I did not want to, BUT, guess I have to put something in. First Duane's "handle"... DON"T CHANGE IT !!! when I first saw it, I read the "ch" as in CHeck, not caCHe, after all it is the beginning of the syllable.
Second, while the TB is questionable, it is the name of the attached item, and to children, IT IS FUNNY !!!. It is only we "adults" that make a natural body function, dirty, just like farting, especialy in crowds or elevators. And for those that dont know, it is the very last thing your body will do when you "pass". Is this why it's called passing gas?
and third but definitely not last, Are we really becoming the United States of the OFFENDED? What happened to freedom of speach, freedom of expression? The american flag can be burnt, but we can't see or hear the word s***?
just had to say something....
ps, I did spell the word, just in case I get edited.