with an owner grabbing a bug in his/her cache if they are planning on moving it but to just grab one to score more finds...yawn <_<

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