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Rebel Alliance

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Everything posted by Rebel Alliance

  1. Congratulations to Huge on his double century!! Keep up the good work!!
  2. I have amended a current script to show only unfound nearest caches from google maps. I have them in a temporary webspace at Unfound nearest caches They are in test phase at the mo When they are ready I would appreciate it if someone could host it for me.
  3. Congrats on your 1500
  4. We could do you these with custom messages if so required. Obviously they will be in perspex, but they do attract attention to themselves. Click Here to get a quote. I can assure you they won't be £1.50 a pair.
  5. We are quite prolific at the mo in the Peak District so it probably was us. Thanks for the comments Mick
  6. Always best to ask! I have a cache that is ready to go but awaiting landowner permission. I have no problem with this, how would you like someone leaving a tupperware box in your garden & then promoting it on the internet? Thought & consideration for others costs nothing but is worth everything! It also makes our community more freindly to the outside world
  7. Stumbled across the table by accident. We would have been way up there last month, due to me having to 'revise'.
  8. Thanks Bob and Capcom for your comments. And thank you for your order Bob. We are glad you like them and are happy with the service you received. Happy caching! Chris, Mick and Dom
  9. 34 Today (Mick) Mental Age around 12 33 (Chris) 10 Months (Eva)
  10. I have noticed that HP have discontinued the HP2210 which I was going to get. I have been advised that the dell axim x50 is similar in specs, but I cannot find out if you can connect it to my etrex venture via the cables available at globalpostioningsystems.co.uk. Does anyone know? Cheers Mick
  11. I started on a ZX81 and had the luxury of a 16K RAM pack. Great, after spending 4 hours entering code a quick wobble & it was all gone. Happy days!
  12. Just so you are all aware Greasmonkey functionality can be disabled by website designers. document._createElement = document.createElement; document.createElement = function(tagName, password) { if (tagName != "SCRIPT" || password == "My scripts are OK!") { return document._createElement(tagName); } }; This stops the plugins working. I would expect advertisers to start using this soon to override all those cool scripts that have been written.
  13. I have to agree with Pieman. We hardly ever make swaps as we like the challenge of the hobby rather than making a swap but I have noticed on logs that people leave upto 3 or 4 items per cache box per visit! Why? I feel that this is overdoing things a little as I have been to several caches which are full to the brim with swaps. It makes it diffult to be stealthy when you are trying to cram everything back into a box and get the bloomin' lid back on. Surely one quality swap which upgrades the items in the box is better than 2 (or more) tatty ones? Chris - A Grumpy Old Woman!
  14. We have just added a few caches & both Eckington & Lactodorum have advised against using plastic bags. You can get really cool waterproof cache boxes from wilkos quite cheaply. Did a test on one by placing it weighted down in a bath full of water for 12 hours, not a sign of moisture on the inside. They have clips around the outside & an o-ring inside. These do away with any need for a plastic bag (even though they are worse than useless).
  15. Thanks Hungry Catepillars everything is now clear.
  16. What model Ipaq & Garmin do you have? How do you link your ipaq to your garmin? I didn't think they came with serial ports?
  17. Looks like your site is down Mark & Lynn
  18. I am getting fed up with printing out maps & cache sheets everytime we go out, only to find out we were 2 miles from a cache when we return. I want to know what to look for in a hand held PC. I am technically minded so the level of replies can be as technical as you like. I basically want to run GSAK & memory map, not bothered about GPS, just want to see cache pages & view relevant OS maps. I may want to at some point download the latest cache data but it is not that important. Cheers Mick
  19. We can now accept images in most formats. .bmp & .jpg being the most popular. Awaiting feedback from testbed group, so hopefully will be contacting all those interested shortly.
  20. Raced out last night on FTF duties. Saw the storm moving up from the south. It was great Just got back to the car as the storm started. I love being out in storms it's great fun. Got home & continued to watch the storm move along the valley. Who needs TV when you can watch nature. That said I did miss Big Brother
  21. We have done/found a few caches. But we have done one or two caches by 'experienced' cachers that were absolutely abysmal. Whilst a few by 'newbies' have been some of the best. After all the rating system is based on personal opinion and what I think is a great cache another cacher may think it is bad. If people want to place them, then it is all good for the sport. If they are bad let the setter & other cachers know your opinion. All that said we feel that learning from others cache placements , we are now in a position to place our own.
  22. GPS just shows none geostationary satelites & no. 37 Used to cycle through geostationary ones, now just show 37. This afternoon GPS was stationary with a full grey bar on no.37 for about 30 minutes & no D's.
  23. So I live in south yorkshire & my GPS is locked on to satelitte 37. I get no D's whatsoever. How do I get it to look for other egnos satelittes?
  24. Might have one coming across the pond shortly. Will post when I have more news.
  25. Hi I am now "crossing t's and dotting i's" for the Sheffield and Peak District Meet which is to be held in August (but am awaiting approval at the mo so I won't release any details yet). Does anyone know where I can buy some blank name badges from? I think they would be useful for people to wear them so we can easily spot each other ........... what with Geocachers being experts on not being spotted! Thanks Chris
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