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Posts posted by T.R.a.M.P.

  1. One of my TB's which was placed on one of my rare holidays ( :D ) Portugal to England


    went missing on 6th July 2007 and Just over 3 years later on 31st July was placed back in circulation and off it goes !!


    Just shows you..... Now all I need is the other 10 TB's that I own that are missing to appear ! :D

    It must be something about Portugal! Nothing like as bad but our Silver Wedding TB was left in the Algarve with a similar goal and it seems to be much slower in its moves than other bugs.

  2. I used to have an add on that put a "right click" link option to "open link in Firefox" which used to be so useful as GSAK uses Internet Explorer as its default browser.

    I recently wiped back my computer and have lost this link and can't find out how to get it back.


    I've already tried posting on the GSAK forum but without any luck. Can anyone here help?

    I had exactly this problem but when I lost the extension at work it was still installed at home.

    You need Firefoxview

    I hope that helps.


    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you T.R.a.M.P. :huh::blink::ph34r:

    That was exactly the thing I was looking for and couldn't find. Works a treat now :):D

    You are very welcome. Just pleased I could help :D

  3. I used to have an add on that put a "right click" link option to "open link in Firefox" which used to be so useful as GSAK uses Internet Explorer as its default browser.

    I recently wiped back my computer and have lost this link and can't find out how to get it back.


    I've already tried posting on the GSAK forum but without any luck. Can anyone here help?

    I had exactly this problem but when I lost the extension at work it was still installed at home.

    You need Firefoxview

    I hope that helps.


  4. A while ago, I was completing the last part of a puzzle cache that took us to a memorial next to a pub. My son and I spent some time getting the information and plugging in the final location before getting in to the car for a short drive to GZ. As we got out of the car a 4X4 drove up and stopped. The driver then came to ask what our interest was in the memorial. He turned out to be one of a team that maintained it and was watching us from the pub, becoming rather suspicious :) . When I explained about geocaching he seemed to lose interest but still kept me chatting while Michael headed off and found the cache. :D

  5. Heading down to the south coast later this week (fingers crossed) and noticed some ring shaped patterns in the caches down there.


    Try having a look in the area north of Seaford/east of Hailsham - Bishopstone Circular and north east of that the Selmeston Circular

    Both very good rings with the added bonus of a several pubs about halfway around for a break :) .

  6. I have signed the petition - but how come my (real) name does not appear?


    If you go back and click on the confirmation link in the email that was sent to you, you should see your name on the list...





    I had already done that...

    It seems that the .gov hamsters don't work at the weekend as this morning I have appeared on the list :o

  7. A good point was made on the BBC Breakfast show interview that when you are stopped and questioned under the terrorism act and asked for your personal details they are held on record for a year. If your name ever comes up in regard to another incident then police will be aware you've already been stopped and questioned under the Terrorism act. It is quite a scary thought when all you were doing was taking a photo.


    The police officer interviewed said police could just carry out a casual questioning about what you were doing if they have any reason to be suspicious and let you on your way when it was obvious you were not a threat.


    Chris (MrB)


    I think this is the crucial point. Whether the police should be doing this is another debate but if they do take your name it could then be held against a suspicion of terrorist activity.


    However, this is all painting the blackest possible scenario: the chances of being questioned are small... the chances that you need to give you name smaller still... the chances that gets logged - you see the point. :blink:

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