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Everything posted by kyk96

  1. We will definitely be sending good thoughts and prayers for your son and daughter-in-law! We had quite a long wait before we got minikyk, too.
  2. Congrats!! Babies are such a joy!! If our son was into caching, we'd use his regular nickname, which is 'Bubby' I think that would be a cool geonick. Or 007JuniorD Gotta say, for a girl I have to agree with PrincessPea. Cachr4Life Mini007 GeoMini GeoJunior GeoPrincess MiniD best wishes to you and your family! Kim
  3. Wow, this is my first time reading this thread (and I read the whole thing) - boy did I learn about a LOT of coins I never knew of!!! Wowzers!! I love to daydream, so here are some of the Geocoins my heart desires: Crake 2006 Suncatcher Cool (I have a lonely Warm) Crake Texas Bluebonnet (I love blue flowers) ANY jellies.... i just moved one recently and that was the first I'd seen one in person - kewl!! 2006 Alaska in any metal - they steal my breath Alaska coinament (BIG dream) Fluttershy Teal ANY of tsun's - missed out on ALL of them Jan 06 and Jan 07 Signal - i know that's prolly weird,but i'm trying to collect them all old MiGO seasonals ANY Munich and/or Bavaria coins Anthus Decoder Loved This Cache (any color) Castleman personal - '07 and '08 Whale Trail did i mention tsun's coins? oh gosh, the Spinning Top coin ANd, a Yemon Yime for Rod who has been such a good friend and help to me and my family And I don't see a list, but whatever TMA is wanting because he, too, has been more than awesome ok, y'all wake up now kim
  4. Thanks a bunch!!! I have some research to do! This is fun!
  5. Hey, we still have our tree up, too! Of course, that's mainly because mr. kyk hurt his shoulder and knee and can't get it downstairs. Does that count?? Congrats to ALL the coin recipients! It's still exciting to hear the stories!
  6. received my mission person's name. not sure how to find out what this person would like. this is my first mission..... how is this done?
  7. 1 gold Hogwild traveling coin (too cute - always wanted one of these - maybe i'll hafta get more to send out) 1 copper Travel Express (LOVE it - too bad it costs so dang much to get it over here) 1 gold Lord of the Cache (even BETTER in person!) 2 bn Cache Counter (one for trade and one to drool over) 1 bn Pursuit of Caching (very kewl) Mrs. kyk96 is a VERY happy girl today!
  8. I was on my way to work... 4pm EST... and realized I left my purse (WITH wallet AND cell phone) at home. No way to contact hubby to have him order the 2-tone i really wanted, and no money to buy lunch or supper or at least drown my coin sorrows in a bottle of mountain dew. drat. at least i can pre-order one. would love to see what the copper looks like before ordering, tho. oh, and no bubble mailers in the mailbox today.... a sad coin day, indeed.
  9. not being a smartarse, either... i totally agree with this! sadly, the original came out when my hubby was w/o a job.... so now it's sell body parts to get one. whatever you decide, our family will be on the waiting list for one.
  10. thanks for the reminder to check paypal! payment has been sent. can't wait til this cute coin arrives!!!
  11. got an Anthus Secret GeoAgent coin that I've been coveting for a looooong time. Oh it's even better than I had remembered when I saw one in GeoPigs' collection!
  12. WOWZERS!!!!! That is an amazing coin! Will hope to get one (or two....)
  13. kyk96

    Zazth Maze Coin

    drat, totally missed out on this coin. email sent begging for mercy and any spare you might dig up...
  14. email sent! excited to participate in our first mission!!!!! can't wait!!!!
  15. got my Let It Snow coins in gold and BN, as well as 2005 Caught Red Handed and 2006 Yellowstone National Park! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!! happy happy coin day! Thank goodness, cuz the rest of today stunk.
  16. In 1553, Giovan Battista Bellaso invented this popular cipher that was misattributed to another person. What was the name of this cipher? the Vigenere Cipher
  17. What type of container is usually used to symbolize cache containers? the beloved Ammo Can
  18. 1. What do the letters FTF mean? First To Find 2. What icon symbolizes a "find"? the Smiley 3. What three letters do cachers dislike the most? DNF (Did Not Find) GREAT coin and gREAT cointest!!!
  19. Congrats to the winners and Happy belated birthday, Scavok! I wanted to share this story, not as a bid to win a coin. It's just something that happened the other day that just about broke my heart and I wanted to share it because I know there are a lot of very kind people here and this story fits the thread. I work at a Christian book store and am constantly amazed at the situations of people who come into our store. One evening last week an older lady (had to be at least 80, i'm guessing) came in and I asked her if there was anything I could help her find. She seemed kind of grumpy so I just gave her my best smile and told her to let me know if she wanted me to show her anything. She was in the store about an hour or so and I didn't want to pester her so I left her alone. I was a little scared of the grumpiness. When she came to check out, she gave me a birthday coupon, so I wished her a happy birthday. Tears welled up in her eyes and she said that was the only birthday wish she had gotten all day. Then she started talking about her family being separated and no one keeping in contact anymore. I asked her how many children she has. She answered two, but she has no idea where either one of them lives. She said her daughter won't return her calls. At this point, we are both in tears and she says to me "I know this is probably dumb, but would you mind singing happy birthday to me? Nobody else will." So I sang happy birthday to her and didn't notice the other customers staring until after. Her name was Liviana and I told her she had a beautiful name. If anyone here is a praying person, could you remember Liviana? thanks.
  20. whaddya know - i ordered 2 if those earlier today!!! can't WAIT til they come!!
  21. Rod!!!! They found your coins!!! WAHOOOOO!!!!! We are so happy for you to hear such great news! In our mailbox yesterday, we got a Deaf Awareness in blue and a Four Elements (BN) from Geoswag - LOVE THEM!!!!!!!
  22. Oh wow, hubby plays and mini kyk DREAMS of rockin' on stage. cost will definitely be a factor for us, though.
  23. PM sent - LOVE these!!!!! Hubby and I spent some time in Munich in 2000. Sure wish caching had been around back then!!
  24. ditto, 1.5 for difficulty - 2 at the max. judging from the photo, that would be the first place I would look. terrain probably 1.5 or 2, depending on elevation changes and bushwhacking.
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