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Posts posted by marmetion
Hi all,
Have been dormant for a while, No vehicle, but now I am back with JEEP. Would love to find a caching buddy, have done a few in the Charleston area, like the hikes and boxes instead of drive ups and micros, if you are interested, and need a caching partner, just holler, off every weekend (unless I pull OT)....
Oh yeah, you can probably tell where I'm from.....
As always, your friendly neighborhood Marmetion
Don't just look down, the cache may be above eye level.
got mine today, they look great, thanks......
As always, your friendly neighborhood Marmetion
I got my 4 today, they look GREAT !!!!
As always, your friendly neighborhood Marmetion
But then again some of us do.......
As always, your friendly neighborhood Marmetion
ps in before the lockdown
could you give us the cache name?
As always, your friendly neighborhood Marmetion
any of the caches in Coonskin Park,or Kanawha State Forest are good ones
As always, your friendly neighborhood Marmetion
from the banned member's forum
I've now been completely banned from geocaching.com (after being falsely accused of having a sock puppet account) and have a bunch of caches that are available to anyone who wants to take them over. If no one wants them within a reasonable period of time, I'll archive them. If you'd like to take over ownership of one or more of them, let me know either in this thread or by PM.There are a total of 23 caches up for grabs.
The following are regular caches:
Fallen for You at Williams Park (this cache needs a new container) - in Langley near Hwy 1 and 232nd Street
Up and Over at Williams Park - in Langley near Hwy 1 and 232nd Street
Around and About at Williams Park - in Langley near Hwy 1 and 232nd Street
Blood Beach - in Belcarra Park near Jug Island Beach
Buntzen Blast - located at Bunzten Lake
Looking Down Lindeman - located near Chilliwack Lake
I have one multi-cache:
Irene Pearce Trail - in South Langley near 4th Avenue and 248th Street
I also have the following caches that require boat access (all are very low maintenance caches).
These are located at Indian Arm:
The Cliffs at Granite Falls
The Slippery Noodle
Those Noisy Jellyfish
Diamonds in the Rough
Oooh, I Can Thwayte
Long John's Hideaway
Kayakers Paradise
The following are water caches located at Pitt Lake:
A View to the Top of the Pitt
Pitt Stop
Tanks for the Memories
Lipstick Beach
Ben Gunn's Cache
Reelin' in the Gears
Victory at Osprey Creek
Get Yer Rocks Off
Between a Rock and a Soft Place
You will need to work out a transfer of ownership of the caches with the fine folks at geocaching.com
so if you want to adopt, the original owner has given his permission
As always, your friendly neighborhood Marmetion
I have always wanted to set a push button behind a movable rock, like the ones in the indian jones treasue hunts, but pushing on this rock would ring a bell in the cache, somewhere far away in the woods. the problem being that by yourself, you would have to keep ringing the bell until you had a general idea where to look, or when with someone else, they would ring the bell until you found it, then you could switch so they could find it also. BUT someone would just folow the wire connecting the button to the bell, now if I could figure out how to make it wireless....
bump for info
bump for info
put me in for 2 silver.... and 2 bronze....
As always, your friendly neighborhood Marmetion
I sent payment for 2 coins tonight through paypal....
As always your friendly neighborhood Marmetion
the phrase originated from the game of pool, but Charles Earle Funke, author of Curious Word Origins, Sayings & Expressions, claims the phrase derived from a specific type of pool -- namely Kelly pool. The rules of Kelly pool required players to pocket fifteen balls, except the number eight, in numerical order. The eight ball was considered unlucky and if a player hit or touched the eight ball with the cue ball, he or she was penalized.
Mr Funke goes on to say: "Thus, if during the play, the cue ball comes to rest on such a spot that the eight ball lies between the next ball to be played, the player may be faced with an impossible shot ... it is easy to see that 'behind the eight ball' would come to mean a hazardous position."
However, as in all things etymological divining word origination is not always that simple. Some theories suggest that the rules for Kelly pool were a later development in response to the already commonly used phrase "behind the eight ball."
Ain't google wonderful.....
As always your friendly neighborhood Marmetion
bump for more info
I GOT MINE !!!! came today, THANKS!!! Avroair,
As always, your friendly neighborhood Marmetion
DcCow, are you trying to tell me he arrived at his final destination?
As always your friendly neighborhood Marmetion
Ok. I admit it. There is a conspiracy around Travel Bugs.
I knew there was something going on with TB's. Mine came up missing, I think abducted by some notorious anti-geocacher that is out to take over the world one TB at a time !!!! I wonder if he has anything to do with court tv?
As always, your friendly neighbor hood Marmetion
Sent monies for 2 through Paypal
As always, your friendly neighborhood Maretion
Looks like geocaching is gonna take a hit on this one, get ready people.......
As always, your friendly neighboorhood Marmetion
No one interested enough to solve the puzzle, I'm wondering if I should just remove it. The potential for the skull to be misconstrued is there and if it's not an interesting enough element then I'm not sure if the pay off is worth the risk.
LEAVE IT IN !!!! Thats what geocaching is about. Finding things, everyone of us are treasure seekers, most are puzzle solvers, and to have a coin that leads you on another search or puzzle is just to dadgum cool. Think of 100 years from now, when someone comes across the coin, it could start another "National Treasure" hunt..
As always, your friendly neighborhood Marmetion
is this where we put in our orders
if so put me down for 2 and let me know where to pay
As always, your friendly neighborhood Marmetion
Is that per person or for the site, and if for the site, how many cachers can camp there?
As always, your friendly neighborhood Marmetion
calling all myspacers
in General geocaching topics
Marmetion's Place
As always your friendly neighborhood Marmetion