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Everything posted by TheLoneGrangers

  1. I don't see where you can't do exactly what you want. Enter nothing on the first page when starting the search, just click "add filters". Enter the state name you want in the "search only in..." box. Then click the heading you want to sort on - "favorites" will get you the 1000 caches with the highest fav points, double click "placed on" to get the 1000 oldest caches. Use other filters to not see your finds, or types of caches you're not interested in, etc.. I jumped the gun with this comment. I figured it out. Just liked how it was. It was easier to me.
  2. I for one will be cancelling my membership. I live in SC, and every 2 years we drive to california to visit family. This year we are driving to washington to take a cruise to alaska. How am I suppose to search for oldest and/or most favorite caches in each state I will be driving through. I like to plan my caches in advance, not search on the fly. PQs don't work either as you are limited to 1000 caches per search, I know my state has close to 10k caches. I want to sort them. WTF. this new feature is garbage. period.
  3. I have recently discovered that many many caches in Southern Nevada have been archived "at the request of the local BLM" (per cache page) office. I live in South Carolina, and visit the Las Vegas valley as much as I can...about every other year. Planning a trip this year actually. I love the challenge of climbing the mountains on BLM land and finding a cache as much as possible. I accidentally deleted my entire watch list one late night several weeks ago, but I remember the cache locations. Many nameless peaks outside of red rock have been archived....anyway the ones I have found in Red Rock Canyon on Turtle Head Peak are gone as well. There was 5 that I found and several I didn't and all gone. Now there is still a lot of caches in Red Rock State Park, but NONE on any of the surrounding mountains. Some have been there for almost a decade. Le Madra Cache (not sure of exact cache name sorry its gone and not on my watch list anymore) Not trying to rant or ramble which I am failing at...but does anyone have any reasoning? The BLM page promotes geocaching...What I find ironic is that in the same month these caches were archived the Nevada BLM created a profile name and has 4 caches hidden. Just really disappointed...and concerned Cache examples Cache Example BLM User Profile
  4. thanks for the advice lieblweb, thats what i have planned, i difinately dont want to deal with a break down on vacation....my jeep is pretty capable, but still going to take it easy.
  5. karstic...i have a 4 door with a 3.5in lift and 35s, no lockers, I am still in Afghanistan, when I get home I will have new bumpers, fenders and a winch to install....I have plenty of pin-stripes not worried about that.
  6. Do you ride a bike? Maybe a cheap bike is good if you use it recreationally at a park on a paved path with your kids, once or twice a month. But if you ride to stay in shape 3-4 times a week 10-20+ miles or more depending on what shape you are in, a good bike is going to cost you. It's alot easier to ride a bike that weighs 5 lbs over a bike that weighs 40 lbs. But we're not talking a bike for staying in shape by riding 10-20+ miles 3-4 times a week. We're talking about a bike that someone would use for geocaching, most often used recreation-ally on paved or improved paths a few times a month. This thread reminds me of an old usenet flyfishing newgroup where newbies would come in and ask for recommendations for a "beginners" flyrod. I remember one instance when someone suggested a $700 Winston rod as a starter flyrod. I own about a dozen fly rods and the one I probably use most frequently is a $110 Redington even though I also have a Sage (which runs around $400 new...I bought it used for $200) and several bamboo rods. Well, you make a good point there.
  7. I am speaking more for road biking honestly. A light bike definately helps. And a light bike is going to cost you. At least from my own experience.
  8. I agree with your drug hangout comment, but the police running your plates and questioning you when you have done nothing wrong, is mearly a inconvience, sure it might tick you off, but thats not really doing anything, they aren't arresting you. Which is what you don't want.
  9. If it's not marked private property or no trespassing, sure maybe you still shouldn't be there, but the police can't do anything but tell you to leave. Although you could still get shot by the property owner lol
  10. Do you ride a bike? Maybe a cheap bike is good if you use it recreationally at a park on a paved path with your kids, once or twice a month. But if you ride to stay in shape 3-4 times a week 10-20+ miles or more depending on what shape you are in, a good bike is going to cost you. It's alot easier to ride a bike that weighs 5 lbs over a bike that weighs 40 lbs.
  11. brainsnat, great idea! It's so simple too! and I never thought of it LOL
  12. Larry in your situation I would have logged a DNF as well, that is a good effort, and I see your point, every situation is different. On another note, that cache sounds right up my alley lol...but I wouldn't attempt alone either.
  13. If I didn't get out of the car (ie. pulling up to a playground while I am by myself) I will not log a DNF or even note it. Or, if I am on a path getting caches, and decide not to even attempt (ie. like a really high tree cache, or something crazy I didn't prepare for) back to the playground comment. I am a 37 year old male. I will not search a playground cache by myself. I don't want to be that guy. lol
  14. thanks for the idea geodarts. I will check it out.
  15. Im kinda new to biking myself. But neversummers suggestions are spot on. I purchased a 400 dollar diamond back, and it was ok for awhile. Not many places to mountain bike where I live, so i started riding it on the street.....let me tell you how horrible that was...lol I went to my local bike shop and they let me test a 900 dollar giant road bike...WOW what a different the same 10 miles on the mountain bike that took me almost 2 hours to complete, I was able to cut that down significantly with the right bike. I prefer to mtn bike over road biking but being in my area road biking just works for me better. Geocaching got me riding, but now I ride just to ride.
  16. I will have to add this place on my list of places to 4 wheel on my trip to Cali in june! cant visit the geocaching website here at work only the forums, so i imagine there is alot of caches here.
  17. I overheard two of my coworkers talking about it. Something they wanted to do with thier kids. They didn't even call it by the right name, or know much about it at all. A quick google search of "caching" and I found what they were talking about. The next weekend my boss let me borrow his GPS from 1995. My wife and I found 3 caches that day, and as difficult as it was with that ancient GPS we went and bought a Nuvi for our car. Thinking that if we didn't like it, at least we had a GPS for our car. Well we did like it, and we are still hooked. I continue to do it because it has gotten me in to many outdoor activities. Hiking, backpacking, camping, kayaking, 4 wheeling, biking It has changed my life. It's gotten me in shape, and the thrill and satisfaction of finding that difficult cache makes it so much fun. Plus we have meet many cool people in our area.
  18. i visited the 2m cache 7 hours after publishing, it had over 1000 notes. I'm afraid to see how many it has now, and if I was the CO I probably would have archived it.
  19. I pretty much do the same thing, unless I am using my phone then I don't bother, because I haven't had much luck with using my phone to cache anyways
  20. Shouldn't the person that created the puzzle get to decide how much help (or even the solution) should be given so someone that wants to find the cache? I solved a puzzle cache a few years ago that, from what I understand, took several people about a year to construct. It's extremely elaborate and took me over a month to solve (and from reading other logs from those that also solved it seemed to be the typical amount of time needed), and based on the fact that it's rated 5* for difficult, that's what the puzzle creators intended. Then along comes someone that decides to "help" or even provides the solution to a fellow geocacher, effectively turn that 5* difficulty puzzle that took a year to create into a 2* difficulty hide. If that seems unreasonable to provide "help" such that it turning a 5* cache into a 2* cache, where do you draw the line? You don't draw a line, you allow people to geocache the way they want to cache. I create my caches for people to go out and enjoy. If they ask someone else for help, thats thier loss for not solving the way it was intended.
  21. The wife and I are planning a trip from South Carolina to California We will be gone for 30 days. Plan on leaving on June 14th or 15th, we also plan on going up to Kansas to grab Mingo. We are stopping in Moab for a couple days. I own a jeep wrangler JK and plan on doing some wheeling in Moab and in Las Vegas area and in the SoCal area. Im looking for anyone willing to trail ride with me as I will be alone. I'm on the novice side of wheeling, but I know enough to stay out of trouble. If anyone out there is willing let me know. Also if anyone has any recommendations on where to wheel, or caches not to be passed up 4wheeling or not please share, I might have missed something!
  22. I havent followed the forums in over a year, work changed that. No time at home. But the topics are the same. lol this same topic was going on last time I was here, and I wonder if people are still talking about alien heads in the nevada desert? lol
  23. Looking for anyone who would like to be a safety vehicle during my visit to the eastern pan handle to do some caching in Osceola National Forest. Im heading down from South carolina, and it looks like the main jeeping will be on the 4th. I am not up for going Solo, I am hearing there is no cell phone coverage, and the forest is pretty wet from all the rain you guys have been having. I have a lift with 35's but no winch. One of the cache owners said he would follow to do some cache maintiance, but i dont fell right taking up his whole day, so if anyone needs to find some caches let me know
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