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Old Navy

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Posts posted by Old Navy

  1. I will be there. So those of you who've never met me, you can recognize me by what I'll be wearing which are a Santa hat, snorkel, ski goggles, fake beard and clown shoes. I'll also be naked except for a skin toned swim brief.


    Boy, I can't wait for Brian to lead the group hike dressed in his funky geo-attire, should be a lot of fun and a real adventure.!!!!

  2. Unfortunately two of the series were muggled, and the CO Jon Lambert was not in position to replace them. In fact the CU-1 ammo box was found near the copper mine by a scared muggle, called the police who confiscated it, they informed the muggle that it was a geocache. The Muggle then felt bad and logged onto geocaching to say they were sorry...A little late to save the cache. It a shame that these 2001 caches were muggled. I have been in contact with Jon Lambert and replaced CU-1 with his permission see cache page:



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