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Everything posted by claud4

  1. great! thanks aberwak and stunod!
  2. i'd be more than happy to add a Georgia cache for this project !!! im in/near Atlanta ( in fact just miles from the cache craig hit for his 50state tb ). i've got a pretty neat idea for my cache , so just let me know when the time comes . Great Idea. c4( atlanta,Ga.) (oops , nevermind , just saw that someone already claimed Ga.... sorry .)
  3. just wondering if there is a list someplace of all the Project Ape caches . any help would be awesome . thx. c4
  4. got my Ape Nik coin a bit back . LOVE IT !! many thanks semper for making these avaliable . also thanks for being so wonderful to work with . c4 ( atlanta )
  5. yes i did indeed recieve the coin . sadly , the night i got it a very close friend had a really bad car crash , thus for the past 2 days i've been visting with him and his family and got sidetracked from the coin . onionpond , im very sorry for not being able to get it to you in time . i am posting a picture of myself and coin , plus a picture of my main geocaching partner . what should i do with it now ? drop in cache ? send back to the owners ? if release ? maybe i should send to to onionpond to start it's regular journey . thanks again glenn for sending it my way . take care this weekend everyone-- claud4
  6. i've used a few of mine in poker games . used an oregon coin , that JayBee gave me after i ended up on his front porch one day , as the dealer chip and used my Ga coin as a lucky chip ( to rub on and place over my downcards ) .
  7. sweet
  8. got an email earlier ... if it gets here with time to spare , the coin should be headed to OnionPond up to Minnesota ! will update . OnionPond , go ahead and send me your snail addy , so i can get the send out package ready . fun fun fun. c4
  9. claud4 you have email !! well, alright!!!! cant wait to have my grubby's on the coin !! thx to all !!! so, who's next on the list after me ?? anyone ? claud4 ( atlanta )
  10. will money orders work ??
  11. Allright...email me your address, unless it has not changed recently. sure wish we could see it way down here in the south .
  12. sad to say , i feel American Tourist-er may have made his last ( as well as his first ) trip . he made it from Atlanta , Ga to Portland , Or ... a one way trip ( guess his return trip ticket fell through ) . thanks to GoJaybee for trying and taking him to a geocache meeting . who knows , some day AT may return , but for now im taking him out of the meeting cache ( which was many, many months ago ) and letting him lay in repose at the Travel Bug Graveyard . R.I.P AT. c4
  13. hi all . i will be traveling to New Mexcio in the next few weeks and i need some recomendations of what caches i MUST do. i will be mainly in the Albuquerque area and westward toward ( and into ) Arizona ( think along route 66 ) . any thoughts would be great ! thanks and i can't wait . c4
  14. thx kimmy ! wrap it up and add a bow , i'll take it ! thank you for your time and efforts . c4
  15. hi all , gonna try again and see if anyone can help me out . i'd just like a simple but cool avatar ( got it right this time Jaybee ) that has maybe an explosive burst with a geo type symbol on top with my name in the center ( not claud4 .. just c4 would be great . lowercase. ) any help would be covered with much praise . many thanks ! c4
  16. I heard that's a real good movie "The Aviator"....... Hello claude.....I could'nt help myself... JayBee dangit , i hate it when i type to fast for my brain . great to see ya JayBee ! ( i've had a few people that were/are headed your way and looking for caches .i told them to take the Magical Mystery Tour . enjoy the extra vistors ) . c4
  17. hi . been seeing all the great aviators in here and decided i needed one myself . here are a few things i might like to combine : ~ c4 ~ exploding something ~ the geocaching logo any thoughts ?? thanks in advance . c4
  18. claud4

    Adding Pictures.

    awesome . thx , lil devil! c4
  19. i just got thru doing a virtual cache where i had to take a picture of myself in front of something , my problem come in adding the picture. how the heck do i do this ? some other sites i have been on have an easy upload thingy , but i couldnt find anything like that ? am i missing something? plz help. c4
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