The Commissar!
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Posts posted by The Commissar!
press and hold the goto button...change the coords to the ones for the waypoint you want to hunt...
If you think you might really like doing this or have other uses for a good GPSr, I would get a more full featured model...but that can be big $$$ if you step all the way up. When you choose a GPSr you choose a system. You are "stuck" with the specific manufacturers maps and add-ons in most cases so do research and choose what works for YOU. Make some local contacts and check out other peoples units...it will be well worth your time. I personally like the Magellan line and currently own two Plats (discontinued models). For every lover there is a hater so look and choose for your needs...
The Commissar!
I agree, bigger is better for map coverage and you should be able to find some great deals for the next 10 or so days...Last Christmas I got some 512mb SD cards for $24 after rebate from brick & mortar store. That was a smokin deal back then and not bad now!
2 dogs and one cat, good luck!
FYI: The reason they went to a sub-committee was to fine tune the various amendment proposals into one they all could live with. I am sure they have already worked this out and the meeting is simply a formality. But, since general session does not start till noon on Tuesday we have up to two hours to show the Honorable Senators that we are NOT a bunch of nocturnal grave digging hooligans and that we are environmentalists, conservationists, and eco-tourists that care about our state and its historical and natural resources.
The House and Senate will be in Session
until June 2, 2005.
This should get you close to the entrance to the building!
N 33 59.937
W 081 01.987
A sub-committee was formed and will likely meet today after general session or in the morning. This has not been established yet ...
The sub committee will consist of the following:
Chair - Senator James H. "Jim" Ritchie, Jr.
District 13 - Greenville, Spartanburg & Union Cos.
Contact Address:
(H) 302 South Pine St., Spartanburg, 29302
Bus. (864) 585-2275 Home (864) 585-6047
© 608 Gressette Bldg., Columbia, 29202
Bus. (803) 212-6032 Home
E-Mail Address: JHR@scsenate.org
Senator Joel Lourie
District 22 - Kershaw & Richland Cos.
Contact Address:
(H) P.O. Box 6212, Columbia, 29260
Bus. (803) 765-9200 ext.257 Home (803) 787-5802
© 504 Gressette Bldg., Columbia, 29202
Bus. (803) 212-6116 Home
E-Mail Address: JBL@scsenate.org
Senator Vincent A. Sheheen
District 27 - Chesterfield, Kershaw & Lancaster Cos.
Contact Address:
(H) P.O. Drawer 10, Camden, 29020
Bus. (803) 432-4391 Home
© 506 Gressette Bldg., Columbia, 29202
Bus. (803) 212-6124 Home
E-Mail Address: VS@scsenate.org
Senator Kevin L. Bryant
District 3 - Anderson Co.
Contact Address:
(H) 104-A North Ave., Anderson, 29625
Bus. (864) 202-8394 Home (864) 225-0990
© 501 Gressette Bldg., Columbia, 29202
Bus. (803) 212-6100 Home
E-Mail Address: BRYANTK@scsenate.org
Senator George E. "Chip" Campsen III
District 43 - Berkeley & Charleston Cos.
Contact Address:
(H) 360 Concord St., Suite 201, Charleston, 29401
Bus. (843) 722-0123 Home (843) 886-8454
© 604 Gressette Bldg., Columbia, 29202
Bus. (803) 212-6016 Home
E-Mail Address: CAMPSEN@scsenate.org
So now if you would kindly use the above link to send a message from all across the world that we don't appreciate being treated this way.
just come on...there will be no new law by then!
BTW all I did was make some calls and ask some questions to get the publicly available video of the proceeding...Pdog did the edit and CR provided a home...they did the real work and all Thanks go to them...
Thanks Guys!
Ditto and Thanks for understanding GrizzlyJohn. I took your post as you intended it and in any other thread we would all be much cooler about the whole thing...
Happy belated BD, GH28...I ate cake in your honor unknowingly!
I was there and it is true. Mr. Sparrow told them that we had not done this to his knowledge...and we haven't.
And one would not get approved in such a location anyway because we police ourselves pretty darn well and have approvers that do a good job of asking the correct questions to avoid this type of problem cache.
Please, please please, tone it down and edit these posts...If for no other reason than it is going to show up out of context and haunt all of us in SC and as Mr Sparrow said...be thrown out to all the Reps. when we will have no opportunity to respond. Just like when they added all the amendments to the bill in committee when the public comment period was over. That moment will remain in my memory for a long time...as a bad one!
The Commissar!
they are meeting tomorrow regardless of what the video feed says. They said it a couple of times during the last 30 minutes. Anything that does not make it through the House by May 1, will not go to the Senate this session...they have a couple of big issues to deal with so maybe they will still miss us...
he just said they are working tomorrow...
At least one senator who has repeatedly been made aware of H3777 has not seen it so that is unlikely. Lets hope time passes and they don't get an itch to work friday or saturday
just got out of a meeting...what page are we up to?
me too, I have spent so much time on this that I have had little spare time to cache in the last month. It has been an eye-opening experience and a wonderful civics lesson.
I am tired and ready to get back to caching...but the fight is not over.
I don't mean to be argumentative but in the context of the sentence if it were #3 (same kind) the sentence would not make sense…
2) 'Geocaching' means the activity of participants using a global positioning system (GPS) device to locate the geocache or another "geocache".
and you are correct when you said that they can choose when they arrest you! The dude with the gun and badge gets to pick first, then a judge gets his/her cut at it...by then you don't care, you just want your GPS to take you home...
you are very correct and that "and" was placed there by me by mistake.
(2) 'Geocaching' means the activity of participants using a global positioning system (GPS) device to locate the geocache or another specific location.
you are geocaching ifyou use a GPSr to find a geocache OR another specific location (in a prohibited area). Certainly unintended but that IS what it says. That means you can be charged for navigating to Hymens for a nice seafood meal if you use your GPSr once inside the historic area...
I do not see any change to the wording from its introduction to the full house except that they moved the full committee amendments into the body of the bill to replace the amended sections that were still in there this afternoon
Being in environmental law enforcement let me just say ignorance is no excuse for violating the law. If you violate you are subject to appropriate action.
Edit to finish thought...
The wording of the bill is easily interpreted as meaning: use your GPSr to find any specific location and you are geocaching and consequently in violation.
Sorry CR, I thought I read it in a forum but it was in an introduction page to the SCGA website...our state forum area...
in General geocaching topics
As a relative newbie when I plan the HIDE for a new cache, I figure in how hard or easy I want it to be. I state that and rate it as such, but It is much harder to evaluate the AVERAGE DIFFICULTY when you know where the cache is hidden. So what I think is a 1.5 may be harder than that. It's an opinion.
Experience will advance your knowledge of potential hide types and "open your eyes" to things you never saw before. And reduce your DNF rate.
But I find that having a nemesis cache keeps it fun. DNF's do not make a person better/or worse than another. And Geocaching is not a competition IMHO, it's just a fun pastime. If a DNF pushes you to a new level of caching experience you benefit!
So enjoy them and learn from them and laugh at yourself when you finally find that nemesis and hold on because the next one is just around the corner...no really...It's right there, don't you see it?!